You have 60 seconds to identify a flaw in this woman's perfection

you have 60 seconds to identify a flaw in this woman's perfection

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Too old

Let's see the ass to be sure there arent any ;)

She's not dead

what an interesting request

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All the air brushing to hide the bolt on scars.

Hmmm I'm really not seeing any flaws. So now I need to see more!

I bet it's a pretty popular request ;)

Wont fuck me


why so pessimistic?
same guy? from a certain island chain?

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Same guy. You must be psychic OP! Long time no see!

Still a little busy now... fun soon?

No penis


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I found 3 suck on me OP
>tits don't match
>ugly boney/veiny hands
>needs another nose job

When would work best for you? I can wait till later if you need.

But these babes need some attention! ;)

And besides that.. how have you been OP?

pretty good, does Amy seem fresh since she's been absent from your life?

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found 2 flaws
>doesn't have a dick

Mmm, i'ma leg man and I'm seeing shit legs. No muscle tone.

Are her tots not sized the same?

Well I'm not sure I could get tired of these babes, but it is extra nice to see her after such a long break.

Ready for fun whenever you are!



no penis

man hands

won't be able to make an official one tonight

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Fuck.. not at all? How does tomorrow look? Maybe In the morning or afternoon?

Fucking harelip! Why didn't you other retards mention that?!?
>identity a flaw

Hey guys! Blur checking in!

well okay maybe i'll make an official one hold on guys

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Sounds good to me

Seems like I got here just in time!

Haha you saved the night for sure