The first movie that portrays dinosaurs realistically will dethrone the Jurassic dynasty

Steven Cuckberg has been lying to us for too long. It's time for some realism in dino movies. Mark my words, there is a fortune to be made in portraying the real T Rex.

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The scientific name for birds is literally, LITERALLY "avian dinosaurs".

>implying adults had feathers
literally only juviniles and dromeasaurs

>being so desperate of showing off your "knowledge" you bitch about feathered dinosaurs

Find a better hobby




Look at Saurian if you want to see a wooly T-rex.

why didnt brachiosaurus have feathers, its a dinosaur too

dood bipedal dinos had feathers but not the quadrupeds xD


looks like a six foot turkey


come on, man



>where did the goat go??
>T-rex eyeball appears next to car window

Rawr :3


I don't get why people shit on the "dinosaurs with feathers" design. I think it looks cool.

Only hardcoded brainwashed hotheads will not allow different takes on the same subject

Feathered dinosaurs weren't very big when Spielberg made Jurassic park

Autism speaks

Predator bird eyes are scary to stare at.



didnt see that one coming

This guy here knows his shit

We have skin impressions of adult theropods. No feathers.

Yes, some dinosaurs had feathers. But lets not go crazy

An adult T-rex wasn't feathered for the same reason elephants aren't covered in fur.

is there any legitimate proof that dinosaurs existed?


There a ton of bones...

Dude bones lmao

Can you guess where that animal lived?

The only evidence of an adult tyrannosaur with feathers is from a region that would have been colder.

But how do we know that they were once living? And not always bones?

All bones comes from a one-living creature, user.

How would we know the difference?

Either they once roamed the earth and their remains tell of their passing, or God wants you to believe there were once giants roaming the earth so he put a bunch of fake fossils in the earth.

Do you REALLY want to piss off God by being that shitty little kid who goes "IT'S JUST A TRICK!" when the magician pulls a rabbit out of the hat?


What else is Spielberg lying to us about?

Post the WE WUZ version

based wewuz-chicken

Holy hell hes a big guy

Would you fight it?

What's his intro music?


>"we wuz" meme
That should give it away

You don't really believe dinosaurs existed do you? God placed the fossils underground to test your faith

Feathered dinosaurs are a Jewish lie.

Except there are no dinosaurs in any of the Jurassic park movies, so they can look however they want. Your missing the entire point of the movie if you don't know this.

God is an indifferent creatorthat does not meddle in human affairs. Does not care about your life, problems, or beliefs.

JP3 proved that wrong though
The fossil larynx was the same as the park raptors

"And if their genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. But you didn't want reality; you wanted more teeth!"
Research your shit before you go around looking like a retard

A full grown, 30 ft long Yutyrannus huali was found with a full body of feathers.

>to test your faith

He doesn't need to devise such crude ways to test your faith as being human is in itself the only test required. The capacity for sin is already built-in, why would he waste time making external traps?

It was Northern though
Clearly an exception
>trusting Chinese fossils



That doesn't mean shit. I'm not sayingTyrannosaurus was covered in feathers, but given that its direct ancestors had feathers, and animals are not know to just deevolve integument,I see no problem with a crest of feathers around the head or tail.

>I see no problem with a crest of feathers around the head or tail.
It's definitely plausible
But there's just been sooooo many rex specimens.
If there were large feathers, something would have been noticed

>Not watching the vid
>not clicking the source links
Stupid nostalgia baby

Not really. Hell Creek is notoriously brutal on delicate features and besides a halo around the body (which would be destroyed in the local fossilization process and subsequent years of geologic turmoil) there is no other evidence we can find that rex had feathers.

>t. Talcum X

It was well established in the scientific community, but consumers want to see their imagined fake Dino's and feathered beasts aren't as scary.

this dude. Malcolm even says it loud in the book, IIRC

>Implying dinosaurs aren't still with us

JW retconned TLW and JP3

The fact that the larynx is the same doesn't make them real dinos. Grant specifically spells out the "they aren't real dinosaurs" theme in 3.

If Jurassic Park were real, it'd be forced to use featherless dinosaurs to appeal to the market, counter to all science. It fits.

Grant was wrong in the beginning though
That's what the movie was about
They were real


Hahahaha. They were covered in feathers because they were literally just regular birds. The reason we find huge "dinosaur" bones now is because fossilization makes bones huge.
A T-Rex was only the size of a large dog

I hadn't realized 3 was supposed to be about anything other than cashing in on a valuable franchise. Didn't 3 have no involvement from Crichton or Spielberg?

>about anything other than cashing in on a valuable franchise
Just like World

This is a new one.

made me laugh

>le cringe xD


I actually prefer 2 and 3 to world. They might have been shitty knockoffs, but world felt like it was an unintentional parody.

Fuck off featherfag.

World was such a stitched together monster of scripts
It even kept around that dinosaur solider shit from the old JP4 script

It didn't have any identity. One minute being snarky about corporate sponsorship then the next having non-ironic product placement that actually takes over the camera's focus.

I think tigers would look cooler without stripes. Good thing reality conforms to what I think is cooler!

>I think tigers would look cooler without stripes.
I know you're using this as an example
But stripes are totally cool

It's why no one gives a shit about cougars despite being mini-tigers

Yeah you're right, its just an example. Stripes look good on any animal.

Same as John Cena's, except it's made entirely of clucks and crows.

>Stripes look good on any animal.
True dat

I could have sworn they addressed this in Jurassic World that despite more recent discoveries regarding feathers, they still had to fill the gap in DNA that resulted in featherless dinos.

for you

They didn't have to, they chose to because it makes them look cooler.

really makes you think......

Did you just make this?

I bet Steven feels really silly now that he has to remake jurassic park

Can't wait until Trump resigns, Pence takes over, and he bans this POS evolutionist propaganda.

way too expensive to reproduce with CGI, it would look shitty


It's kind of crazy how inaccurate theses movies are. I mean dinosaurs were clearly slow lumbering beasts who roared loudly. How else do you think they didn't eat all the people from the time before Jesus?

Too bad you're wrong about feathers, huh shithead?

>feathers aren't scar...

Evolution and atheists btfo

Are those time travellers on the left?

Nice argument. You don't even know my actual stance on the issue.
t. paleomajor


Your're stoopid

a chicken song lol