Sup Forums what are you guys living for?

Sup Forums what are you guys living for?
I need ideas

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Wife and kids. Pretty solid reason not to die. Highly recommend it.

just waiting for sex robots

Because the little voice in my head says to kill myself and I hate to be told what to do. Fuck you subconscious!

I'm just seeing how things play out. Not going well, but I'm too apathetic to have anxiety about it. But death is so permanent, so I guess a shit life is better than nothing.


not enough money for a family and no one loves me

it’s not that my life is bad. I have a pretty ok family life parents loves me siblings are annoying. I just don’t know what to live for i just don’t see a future with me in it

I do site operations for major music festivals accross the US. From the first week of January until the end of this month. I have November and December off, which I spend with my kid entirely. Its cool.

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Set goals to achieve, step out of your comfort zone.

Will try that

My physics degree, music and the quiet moments alone in nature. Drugs and alcohol definitely help as well.

Not living for anything. Just sitting here watching it all burn.

My best friend

no idea where to get drugs but I’d like to try lsd once

You and I would unironically get along very well.

I got drunk and told my Gf im suicidal, now I cant kill myself because that would fuck with her even more since she now knows I want to end my life. Since she knows she would blame herself too much v.s. me oing it out of the blue and leaving in my note that I hid everything on purpose.

hmm I’ve never thought of living for a friend

I don’t have anyone plus no one knows about suicidal tendencies so that won’t work

Someone tried to murder me once and I just emotionally sustain myself out of spite for the person who thought my life was theirs to take.

I've tried a half tab before and it was pretty great, a lot of visual hallucinations but not too much change in thinking as I didn't take a full dose. Twisting trees, folding flowers and technicolor sunsets. I'd like to try it again to fully understand the mental effects it can have.

I'd like to think so, I have an anxiety disorder though so I have trouble connecting with most people.

Start using heroin

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Season 4

solid advice

Morbid curiosity.

No money



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I want to molest and fuck a little girl around the age of 10.

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Dying isn't even an option for me.

Why not

Quads of wholesome

i just don't consider it. Life is good for me, although it sucks a lot. If there is a Heaven, I can go there by killing myself. I must wait for it. And if there's Hell, I don't wanna be there asap.

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I live for this guy’s wife and kids too.

u forgot to say "no homo". nice quads, though

self fulfillment and banter.

>Sup Forums what are you guys living for?
Every month we survive is one more chance that medical technology can extend our lives by a month.
Every year we survive is one more chance that medical technology can extend our lives by a year.
And so on.
Just keep yourself in good shape, save some money, fix yourself, and play the long game.

>Wife and kids.
As a counter argument, my best friend retired young and wealthy, and he says the wife and kids are the worst thing that ever happened to him. He loves them, but he realizes they keep him tied down and sap his money when he could be having a much more entertaining life as a single.

My bsf tbh the way she acted when I cut a heart into my wrist killed me and I never want her to feel that way again

I feel you. stay stronk user.

Right now am living for making more money. Wife and sudden kid.

And watch it, fellows. Sex makes babies.

I’ve had these thoughts since forever. I really don’t know what to do with my life. I don’t want to keep going. I don’t have the motivation anymore

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I’m just sitting around waiting to die cause there’s nothing else I want to do


>live for knowledge
>lose all knowledge

I dont care about death, I just want to learn

I’ve always failed at everything. Trying new stuff and still failing at it. Maybe One day I’ll find something I’m good at


no fucking idea

The next chapter of one piece

Happy meals and guns

I knew paying Jamal for this job wasn't worth it

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im living because of my innate biological drive to exist until my system fails to maintain homeostasis.
>be me
>neutral observer
>just living for life
it's that simple user

we know we get this one life, so there's no reason not to learn as much as you can. You're essentially saying death kills any purpose to life, which is very cynical. Maybe smile a little more user, life is actually pretty cool.

Im just waiting for my parents to die so they don't get depressed because of me, since they were good with me

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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Now that's what I call an asshole of a friend.
Yes ofc it's a given he isn't wrong with that statement but not having the foresight that this was probably a thing makes him an idiot on top of being an asshole to his wife N kids

Waiting for the worldwide financial holocaust

waiting for better technology so i can live in an anime world

True. I'm yung yung (under 16 above 10) and I spend almost half of my day thinking about my future.

I want to be a son and husband to be proud of, a brother and father to look up to and imitate and a friend to rely on and trust. I miss the kind of unconditional trust that it´s all gonna be alright and that people will be there for me and help me.
I just want to be part of a community where I can just leave my full wallet lying in the open for a week and its still the way I left it when I come back, where people ask where you´ve been and if you´re alright if you´re gone for a bit or act strange, where children can grow up without daddy issues and have faith instead of falling prey to defeatism at an early age.
But I didn´t find a place like that ready-made when I was looking for one, so it´s up to me to create it. And thats what I take pride in doing.

me 2
and trying to get by

my sister is suicidal and me as well but I haven't told anyone. But I know that if I try to acomplish something big and succeed it will ease the pain of life/the judgment of others.

Living so you can live longer is kind of retarded, user

I live just for his kids. His daughter in particular. I'm not a fag.

Too get my nut in and bail

i like to read the daily news

you play the biggest lottery drawing every night and if you are as stupid as i am you delude yourself into believing it will happen

Want to experience being healthy and fit before I succumb to multiple sclerosis.
I'll end up going to another country to legally kill myself. Don't want to end a fucking suffering drooler.

I also like this woman at work right now. We're friends but I'd like to experience that feeling of raw love again. She is really nice.

I'm also incredibly fortunate to have a healthy son.

I also want to fuck my side bitch without a condom again. Record it. Post it here. God that pussy was great.