Random shit that's funny to you thread

Random shit that's funny to you thread

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why are these peas upside down

Attached: peasupsidedown.jpg (1024x583, 85K)

show balls

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i didn't want people to think i didnt have peas

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I know this is supposed to imply something I'm supposed to be offended by, I just don't know what.

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Reverse image search said this is curry. weird looking curry (at least to me) but what's funny? I mean yeah it has a rainbow flag, but there are thousands of pictures of food online that have rainbows... so what makes this funny? clearly, I'm missing something. Does any user want to educate this fool?

probably gay-related

Attached: beepbeep.jpg (614x421, 38K)

fuck captcha, wasting my time

Attached: cookingwithhitler.jpg (548x365, 38K)

Well yeah, but gays post pictures of there food with rainbows all the time. Why is this funny?

nobody knows

Well, it’s gumbo that I decided to randomly stick a piece of candy on top of, because I thought it was funny. Maybe you guys are just gay.




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We're gay? You're the one putting rainbows on your gumbo.

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No lie, cute AF

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They are upside down. I thought I was tripping. Nice find.

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>trap thread #9001
>qt traps only that pass teehee just like me

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This is now a dubs thread.

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Shut the fuck up

Step TUU: Turn up da Gas!

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Vas ist Das?

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this picture is probably older than most kids on this website

God created rainbows dumbass.

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Cajunfags represent

And yet, they now belong to gays. Who has the REAL power now?

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Maybe if you loved God more he'd approve of your homosex.

laughed and saved


It's not funny when you say it like that.

god is gay dumbass

It's a joke, you fucking autist.

oldfag mod here recognizes the jam

I've sent this image to at least 3 people when i text that I'm omw

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