Dan Schneider is Deleting Thousands of Creepy Old Tweets

Dan Schneider is Deleting Thousands of Creepy Old Tweets


>friendly reminder Sup Forums is always right

Attached: ImDirtyDan.png (799x449, 204K)

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If they are so creepy why wasn't it news when he just had them up ?

Dan “hold her tighter she’s a fighter” Schneider

Dan "Get in the Van" Schneider

Dan "I'll suck on her toes while I cum inside her" Schneider

Dan "Stick It Inside Her" Schneider

Why does this guy ever even show up on people's radar?
He's a fat slob that fucks girls, so what?
Why do people feel the need to take him down somehow?

Fuck kind of site is Tiffanyfitzhenry that would inspire confidence that what you’re reading isn’t complete fuckin horseshit there, squirt?

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*The tissues

He is Sup Forums hero actually. He fucked a lot of Sup Forums and Sup Forums waifus like the icarly or victorious girls. But some user envy and/or hate him because he defiled their precious waifus. That's why he is so often posted here, anons passionately love or hate him.

There was an atmosphere of tolerance for powerful pedos like him. Now that people are digging around, especially following the epstein revelations, these cunts are beginning to tighten their tongues.

It angers me to no end that Dan Schneider got to suck on Miranda's toes and I never will.

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I never understood this. I've always cheered on slobs that find a way to manipulate girls into giving them their young puss. It's encouraging. I'm worried that when I am old, if my wife dies first, I won't be able to force young girls into fucking me for fame or money, because faggots will have ruined it by calling everyone out.

Everyone likes to talk about what a gross monster Harvey Weinstein is (for example) but metoo ruined everything.

Don't worry about that. Casting couch is bigger than ever. Until now, it was an inside secret, only a few people really know about that, but now it's an open secret, so everybody knows how to play the game.

Right but.. The days of the teenage part timer working at the car wash, fucking the owner so that she can become weekend shift manager, are over.

kektimus Prime

no nudes? booooooring

I know that feel. Hopefully based user will share soon.

Attached: Mia Serafino.jpg (2048x1287, 1.83M)

call this number
+52 4422132877
Ask for jorge
tell him you want in on the industry
if he asks
tell him u can extrapolate with a sampler
offer 200.00 keys

Hi C, hope this all goes well you girls, it’s starting to take traction now. Also can we have another song on caturday thanks.

Cto. Moisés Solana 78, zona dos extendida, Prados del Mirador, 76070 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro.

well some of us are grown men that enjoy Sup Forums and shitposting without being edgelords that applaud child molestation

i'm fine with edgy jokes, but a guy who actually uses his power to molest children is someone who shouldn't breathe free air. weinstein is another thing, because, at the very least, as far as I know, he stayed away from kids

Memes aside is there any actual evidence that Dan Schneider is a rapist? Not everyone who is creepy is a rapist.


Decades of it just locked behind NDA’s.

What's that?

>it’s starting to take traction now

Did Dan first get it on with Miranda when she was in Drake and Josh or did he wait until the iCarly years?

Mia's boyfriend took MDMA with both girls and ended up fucking them both. Honestly I envy him, no this ugly fat perv.

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The correct faggots have it and their orbiters will start to push it mainstream now. Christmas will be nice this year. ;). Just hope you’re ok with it.

No proof

Calm down chadanon you make it to obvious and some of these faggots don’t deserve to be trolled like that.

Dan is too smart to get caught. I hope you are right, but not gonna happen.

>Mia has 217 and Miranda has 451
I wish I was him.

go on

>When is a Sup Forumstard wrong user.
In the current climate deleting 4K tweets about feets and the rest is easily enough to get him #metoo’d and for people to start looking at him...and then they find Amanda and it’s Christmas in your car, can you fit all us anons in?

I bet you do and m sure those numbers are a troll.

You're some post Chanology faggot, aren't you? Pls go.

Did they?

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Ah, the good old Dan is still fighting.

She’s not really that hot. Her friend is better looking.





This is a different preview from the one I remember.

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good ass. moar?

Saw icarly new show. What the hell is this crap, seriously?

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>2017 google
What's that, user?

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love the game.
post more clues, user.

New leaks when?

seconded. i want the huge Mega Set.

Forget his name.

>why wasn't it news

Attached: elon musk who do you think owns the press jews 1544916232616.jpg (1024x1011, 201K)

because the landscape has now shifted to where dan's antics are untolerable to the public at large

Thank you for not being a total fuckbag like a lot of the people here.

I think Dan really did love her.

If you think a 16 year old is a child then you're a goddamn fucking idiot.

Didnt save weinstein

Hi, C. Are you okay?

>Hollywood wax

>her friend is better looking
Nah, her friend looks like she'll age like spoiled milk
Miranda will still be babyfaced at 50

StarGraphics se encuentra en Santiago de Querétaro. StarGraphics está trabajando en actividades de Compras.

Great file name

Interesting. What's the connection with Miranda or Dan?

Wrong place. StarGraphics is a printshop.

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get fucked by porn actores in mexico at the DM3 event and look like pic related
>nikki sexx
>lisa ann
>miranda la mamadora
Dark Meat the movie

Dan "the Hymen divider" Schneider

Ole KFC Fingers. Epstein has the rich pedos scared.

>oH bUt WeInStIeN gOt bUsTeD

they were making an example of him you dumb shit

How convenient for your theory

Weinstein did nothing wrong or illegal. Maybe a moral vacuum but they were all adults.

you stole that joke from me

That jokes older than you user.

Never claimed he did. Either way I don't give a shit about anyone in Hollywood

And yet you feel the need to comment ITT. Really make the noodles boil.

weinstein pissed off some other kikes, he prolly shot over his rank
so they picked him as a sacrificial lamb for their limited hangout operation designed to cover up pizzagate
altho to be clear nothing much has happened to him, has it?
>Weinstein was later released after $1 million bail was posted on his behalf. He later surrendered his passport and was required to wear an ankle monitor, with travel being restricted to New York and Connecticut. His lawyer Benjamin Brafman said Weinstein would plead not guilty.[68]
symbolic condemnation only

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>Dark Meat the movie
>Dark Meat (2018)
>7min | Short | March 2018 (Egypt)
>Before his execution, Khaled, the independent working model, start to flashback the moments he suffered from gender inequality and racism in his illiberal country.

clown world

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I just dont like people to spread lies. Dan is probably a pedo but without any proof I dont see the point of accusing the man and calling for a lynch mob

Shut up Dan and post stash. There is to much proof that’s the problem.

Would you go to heaven if you died tonight? Why would God let you in? If you are unsure, then watch the vid below, you can spare several minutes from browsing Sup Forums anons


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Let's see it

if an all poweful god exists why doesnt he just delete hell? like actually, if he doesnt want evil in heaven then just... delete the evil parts. doesnt have to be a ritual or snap of the finger or anything. just delete it. then he could get what he "wants" and have everyone in heaven.

furthermore if he really wants us all in heaven then fucking delete earth too and move us to heaven. there doesnt have to be an earth or salvation or anything if he's "all powerful" he can just so much as think of earth and hell not existing and his fantasy is real. that is, unless the all powerful part is a bluff lol

He corrupted the industry, but he did not do this alone and those that accepted his corrupt deal are also responsible. So the supposed victims are actually part of the problem too.

Read the bible or ask a priest