ITT: Dumbass shit mods got butthurt and banned u for

ITT: Dumbass shit mods got butthurt and banned u for

My roommate (not me!) got banned because mods don't like bullshit stories involving underage girls. Only a fool would take anything posted here as a fact.

What dumbass shit have U been banned for, Sup Forums?

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Not pretending to be prending to be a pedo

lol it happens. I had a long ban for a bullshit reason and many short ones.

All mods are cucks

All mods are chads

Mods are redditors

Mods are fags who can't handle criticism. BANNING ME WILL ONLY PROVE ME RIGHT AND YOU FAGGOTS KNOW IT

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I made a post asking anons what Daisy's Destruction video was like, but I was very explicit that I just wanted to know what the video contained since any info about it is pretty locked away here, not links or any directions. Sickening stuff, but the ban was misplaced and annoying

I fucking spammed posted Spider-Man memes on the loli thread and got banned for child porn... I posted an appeal and said what the fucking fuck?!?!? And they took the ban off and than banned me for let’s get this straight....ban the guy that’s trying to ruin a fucking pedophile thread yet let the faggot pedos do what they want.... FUCK YOU MODS I HOPE U READ THIS AND GO EAT DOG SHIT

I swear the tumblrettes that raided ended up stay on as mods

Is... is that an actual reason that u can be banned from cuckchan?

Holy fuck why do I keep coming back to this cancerous site

I got banned for supporting Hong Kong. Fuck China

Sup Forums mods are literally china

To piss off the mods

probably b8. but in case its not:
fuck off new nigger

I once got banned from all boards for MAKING FUN OF Kitten Goddess. Figure that one out.

If they ban me then im right. Checkmate faggot

Really? Are there Chinese mods here, or was it something like "discussing politics on wrong board" sorta deal?

All i did was post this pic of Xi Jingping and posted Free Hong Kong

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How the fuuuuck is that bait?? I really got banned for spamming fucking Spider-Man memes on a loli thread???? And they said I was banned for posting child porn and then I appealed and they changed it to spamming... you really need a punch in the face

You would have to be new to post this

Wow your more retarded than that Greta cunt...

Got banned for a while for doxxing some chick named Samantha in the UK. Maybe you fags remember her as hamantha. The stupid thing is is the UK posts voting records and addresses publicly. I only posted public info.

yep. I once made a thread that asked is rape a social construct? got permbanned for cp because mods are asswipes that abuse their authority for their own petty purposes then go around bragging to people that don't give a fuck that they are 4-4-4c--channn modz hurrr. btw they sign nda and contacts that bar them abusing their powers so be sure to speak out against this bullshit. and why do they blanket ban for reasons of cp? because that is de facto reason to all ban appeals. fuck you asswipes. you'll never stop me from posting.

Not that I disagree, but ndas are to protect the company, not the employee.

my point is the abusive behavior of the mods may be condoned by higher ups. we won't know because nda will prevent them from revealing why they use these shady obviously abusive bans and also protect the faggots if they are covertly directed to allow such capricious bans for reasons we won't find out

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This is what I was banned for posting. Feel my everlasting salt.

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>and he did it all for free

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>reddittard mod got ass blasted at you posting troll physics on /sci/
That's actually pretty funny.

This got me a ban. I think the mods are incels

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True. I really wonder what the structure of Sup Forums is. Is it like a corp with weekly meetings and clipboards and shit (virtually), or just a private board with posted rules. I've been on enough private trackers to know it's organized but loosely integrated. I feel it's the same here.

Literally got banned for saying
"Get raped by all of reddit"

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lol, Sup Forums hotpockets are all FBI, they get paid more than you.

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>itt: Dumb shit mods do for free other than suck cock

It's two guys in some basement

>holding a grudge for this long

There's no forgiving faggotry

Yeah, but they have admins, mods, janitors, etc. How many are combing each board looking for bans? Sup Forumsmoves quick, gotta be quite a few.

It's part of my autism. You don't even want to know what I did to my grade school bully. Actually you probably do, well actually I don't care if you do or don't.

The asshole was nearly homeless, I invited him to crash at my place then shot him as an intruder. OK that's a lie, but I considered it.

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shut up janny

Eat your hotpockets Jannie

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Jannies are jews