Why is this?

Why is this?

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It's literally in the text you dumb bitch.

>without seeking the limelight

Nice info..the difference is..Greta is the Antichrist.. everybody underestimates her spiritual hatred that will enflame the world...enjoy the show

Greta's white, and only white people really count


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>Jadav Molai Payeng
>planted forest that the government named after him
>has received several awards
>has a children's book about him
>has two movies about him
>given an honorary doctorate
>original forest wasn't his idea, he worked for the government on the project and stuck around occasionally planting trees every year like a hobby.

he is a pajeet, user. greta gets attention because she is white and because of all the haters like you who shitpost about her constantly. I her you faggits bring her up more than the actual activists.

The point is she hasn’t done anything

so? then it means the issue is about race. besides, they represent two separate issues. pajeet doesn't give a shit about climate change, he cares about deforestation and encroachment of predators like tigers as a result. he first got into forestry because tigers kept killing his buffalo. he blamed encroachment.

if you are going to compare her to someone, it has to be to someone who champions climate change issues.

I didn’t make the thread. You can compare her to anyone and she still loses because she’s just a whiny puppet. Zero personal accomplishments.

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she gave a speech to the UN. so that's one

>drew a teenage girl to be ugly because she's mad about climate disaster
your koch brothers check is in the mail. thank you for your heroic service

listen to this fag

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>draw a teenage girl to be ugly
They're just drawing her

how old is she, dude? there are many climate change activists out there with a shit ton of personal accomplishments; its not their fault all you mongs can do is focus on some little girl. she is bringing awareness to the issue, and like it or not even threads like these push the agenda.

but I get it, you are mad because some tard from a snow-nigger country as already gotten more attention on the world stage than your fedora-tipping ass ever will.

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just another soros pawn

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She’s given a few speeches, yes. If I go out and pick up one piece of trash off the street I will have done more for the planet.

he really got her grandma lips perfectly. i mean he inserted them to delegitimize a schoolgirl. a necessary and praiseworthy use of one's time

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idk, i think it's reasonable to assume 2 or 3 people went and picked up trash after her speech. so probably not

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I’m not interested in being a puppet for the global marxists, thanks. Eco terrorists don’t care about the planet, they care about controlling other people’s lives.

why do you want anyone to choose between them? that's bullshit, you are just trying to divide the people doing something for the environment. fucking asswipe.

said the man who gets angry when other people do things that he doesn't like.

>Eco terrorists don’t care about the planet, they care about controlling other people’s lives.
thank you for describing corporate oligarchs perfectly

Because there is an election coming up in the US.

Lets go full retard b/!

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She may be right, but it's just because she's saying whatever she found on the internet. She's still just an entitled stupid child.

>She's still just an entitled stupid child.
we are all entitled to not have the planet poisoned so billionaires can get slightly richer