Rick and Morty is funny

Get over it.

Reddit the tv show, no thanks

If you like it just watch it, you don't have to convince an online community of autists that it's ok to like it too.

women make 70% of pay compared to men for the same *buurrrp* work and that's frigged up! what's the opposite of shwifty again?

misato best girl

>if you don't like it just don't watch it, you don't have to convince an online community of autists that it's not ok to like it too.

>low iq plebeian from Sup Forums likes low iq plebeian reddit cartoon
makes you think

Why do you even care if some assholes on the internet find it funny or not?

this, but OP is a fucking faggot

She's not even in the contest for best girl.


>he posts an anime girl while arguing on Sup Forums
>it isn't even smug
Fuck outta here with your shitty *sips tea* meme

>If you like it just watch it, you don't have to convince an online community of autists that it's ok to like it too.
Then what are we all here for?

oh look, another Sup Forums underage thread!! guaranteed replies by retards waiting all day to discuss their pleb crap, but never watching movies of course

>rebuild misato

leans closer to the mic

rei-fags are kidding themselves.

>Not liking serious bizniz Misato
Nigga, you SEELE.

>anything ass-uka related
Way to go posting the second worst girl (after Rei, because Reifags are kidding themselves)

Reddit plz go


>you can't prefer one fruit over another because they're different things to compare
Also, orange wins every time, applefags are kidding themselves

i just filter r&m threads. its the same sad circlejerk every time

Somebody get that girl a pony, STAT

>physically cringes

It's humourous but I wouldn't say it's funny

I remember having a few decent laughs while I was watching it but literally the only thing that stuck with me was the car AI going to extreme lengths to protect the daughter. That was a good sequence.

This though, jesus christ.

>International press published articles about the link between Asuka, Trump and Anti-semitism


>alcoholic hooah
>best girl

You need some Asuka in your life, m8.

Fucking this

Little off topic, but still applies:

/lbg/ arthouse """""""cinephile""""""
>uses films as social currency
>doesn't care about actually watching films, cares more about how they make him and his profile look online
>the more obscure the film the better it is
>watches as few films as possible a month, more time to shitpost and boast about film taste online
>little to no understanding of cinema
>the extent of his film knowledge enables him only to box films into meaningless categories (flick, film, movie, kino, etc)
>little to no understanding of philosophy, politics, sociology, etc
>cannot analyze films at a deeper level because they lack such knowledge, can't even analyze them on a technical level
>uses online aggregators and review sites to validate their opinions
>pirates films, doesn't care about the industry
>complains about the industry, to enforce the idea that they are superior """"patricians""""

authentic filmbuff
>doesn't care how obscure or popular a film is
>will watch anything if it's good, will even watch crap for a laugh
>loves watching films
>because they have such a huge library of films, and have seen everything under the sun they are able to appreciate and understand films of all intellectual levels
>doesn't care about pretending to be a pleb or a patrician, more interested in watching films and discussing them
>able to hold a conversation about film
>engages in stimulating discourse that allows them to consider different viewpoints and insights without putting down other users for reasons of insecurity
>uses reviews to inform them of films but does not put to much importance on them
>supports independent films and values physical media for the higher quality, and bonus features

>i just filter r&m threads
>he says as he posts in an r&m thread

I hate fags like you

I like Asuka and all but she probably has borderline personality disorder

>blocks Dave's path

>babby joined /legbutt/ general and got blown out

>tfw somewhere between the two
J-Just because I'm too autistic to properly decide what makes me like a film doesn't make me any less of a filmbuff!

Wow, you literally just proved this comparison to be accurate.

>rlm imagery to top it all off too
>authentic filmbuff

>Sup Forums is still stuck in the modern era
>r&m is postmodern
yeah no wonder you dipshits hate it

>Drinks mainly beer

You dumb, son. Beer is basically a funnier broth.

>mfw he took the bait and still thinks he has the moral high ground

>oh yeah, you like that?
>you like that it's just Peter Griffin in a different voice, huh?
>saying some smart sounding things in the middle of incessant references

>grow up
>you're pathetic

>rlm imagery to top it all off too
>authentic filmbuff
>it was bait!

>hasn't watched the show

But of course. You could hardly truly hate it if you gave it a shot. It's better stagnate in your sense of superiority.

>blocks joe's path

You sound just like Arsenio Hall.

I never got into Rick and Morty because I'm from eastern Europe and the drunk uncle molesting a mildly retarded boy is too plausible of a scenario for me to be comfortable watching it.