ah loo mee numb

Am I missing anything by not watching Neo Top Gear and just going straight to The Grand Tour?

nah, theyre both shit

t. chevy cruise driver

Idris Elba


sorry user I drive for a living so I avoid cars as much as possible and therefore do not own one.
but keep projecting

Lmao working class pleb detected

gas all cagers

Grand Tour was alright, they just really need to tone it down a bit for the next series.

Quite enjoying this new Top Gear tho

the best episode of TGT was their special

>i love how my shitbike rattles so much it literally falls apart

don't shit yourself from all that excitement friend.

both of these drivers could beat the stig

want to put my willy in sabine's bum desu

Ill be sure to fling it out the window if i do so it hits you in the face

>flinging shit at others
what else could you expect from a braindead cager monkey lmoa

This is slipping back into old habits again. What's gone wrong, the first three episodes of this series were good.

Grand Tour is too hit and miss to work at the moment. One episode is shit, trying to hard and badly scripted. The next is well made and fucking hilarious, they just don't seem to be able to find a middle ground.

Wtf is a cager

A term road rash victims use for car drivers

a car driver.

this insult describes both their preferred way of transport since car is essentially a metal cage and the state of mind (mind of a slave, in a cage)

Back to /n/

Ta lads

>back to the board with the least amount of manchild Sup Forumsedditors on this site
oh no i feel so insulted

Good episode desu

Chef's on Film4 lads.