Audrey Hepburn

What's her best role?

Other urls found in this thread:

Roman Holiday? Wait Until Dark? The Nun's Story? Sabrina?

I don't know, I love her in everything.

My Fair Lady

>I don't know, I love her in everything.
same, although i've only seen Roman Holiday, Sabrina, War and Peace, Funny Face, and Breakfast at Tiffany's, I still liked her in each one

also OP if you just wanted to make a "Golden Age of Hollywood waifu thread", just say so

The one in your picture: How to Steal a Million

>always thought audrey was kind of cute but didnt know what all the hubbub was
>find out she's jewish
>now understand

classic beauties ftw.

how can she be Jewish if her moms not?

I get sad when I look up qts from old movies

cause they're either dead, VERY old, or have had a million surgeries

actually her parents were facists

Like you would have a chance with them if they were alive.

that wasnt the point

Breakfast at Tiffany's

post more qt vintage feets


I don't know

I prefer Grace Kelly but Audrey is good too

20!..she slayed the evil king and saved the kingdom with that roll!

catwoman was her best role, really iconic

and suddenly I felt nothing role

No, she raised money for the Danish Resistance as a teenager during the war. She refused to let her parents starve to death and she suffered with anorexia after that.

Two for the Road

was audrey hepburn the most beautiful woman ever captured on film?

>that gif

Damn, she was hot. I would destroy her. I feel like I need to get down with some of those movies now.

the CGI commercial

Idk, but she might be

whichever one makes me sound the most cultured

Why do girls like Audrey Hepburn so much?

It's like the only actress they know by name from old movies.

That's a good choice

I've rarely met girls who either know or care about Audrey Hepburn, and I've never met one who's actually seen one of her movies.

Grace Kelly, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor seem to be more popular among normies

Actually did connery die? Wheres the films at?

He retired, cause he's senile and always sick

Rear Window is such a masterpiece. I have seen it 50+ times and it never gets old.

Gene Tierney

underrated patrician right here

she is a graceful kind of beauty many women appreciate, in many ways.

Roman Holiday is my favorite


Funny Face or Robin and Marian

The Children's Hour.

Audrey is definitely towards the top. But the true waifu is this Swedish milkmaid.

It goes Ingrid, Grace, then Audrey.

Audrey Hepburn was a looker, but Katharine could really hang with the fellas



For years I thought Audrey Hepburn died young.

I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning as an old man 2bh

Iirc at this point in her life she couldn't do anything but help starving children.

The woman was possessed with kindness. But I think that explains why she was so genuine and charming in everything she was in.

Nigga that's a gracefully aged old woman.

look at that flabby sexy fat on her thin ass


did he die?

i wouldnt mind waking up next to that every morning as a young man. im not into grannies but she's a 1 in 6 billion granny.

It's a shame she never pooped a daughter.

It was extremely painful

This is news to me

Audrey is the reason that got me into rom coms maybe it's the setting or the writing what made it so special the ones from 80's and 90's are boring as fuck

Oh and the last 30 minutes set piece of Wait Until Dark is better than anything Hitchcock ever made in terms of horror and suspense, come at me faggots

That webm's shopped he fell into water

when will Lily Collins play Audrey in a biopic?

Once she gets all her whorish tattoos removed.

where did this "Sean Connery sodomized Audrey Hepburn" meme come from?

Came here to post it. Underrated

She doesn't have the charisma to portray Audrey 2bh

roon roon would be better desu

He fucked her in her tight ass, imagine his big sweaty body just pounding her small pale ass into oblivion


me too man

tfw granny Hepburn is better lookin than you

being an overrated bland skank

why don't you queers get a tattoo of her and marilyn monroe too while you're at it

T. underage

>I'm ooooooooold on Sup Forums


and there are thousands of cam models, twitter/instagram sluts who are hotter than this lady

>determining a woman's worth by how 'hot' she is
Yep. Confirmed for underage.

>TFW this could have been lesbiankino were it not for the Hollywood censorship that butchered the adaptation of the stage play.

Eliza Doolittle

I almost think she was just as pretty when she got older, albeit in a different, platonic way. Also, she did die kinda young - 63, so I guess she never got to the point where people really, really start to look like shit.

Mind you, she was a smoker, so looking that good at sixty was still a considerable feat of aristocratic genetics.