Why do people do meth?

Why do people do meth?

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It's a helluva buzz.
Only done it a few times but god damn.

same as any hard drug: poverty, poor education, emotional/coping issues and normalization of mething it up in the hood

you feel invincible. try ritalin or adderall to get an idea of the feeling.

You gotta be a real faggot to wanna do meth

They try it once and because it fucks your neuro-chemistry so hard the urge to use meth becomes stronger than any other urge.

its really good to fuck on

Literally know nothing

Cause they don't care about theirselves to say no under pressure. Satan has tools to capture people and Meth is one of them along with other drugs. Prepare yourself OP even worse drugs are coming out.

> Satan
I don't think someone who believes in imaginary beings should be commenting on anyone else's inability to control themselves.

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Drugs and the high.

What? Are you 12?

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le ebin enlightened atheist here!

Look up "what does crystal meth feel like" on youtube and you will understand

Usually because it pays well, if it's a math specific career like CPA, but math is used it every field of science. The only faggots who don't do math are pseudo intellectuals, like writers, philosophers, or politicians

Because of you, OP. They do it in an attempt to tolerate your company.

*tips fedora*

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Okay 7th grade heath class

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they're not methheads, they're fortnite player playing once and they get fragile everyday like methheads.

Apparently, when you take the first pipe hit of meth, the high is so good you literally cum

That's easy - people are assholes

Why do people ask stupid questions?

>Satan is a being
Fucking lel. Religions are just an evolved form of societal awareness that societies themselves are subject to natural selection. They appear dumb for the same reasons giraffes have that stupid foot long nerve, in that they are themselves products of memetic natural selection rather than intelligent design. There is a reason basically every religion across basically every culture agrees on the same core values. Complaining about the term "Satan" is basically just a linguistic complaint. It would be no different from dismissing a nigger for speaking in a nigger dialect, and most athiests seem fully on board the
>Actually ebonics is deep and full on complexity and whites are just ignorant and herp durp durr
train. That's all Christianity is. A lose understanding of natural selection treating societies themselves as organisms in their own right, expressed in the form of Handmaid's tale tier "based on a true story" fiction, translated from greek which was itself translated from some ancient Jewspeak. It's dumb, but not understanding or caring why it propagated is even dumber.

Ask my very own mother.

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Drugs are for degenerates

Because it makes you feel incredibly good and two puffs won’t make your teeth look like that.