Ylyl go go go

Ylyl go go go

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Absolute gent

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Brit shoots from the 3 point line and scores.

I don't get why he acts so far left and then does shit like this.


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>I IDENTIFY AS _______ meme
Not funny
Trans rights are human rights


Trans are NOT human

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more pls

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this is by far the worst YLYL thread ive ever seen.

say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens

>trans rights are human rights
Being trans doesn't grant or remove any rights that anyone else is entitled too. They get made fun of like everyone else. Stop being a pussy.

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Bigots are on the wrong side of history.

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IDK why but I read it in Gilbert Gottfrieds voice by default

Then what is their binomial nomenclature

You think the worst trans people get is getting made fun of?
Trump tried to ban them in the military
They're not allowed to use the correct bathroom in some states

40% is a myth


read the file name

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You don't let people with 40% suicide rate have guns.
Logic 101

its 75

But you have seen it.

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Pretty god damn close though.

Good thing they don't have a 40% suicide rate

No it's not

post op, they do.

Nope, post op is found to reduce rates

You're the one pissing yourself over an old dead meme. Don't try to turn around and make this about something else now because you realize how weak you make trans people look.
No one have or should have the rights not to be made fun of.

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33% up from 25% a few years ago.

The more the truth comes out, that number will get bigger.

So your tactic is just to ignore tons of academic studies and claim everything is ok?

Doesn't surprise me, all this trans bullshit is an exercise of denial.

Only laughed because I watched inkmaster in all its product placement glory

Only half right. The joke is played out and cringey. Trans people are mentally ill and should not be joked about either. Advocating for trans rights only enables this poisonous idea


funny how even in a ylyl thread sjw's have to ruin the fun. how ironic

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Please provide said academic proof

>source: my ass

The trannies are triggered tonight

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I miss old tobuscus.

Trans people will be closer to having equal rights when their mere existence isn't a legal excuse to kill them in over 40 states.

PROTIP: Trans people have been around for thousands of years, read the Kama Sutra, it's a condition based upon nature's fuzziness-- and transition has shown to help.

Nope, it increases

45 states openly kill transgender folks just for being trans? God damnit I must be in the wrong state. I havnt seen any of the public mob executions!

This image is really fucking funny

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> wut is panic defense?

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He's British , they all strive to be gentleman worthy of royalty but in the end they are all a bunch of degenerated punk

>11 million trans people are killed in 309 states every single day
did you mean nation states?

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Yes and instead of lobbying to change that you're involved in a argument on a ylyl thread that started because you got pissy over a dead meme.
Are you **really** happy with your life?

You'd think so given their fear of Chick-fil-a

Underage newfag

Actually, if they were to use the correct bathroom, there would be no problems. See, I can dress up as a wizard, put on my cloak and wizard hat, and just have a blast larping around with my faggot ass friends all day. At the end of the day, I'm not really a wizard. It's all fantasy, just a game. The same concept applies to trans people. You can put on a dress, wear makeup, maybe even find a guy to treat you like a girl. But at the end of the day, you're not a girl. I'm sorry. It's time to wake up and smell your own nut sack. Living in fantasy only begets crushing despair once the harsh reality is realized. Hence the 40%.



>lobbying to change that
Bruh-- I live in an enlightened state where said defense is already banned. I'm not going to write to other state legislators so they pass a nationwide ban (it's been on the docket, failed, and is on the docket again.)

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lrn2 neuroscience and endocrinology

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how dare you post something actually funny

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Best joke in this thread

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Can't get a hard on without thinking about trannies? See a Doctor buddy. Seriously tho the only reason you say trannies is because you are a fag and it triggers you when i say die fucking faggot

Maybe if trans folks would keep their fake penises or axe gashes in their pants, they wouldnt cause panic in other people.

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oh please do elaborate. I'm waiting.

"panic defense" sounds like a weird term for killing a faggot rapist who lured you in by pretending to be a woman. How is it a crime to defend yourself from rape?

You're too late, the new way to derail YLYL threads is to pretend to be a tranny and get offended when someone makes fun of them.

Get modern buddy

Piers Morgan is an anchor? Omg. lol. They el desperado.

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I identify as weak b8