Women hate thread

Women hate thread

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it's always the same story when you're enough good

guro thread?

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guro thread.

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Is she dead?

Wait women or anime girls abused?

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Oh clam down INCEL.

Women are fine. They're just people.
Some are good, some are bad.

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Do you not have any other insults besides "REEE INCEL" Every time someone criticizes women's bad behavior? Guys get checked every fucking day nobody gives a fuck.

that's not a woman, you closeted homo.

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Meh Bianca fucking deserved what she got, she did fucked up things.

I don't get this one. Is the joke that she's saying she needs space when she's really just trying to say she's not interested in you but softening the blow?

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Not a woman, but maybe the mental issues could be beaten out of them.

If the convos are legit, I feel no sympathy for her.

She also sent nudes to guys, then told them her real age (around 15) Then threatened them with going to the police if they didn't give her money.

Sure. I can also call you a beta bitch, an impotent cuck or a sexually frustrated child but i think the point is still the same.

This isn't about criticizing bad behaviour, twerp. This is a "women HATE thread".

And the point is that when you're an adult, you come to realize that women are just people. To hate women is just to hate people and the only reason you differentiate is because YOU CAN'T KEEP ONE.

Simple as that.

There's actually a lot of young women just like her, at least that I knew when I was still in the dating game. Young attractive women basically win the lottery at 16-18 with every guy lusting after them that they basically get to play dictator.



ah, that's just a good business plan.

Now imagine that women hadn't been second class citizens for much of history.

It's called punching up, dude.

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No it's what it means when a girl tells you she "needs space" or a break, that's just her way of saying she wants to fuck other guys. But yes the joke is that she is in space

I never encountered anyone that was quite that toxic, I ran into a few purebred bitches in those days though.

It's not really a joke, more like a statement. When a woman wants to appear like the responsible, mature one in a relationship, she'll say to a man that "I need space", usually in a way that might suggest she'll get back with you once she in theory gets her life sorted in said "space" to herself.
But instead of how you might think it should be, her "space" is just a side guy she's having sex with instead, which is usually the reality.

Pic unrelated, just contributing.

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Look, if you don't understand it either then just say so...

If I could be a nice looking little slut I would do the same..
This trick is old but gold..

So...if a woman tries to spare your feelings instead of saying she wants to have sex with other people...that's a bad thing? That's something to hate?

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Woaaah ok fucking white knight bitch. Look I didn't even start this thread or title it but I'm using it as a platform to show young men what kind of women awaits them in today's world. You're just too pussy blind to see that women today are fucking god awful.

Is she dead?

It's just really deceptive and petty. Instead of being forward and honest, they'll find the "nice" way to put it to maintain appearance, yet still being promiscuous as if it's nothing, or not going to hurt those who are/were emotionally involved with her and.

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calm down cuck, defending women online wont get you laid

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no, she's a cartoon, she was never alive.

wow i haven't been on Sup Forums in years and it's nice to see you're all still fuckin scumbag incels who push people away with their horrible personalities and then complain about it being everyone's fault but your own
some things never change and that's strangely comforting

Didn't mean to hit the 'and' at the end. Mobile.

Men are and always will be held responsible for women. They deserve to be second class citizens. Like Socrates said "When you make women a man's equal, you make her his superior"
When women are given "equal rights" they are never given any of the responsibilities that men have and instead keep all the privileges that they had prior to 1910 ie cucks like you defending anything and everything women do because you're a slave to pussy.

op is mad that his dick is a clit but didn't come with the free dinner and drinks machine


lol nah, kid. You're using it as a platform to broadcast you beta male status. I guess when you say pussy blind you're referring to the fact that i actually know and interact with women. That i've had relationships before. That i've encountered good women and bad women.

Women today aren't godawful. Women today are just like you and me and you hate them because you can't get one or because you got burnt.
That's literally all it is. You're a sad little boy.
When you realize that women are just people then you'll be on your way to being a man. Give it a try.

Hang on, so it's deceptive and petty to try and spare a guys feelings.

Ok, and i assume you'd be praising her for her honesty if she said she just wasn't interested any more and wanted to have sex with other people?

lol SHIT no! You'd be calling her a slut and a bitch.

lol yes, yes. The white kight rebuttal.
It only betrays your beta male thought process: Because your inability to get laid is what makes you resent women, you think that must be EVERYONE'S motivation.

Nah, son. I'm just speaking truth. When y'all are older, more experiences...most of you will see it.

Not that guy, I hate all people, but yet I still feel empathy for them, how does that work?

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lol write that down and send it to your mom.

Not gonna get into an argument about how misguided that little diatribe was. But thanks for acknowledging the fact that it's NOT the same when a woman declares independence.

lol i dunno man. You'd have to ask a therapist. I hear many people find them useful.

Jesus fuck man why do you have these pictures?
Anyway, yeah because women will dress up things in pretty language just to not tell you straight up. I guess it could be sparing someone's feelings but it's also her saying she just needs "space", or sometimes "take a break" meaning that there might still be hope with her just in case she needs you in the future, like when chad or tyrone dumps her. Idk if it's something to hate but it's what women do to keep their beta-orbiters hanging on in case she has use for them later on, it's important that young men in the dating game know this kind of shit.

Are you dead?

It's interesting you pretend to know what kind of person I am. Any good and level headed person might understand the need to want to experience a relationship with other people, as maybe the relationship gets stale or someone changes too much, or whatever. If someone is honest with me about what they want and what I can't do for them, then they're free to get what they want or need.
It's deceptive because it's giving a guy false hope, and not telling the truth in full. So by saying she wants to "take a break" or "get some space", she's implying she's still interested to some degree, but wants to, obviously, take time for herself. Usually means like she wants to focus on a career or something. But it's just an art piece, I can't really understand it for you.

Dude I don't give a fuck about women. I have my sex doll, I have my life, I don't need them. All I have to say to you, because you're so pathetic and cucked is that if you have kids or have some in the future, get a fucking paternity test.

> Jesus fuck man why do you have these pictures?

Because they get my rocks off

> because women will dress up things in pretty language just to not tell you straight up.

Ahhh excellent. Are you under the impression that men do not do exactly the same thing?

And yes, they MIGHT be using it for self-serving purposes but again, are you under the impression that this kind of behaviour is unique to women?
Allow me to disabuse you of that notion.
Women are people. Some people suck.

I'm getting there.

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Why do you say "send it to your mom" are you a grown man who still needs mommy's approval? Are the women in your life just substitutes for her? Do you still need a woman to dress you and wipe your ass?
Fucking let go of female validation, when did men lose their sense of SELF validation?

Long ago, unfortunately.
Men of today aren't as strong or powerful and it's kind of saddening.
What's society to become when men are weak and powerless?

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So let me get this straight: You're sitting there with your sex doll because you cant get a real woman and saying you don't need them and you want ME to take YOU seriously?!
Aww buddy...
Ok, now i just feel bad for antagonizing you. Sure, i'm a pathetic cuck for pointing out the reality of the world you live in. To reiterate: women aren't bad or good, they're just people.
Good luck with your sex doll, sport hee hee hee!

It's just sad af. These cucks have no meaning or purpose outside of "pussy" they literally are pussy worshippers and will defend it until they're dying breath.

But i do hate people


John we will always remember you..

I agree, who knows why they're inclined to behave in this fashion. It's disappointing.

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>Why do you say "send it to your mom" are you a grown man who still needs mommy's approval?

lol that went over your head, did it?
Nah, kid. It's not about approval. It's a technique which forces the incel to associate the idea of "woman"with a real person in their lives. Likely one that they care about deeply.
Can't believe i have to explain this.
But thanks for projecting your serious mommy issues. Yikes.

Hey man, if you hate all people then that's a whole different issue. But at least you're on better footing than these poor boys who are just angry at women for being unattainable to them

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i prefer women cuddles threads.

I'm not angry at them, just concerned for the male population when they fall victim to their manipulative ways and end up losing money, property, and time.

It's all because of a hole.

I'm a grown I just couldn't give a shit what my mother says. Glad I didn't have one like yours though, teaching you to be a fucking simping faggot.

I prefer trap threads.

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I'd rather have bitchy women than non-women

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Well, I am a gigantic faggot and all.

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Seems so. Enjoy your homos I guess

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Not sure if this one is real, but I've seen shit like this happen first hand.

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It's real. Fapped to the video it's still up. She's kinda dumb looking but hot af wouldn't be surprised if the guy was such a puss begger he took her back lol

W o w

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I'd be surprised, too. Aren't military men supposed to be strong?...