So, why are straight males more prone to fuck a trap, but gay men do not

So, why are straight males more prone to fuck a trap, but gay men do not.
Gay men don't seem to be interested in screwing down a trap. They rather have your average looking guy.
What does this mean?

Attached: Kitty.jpg (796x597, 271K)

It's masculinity versus femininity.
What are you? Stupid?

Tits are gross blobs of fat.
I would rather a cross dresser that isn't on hormones.

>fucking a dude, at all.
Sounds pretty gay to me.

Because gays are into men. Traps are basically women with dicks. Dumb fucks usually think sexuality is only about what's between the legs but it couldn't be further away from the truth.

Thems some serious mental gymnastics
It’s 2019 just admit to being a fag. Or at the very least bisexual

if i was single and had ANY passable traps in my area that were looking for a relationship, I would definitely date one. I almost did but "she" had 5 o clock shadow I couldn't get over. regardless of penis size I think it would just be fun.

It means more preferences exist than gay or straight. This is kind of a attached to why people say gender isn’t clearly defined. Biological sex certainly is, but how people look and behave is rife with a variety blending. Varying degrees of masculinity and femininity exist.

inb4 feminine penis

Who is this? Name?

Because it's a feminine looking person with a pretty little asshole. If I were looking to get fucked I wouldn't care what they looked like as much, but if they want me to fuck them they need to be a little feminine at least.

>Nah bro it's not gay, just look at her hair and makeup. That cock and balls mean nothing

Because it is only half gay.

People are attracted to secondary sexual characteristics, to strip it down, basically everything besides the genitals that makes you look like a man or a woman. To pretend sexuality is all based on genitals and chromosomes is going full retard, that's definitely not the case. You don't see their pussy when you see a hot girl in public, you don't think "damn her XX chromosomes are fucking hot"
A trap has everything that allures feminine-attracted men the same as a cis woman initially does. It's not complicated. You're just clouding your judgment with reactionary thinking based on societal standards for masculinity and male sexuality built up deep within you your whole life that don't quite reflect the actual state of reality

It's 100% true though. Gay people date the opposite, FTM men, masculine dudes with vaginas

because gay men want gay men. not girls with dicks. how is this not a rhetorical fucking question?

All penises are masculine...

What next? A masculine uterus? A feminine prostate?

Fuck off with your reductive bullshit

Being gay = fucking full-blown dudes.
Being straight = fucking full-blown chicks
Being into traps = reaching into the skirt or sweatpants of the beautiful feminine creature next to you and slowly stroking her penis to erection, continuing to stroke and playing with her perky tits until she screams with delight and empties her feminine nuts in six huge spurts of girl-semen all over your sheets.

Why won't you just admit you're gay, or at least bi curious? You lost your straight card, no matter how feminine the man is you won't get it back. Your a man fucking another man's prostate

If you're into dicks, you're gay... fyi.

Everything else is just a sub-category of gay.

Men with dicks who act feminine, men with dicks who are masculine... or in-between.


All penises are male, not masculine. Masculine is not the same as male
Inner organs don't have the capability of being masculine or feminine, they just exist as a part of sex

You know how gay that last bit is?

The denial makes you more of a faggot than just admitting you like fucking dudes

Traps pretend to be girls
Gays dudes do not like girls

Yes, I am attracted to women with vaginas. If I started seeing a girl I thought was attractive, and then found out she has a semen producing penis, I would be disgusted. I don't care what you are but the fact that you wouldn't care just means that no you are not straight, maybe not full blown gay, but certainly not straight

I used to be a trap and straight. I was also a "cub" to several "cougars" although we didn't call it that. It was basically older housewives who wanted to be intimate (cuddling, nails, gossip, sex) with a girl-with-penis. it stopped shortly after I got one of the housewives pregnant. After that, I decided that I wanted to try being masculine again. It took me a while to become more masculine and even longer to start dating girls my age as a masculine man. Having been both feminine and masculine, I can tell you that everyone has a lot of both in them, both can be a lot of fun, and it's a matter of which you decide to express. And a man choosing to be feminine doesn't make him gay, or vice-versa.

What if she had penis, but couldn't produce semen?


because gay people are homophobic. lesbians refuse to fuck trans-women and claim their girl-penises are actually male ones

Because people aren't just attracted to primary sex characteristics like vaginas and penises. There are secondary characteristics that really play a role in how attractive somebody is.

Traps overtly display feminine and submissive qualities, show off their legs and asses, and wear wigs (or show off their actual hair) because those are things that draw men towards women. Simply having a vagina isn't enough. Would you fuck that trans dude that's all buff and tattooed with a beard just because he's got a vagina? You'd be putting your dick in a female hole, but you'd be fucking and looking at a man in every other possible way.

Men see a submissive, feminine-presenting trap that has made it clear they are all about pleasuring men? No shit you're gonna have some horny dudes. Same reason why some girls can't help but find more masculine lesbians attractive. They show features that they would find attractive in men, but in an exciting, unique package.

Human attraction and sexuality is on the curve just like everything else is. We're not attracted to a specific gender because it is that gender, we're attracted to it because it exhibits the physical traits that trigger the arousal parts of our brain. You're not attracted to women because "they're women" you're attracted to women because they have tits, hips, asses, that trigger your brain. Thus, if a "male" has all the right physical traits of a female, he will arouse "straight" men more than "gay" men.

The whole "gay/straight" distinction is entirely unscientific and not even that fucking useful.

not even ganna lie, this one got me.

do gay dudes not like traps? i hadn't even thought about that. who dates traps then?

so you're disgusted by your own penis? You never watch boy/girl porn?

lesbians are statistically the group most open to dating trans women, actually. Sure there are also tons of TERFs but that doesn't negate the rest of them

People who want a feminine companion and don't mind, or even desire, dick. Bisexual girls and guys.

No amount of surgery, chemical castration, makeup, or photo angles will ever change the fact that their natural self is a broad shouldered, nutsack dangling, adams Apple in the neck man. And if anyone can look past this, pardon me but you're not straight. Also I bet no one here would EVER argue otherwise anywhere in public, you know you sound like faggots

Men and other traps/trans folk usually

>who dates traps then?
From the way the traps seem to tell it, Nobody. Second is other traps, then some straight guys.

that's a pretty niche market. who do traps like?

Gay men are for gay men, traps are for closeted gay tops.

Well I certainly wouldn't fuck myself, no lol

>will ever change the fact that their natural self is a broad shouldered, nutsack dangling, adams Apple in the neck man
No that's not entirely true. Lots of men don't have broad shoulders, or especially dangly nutsacks.
>you know you sound like faggots
clearly nobody gives a shit about what you think we sounds like, caveman.

You're gay

so you don't masturbate either? Or do you just wear a blindfold so you don't need to look at your repellent penis?

Because gay men have no shortage of willing partners. Straight men, on the other hand...

How is that gay, if he's never slept with, or been interested in sleeping with, dudes?

they're not all the same person, it varies like with everyone

Also it's hard to find hard data on it, they always include "trans people sexuality" mtfs and ftms in the same graphs for some reason which makes no sense. Also doesn't take into account crossdressers when talking about traps.

Nobody cares, except you. There is nothing wrong with being gay. Quit acting like a faggot.

there are definitely more trap-chasers than there are traps


>So, why are straight males more prone to fuck a trap, but gay men do not.
Anyone who wants to fuck a trap is by definition gay, so your premise is not only flawed, but 100% idiotic. Kindly go kill yourself, faggot.

that's some wild stuff. can't help but wonder if in 30 years the ones who did the surgery and stuff will just wish they stuck with being a dragqueen.

100% gets it.

yeah online. That doesn't mean trappy can find himself a date. There's a lot of fetishists who love jerking it to traps online, but aren't willing to take one out to dinner.

in 30 years they'll probably be able to grow their dick back.

Sorry user masturbation doesn't make you gay, masturbating to traps on the other hand...

Also on that note, is there such thing as "self attraction"?

lol not another "I'm not gay for liking traps... am... am I??" threads
Just like what you want and who cares

> mental gymnastics

Nope. It's one move dumbass. And works on an enormous portion of men.

Wrong, most men I've talked to absolutely want to take a gurl out in public, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Ooohhhh so the short of it is "By societies standards I am gay, I just don't agree"

Yep, you're gay

Already exits. Big clits.

>Also on that note, is there such thing as "self attraction"?
lol yes, specifically for traps it's called autogynephilia, the attraction to yourself as a woman. This opens an entire can of worms, /lgbt/ never stops arguing about this topic

Not if they didn't plant any dickseeds. They have to have the foresight to do that.

If your attraction isn't influenced by the fact that they have matching genitals as you, that's pretty gay user

By societies standards I'm bisexual (except for the retards who think bisexuality is a scam), and by my own standards I'm bisexual. Because I also like feminine-appearing men who aren't trans

But keep in mind most transgender and transexual people don't want to be included in the gay rainbow coalition.

If you constantly find yourself talking about how you're not an alcoholic, you're probably an alcoholic. If you constantly scream about racism and accuse others regularly, you're probably a racist. If you constantly ask if something is gay, you're probably gay.

>most men I've talked to
anecdotal evidence, what's more of course they'll TELL you that shit. Saying it is easy. Its a lot harder when they meet said trap without Instagram filters or face masks and suddenly feel like the trap's not as convincing as they once thought.

But that would be in accurate. Its amazing how quick men are to discount anothers manfulness, but when femmy dudes embrace that, you try to claim them as men again.

If you're posting in a trap thread you're definitely gay

I must agree i found a porn a few days ago with a female to male transgender getting fucked and it disgusted me to watch it and i did NOT get a boner

Fags are attracted to men.
Why would they go for something that although male, physically looks female when they could go for something that both is and looks male.

I mean, it's gay either way, but if they're attracted to guys then they're going to go for the thing that looks more like a guy.

No, I know this by experience cowboy.

I sincerely doubt that. I've seen way more transphobic gays shouting about excluding the T than T's wanting to exclude themselves

I know this big flaming openly gay guy who freaks out whenever anyone mentions trans... or gender reassignment... or anything other that just straight up gay. He demands the world accept everything he is.... but the buck stops exactly there.

Lives on welfare. Claims to be a stay at home dad. He has a dog.

If you call people cowboy you're gay

How many transphobic gays do you know

Mike's the worst, that fuckin cunt

this is the crux of it
we need some stupid kinsey scale abomination variant that has another axis and splits out attraction levels/exclusivity to primary and secondary sex characteristics, like I know I prefer pussy but if something's pretty and girly (in a lot of ways, not just behavioral but enough subtle physical clues or indications of secondary sexual development) and preferably has some nice tits I don't care too much what's between the legs

LOTS of men are not broad shouldered. You are projecting an idealized label on to the reality. How backward.

Lol being a faggot doesn't mean your not a man, that's the whole point, theyre a trap and your a fag, and in the end you're all just gay men.

No you’re missing the point.
A gay dude could also be masculine. I’ve known a few. Or act feminine. Either way.
But this weird argument about “feminine dicks” and all this other nonsense is just pure faggotry.
You like fucking dudes... who act feminine and all that, or whatever else. Cool, good for you, you’re gay, or maybe even bisexual if you’re still into women, Idk why that seems like such a hard concept.

kek, you hit the nail there, because its not about any of the bullshit they talk about, its about Control. They're quick to discount a man's masculinity as a means to shame him. They flip their shit over traps because they lose their means to control him through shame of being unmanly.

I've argued it in construction sites.

You must be looking at him in the mirror every morning cuz you dont "know" anyone who is gay


Straight men are attracted to femininity, traps strive to look feminine.

Gay men are typically attracted to masculinity, which isn't encapsulated by a small guy dressing as a girl in makeup

Transfemme thank you

Yeah, like I said. Anecdotal evidence. Your experience doesn't mean jack shit. Back on the /cuteboys/ board on defunctchan the most active thread was the support group for all the boys in "the struggle" of trying to find a boyfriend.

85 replies and no images posted. I’m impressed. Good discussion thread

fucking MIKE, that shit head

Literately could not give two shits about a dudes sexual preference. I’ve got an uncle who’s a flaming homosexual, yet is also one of the toughest dudes I know.
Ya’ll are taking huge wiff swings and missing the point by a mile

So you love buck angel?

People are attracted to and aroused by traits of masculinity or feminimity, not necessarily genitalia.

"feminine dicks" is a meme to troll Sup Forums posters stupid.

My experience is much more valid than your inexperienced opinion

Okay guys there's 7 billion people on this planet, split it down the middle and there's 3.5 BILLION able bodied women with working genitals. Why are you perusing traps at all if you weren't bi-curioua/gay, it's not like we have a lack of y'kow, feminine FEMALES

Attached: naturally_beautiful_girls_640_11.jpg (500x600, 34K)

wtf are you talking about?

Why are so called trap haters posting in a trap thread!

Probably....except when you are not and are falsely labeled, which means rightly indignant.