Drawthread: Sup Forums edition

Drawthread: Sup Forums edition

Attached: sketch-1571242395170.png (720x1280, 158K)

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i want a clown girl titfucking a giant dong

Attached: sketch-1571243195187.png (720x1280, 113K)

tank you bro i'm gonna wrangle the dangle to this tonight

requesting teddy bear lewds

man, i wish pooping my pants would be this A E S T H E T I C
it's only
gotta have lots of art theory inside that forehead
or just hentai

that's a wrap
tomorrow's just chilling (i hope) and then on friday going to a brand new mall

Attached: shirtoff.png (500x500, 168K)

Requesting Ichirin Kumoi getting knotted and impregnated by a wolf

Attached: image.jpg (705x1000, 613K)

requesting this gay bat lying down on the ground with his ass up fully nude

Attached: 11561_e2ad0e31f6b2022a.png (1650x619, 394K)

Maybe Something like this

Attached: 1527164733979.png (1071x1114, 345K)


no idea who that is sorry

Requesting Tsumuri impregnating Mitsuki. Can be consensual or rape.

Attached: image.jpg (1244x905, 148K)

/r/ Karine from les Nombrils grinding against a guy's dick in a cowgirl position. No penetration, and it can be either of her designs

Attached: Kari.jpg (1632x2064, 577K)

Attached: received_998726813796630.jpg (720x554, 14K)

thanks for trying

Requesting Peach showing off her big breasts while Daisy shows off her big butt

Attached: 1110194_1346336882323_full.png (504x395, 193K)

Requesting her getting drunkenly impregnated by a shota

Attached: image.jpg (850x1322, 210K)

I literally didnt lmao

Attached: sketch-1571245954204.png (1280x608, 85K)

oh, well I still appreciate the gesture

This was supposed to be a drawthread. Not a request thread

are you new to Sup Forums


Attached: JPEG_20191016_102206.jpg (4032x3024, 1.04M)

Are you retarded

New zealand/10
Also needle dick

R8 too

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Did you know that punctuation is a thing?

so thats a yes

>Anorexia is a problem in New Zealand

I think shes a succubus and hes dying from it

Beefed up his beef

Attached: 15712472408616609682468658610626.jpg (2560x1440, 887K)

You should try /i/ or /ic/, unless you're one of those fags who doesn't actually want to improve in which case, OMG THATS SO AMAZING YOURE VERY TALENTED!

So you're not even going to go elbow deep?
What a let down.

If he won't I'll go up to my shoulder, just for you

>not looking to improve
not entirely, I dont have the time nor the effort
this is just to amuse myself

besides, i have no patients for faggots that yap on and on and on for 30 minutes, nor do i know where to start

>no patients


>Not going in head first
Come on. If you want to do if for me you'll put your whole head up in there.

tayla is that you

Oh, noes, you beat me to it, woe is me!

Attached: 1524988435197.jpg (524x646, 50K)

I'm Donald Trump.

I wish I was anyone but a faggot named James.

Attached: sketch-1571247648605.png (720x1280, 106K)

Why didn't you build the wall

What is that child doing to my tailbone?

you have to go DEEPER

I'm buildING the wall. It's a long fucking wall man. Shit takes more than a day to build.
You think Rome built Hadrian's wall in a day?
Fuck no. That nigger took months.
Now fuck China and watch these sick dance moves.

drew this for the grill edition thread but if 404'd so this pos is going here

Attached: hilltop.jpg (1000x1100, 334K)

Do you have a version without text?

why did you save it as jpg

Attached: sketch-1571248096687.png (720x1280, 116K)


Attached: hilltop.png (1000x1100, 272K)

Requesting General Set giving a nursing handjob

Attached: image.png (1024x1024, 560K)

Why are you punching through the tail bone! THAT FUCKING HURTS!

Attached: sketch-1571248238782.png (720x1280, 115K)


Great. Now you're climbing up my spine.
Just what I needed right now!

So close, just a bit deeperr

Attached: sketch-1571248423099.png (720x1280, 114K)

A liittle more

How do you faggots get better without watching some retard online talk for 30 minutes? I have at most 10 minutes a day to practice, any suggestions besides killing myself? I already plan on doing that next month when I get enough money for a gun.

Nice blog fag make sure you stream it.

>Buying a gun
Exit bags are cheaper.
Robin Williams Belt method is like $20.
Hell, you could doorknob hang yourself with a shirt if you were so inclined.
Stop being an overly dramatic faggot and just improve.

Git gud, fag.

All the way in boss

Attached: sketch-1571248703279.png (720x1280, 91K)

requesitng a lewd redraw

Attached: 1570935436027.png (800x600, 108K)

Ahhh that really hit the spot thanks

Attached: sketch-1571248800481.png (720x1280, 94K)

Do you even know where the asshole is?
Do you have chrones? Do you shit into a bag?
How do you not know where the poop chute is?
Why did you climb into my spine?

draw my pee

It sucks but it literally is only practice. What REALLY helps is going outside of your comfort zone, both in a technical and creative aspect. Try different styles you've never considered, or even styles of art that you think you're terrible at - attempt realism, surrealism, cubism, etc. etc. Try different mediums and tools than you're used to - clay, stencil, spray paint, acrylic, oil, graphite, etc. etc. Try different subjects - characters, real people, landscapes, animals, plants, etc. You just have to do it a lot, even if it is only 10 minutes a day - maybe work on a big piece 10 minutes a day until it's finished. Try anything and everything and you will improve. Maybe take the money you're going to buy a firearm with and invest in art classes or supplies?

exit bags come with the risk of being a veggie if found, which i will be, and i live in a huge city

I dont want to hang, it hurts too much

either post suggestions or fuck off, you gigantic fucking retarded piece of shit nigger

Get back in there you still need to clean it

I gave you two.
And now a few more! Get some boner pills and some pain pills.
Toss both back and wash it down with a liberal amount of booze.
Then slice your dick open while in the tub.
You can pretend to be a bird and show the world your flying skills by falling with style from atop a tall building!

There's plenty of ways to go through with things so long as you aren't an attention seeking little bitch about it.
Man up, grow up, do better.
Git gud faggot.

Ive actually been saving up for a nice, powerful gun for a while now, nothings gonna stop me

I do practice, every fucking day, I just dont have the time to take a class or buy anything but pencils and paper (they are supplied to us by our job for the most part, at that)

Attached: USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1034821850.jpg (720x1117, 21K)

If you really wanted to kill yourself you wouldn't care how much it hurts and youd already be doing it. Fuck off attention whore

ive actually been saving up for a gun i wanna do it with

give me ways i can improve with 10 minutes a day, you fucking retard, i already have a good method of killing myself planned

Patience then, it's not a race. Don't compare yourself to others, focus on your own skill and you will be fine. As for the suicide part, I hope you or others reach out to each other and get you some help that you deserve. Sorry mate.

aversion to pain can stop you, i just want it instant so i dont pussy out at the last moment

and your talking about attention whores on a draw thread, come the fuck on you faggot

And if you can fuck up an exit bag you're sure to fuck this up too.
How about this. Get some cinder blocks tied to your knees. A rope around your neck securely afixed to a bridge railing.
Throw cinder blocks over edge.
Pop goes the head!

The key here is a long rope too. More time for momentum to build to guarantee your head goes flying off.

That's... actually pretty clever.

and maybe instead of rope, i can do chicken wire

See. You always fuck everything up.
Chicken wire will break too easily and you'll just end up with broken knees and under guard for being a faggot.

Okay. I got the foolproof method. Go be yourself (a faggot) in Iran in front of a mosque.
Problem should fix itself and there will be no failure on your part.

If you really wanted to die the amount of pain wouldn't matter as long as it works.
Guess what faggot you have a chance to survive a gunshot wound to the head too. Thats infinitely more painful than 2 or 3 minutes on a rope, hell youll probably break your neck and die instantly if you do it right.

Attached: sketch-1571249682539.png (720x1280, 83K)

Chicken wire is highly likely to snap

Hes never going to kill himself anyway hes too much of a pussy.


draw a gaping anus

Requesting Asuka Tsuchimiya using a chikuwa stick to tell fortunes, or angrily biting one.

Attached: Asuka chikuwa.png (706x500, 222K)

Is that a used tampon

Counter requesting Tsuchimiya selling Chikuwa sticks covered in her pussy juices.

Requesting Misha holding a power drill in a battle pose.

Attached: Char_misha.png (180x300, 70K)


Requesting Hifumi Togo being confused about chess, or forcefully slamming a shogi piece onto a shogi board.

Attached: Hifumi shogi.png (1617x1368, 1.68M)

While Shikamaru from Naruto series has a smug look on is face.


>inb4 popopoka is summoned


>bumping a dead, slow thread

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Requesting Victor Frankenstein from Gegege no Kitarou (2018) in his muscular monster form, but naked with an uncut erect cock.

Attached: Victor Frankenstein Reference.png (1528x942, 1.37M)