I cant fucking take it anymore. see this? see fucking this?

i cant fucking take it anymore. see this? see fucking this?

this is the best pussy and ass i have seen in months, sure there is some uncanney valley with the anus since its so clean but holy shit this pussy looks so inviting, warm, and tight. and from the dimensions listed it can easily fit under my bed. maybe take a block of memory foam from an arts and crafts store and carve out some divots for its ass maybe shoulders. keep a microfiber cloth on the foam, maybe glue some smooth plastic on the bottom to slide..

Fuck all i have been thinking about was this doll for the past few days and the seller said they can come with different heads and shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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So realistic, jeez

back, standing

Its just.. fuck i been fapping to the pics alone and even post fap i still think about it

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sauce and price please?

how much does the doll cost? I guess something 2-3k $?

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820~ usd sticker
maybe 100 usd shipping


seller has a nice rep for selling dolls
they were pretty quick to reply with customization options

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>even a touch of brown for realism
>anal bleached ready for porn
fuck they are so... attractive what the fuck

How could you buy one of these if i live in Canada? (where this sort of shit is illegal)


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is that marie rose? asking because hair

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u cant

soo cuute


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Been looking at that same doll user. Pretty fucking sexy.

your collection is the best!

Soo...nice one Elon Musky..

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thank you. i will need to add more to it eventually

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>canadians voted for a government that found it important to fine and take away the freedom of people who stick their dicks in plastic

Lmaoing @ canadians

Fuck they are fucking expensive.

who want to buy?


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do you have in mind to buy another doll? who's next?

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ohhh, no I'm not really sure which doll i want next. there are a lot that i want tho

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pedo dolls. fuck. no thanks.

at the end of the day it's not going to feel as good as a cheaper fleshlight with more gizmos though. It's an overpriced plastic fleshlight. Get a decent fleshlight that actually stimulated you while thinking of the doll and you're saving money with better sensation.

My hand works just fine. Tnx.

cheapest option of all.

js that the doll isn't going to give the same actual pleasure as a decent fleshlight for 10000x the cost

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I'm about to fuck mine

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screw is missing from the chair. dont brake ur neck

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And why tf a haven't seen a webm of someone fucking one of this?

have fun!! shes one of my favs posted

porn sites have doll fucking vids

None compared to my Anastasia

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this, pornhub had a few tags

I want a danielle bregoli one

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are these the same body?

Westworld is here

Love the yellow dress. She’s cute as fuuuuk

lol but i would like to replicate a few korean titty streamers

Better than them fuckin kids I guess

can confirm the dolls are a better fuck


lucky guy


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lol actually i was trying to find a dress like the one she wears and that is the closest i could find. i need to get the hair things she has

I've only taken a few pics with that dress

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why do you have so many?

I want to hang out with her. Gorgeous.

looks like a screw for the armrests. No big deal.

i was worried they would ban them so i wanted to get a bunch just in case i can't buy any in the future

lol thanks

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ive had the same exact worry..

Feed that babe appropriately

Well, I feel like they're morally wrong to some degree so they probably will be banned sooner than later.

So what about them (besides outward appearance) makes them different? They're just dolls with realistic holes, no?

what's morally wrong with them? they are just dolls with holes

bacon is good

so buy while you can

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I think it's the idea that they're based around certain age groups. Like, I personally have nothing against them besides the idea that thinking that you're banging a doll that's based on a

they are just dolls so they don't cause any harm no matter how they look

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simulating immorality is not immoral. get this through your thick skull.

christians already had their hissy fit over video games decades ago and they were all wrong about that too.

Right, they're just dolls.

But I do pose this question, if you fucked a male doll, would that make you gay?

lol does it matter?

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Is it though? I mean, mentally I see it as immoral.

I don't logically see it as such, but emotionally I do. If I watch porn with a cheerleader of age simulating being a high school cheer leader getting fucked, it's immoral, and I feel fucked up afterwards, but at the same time, should I?

>if i fuck female doll does that make me straight

no you shouldnt feel bad. youve been made to constantly agonize and apologize for your bodys natural feelings and processes by your parents or teachers or whatever

you shouldn't feel bad if you aren't harming anyone or contributing to anyone being harmed

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You know you're fucked in the head when cooking food for a doll


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I agree, but mentally, between depression and what I've been raised to believe by teachers and my parents, yet at the same time I've never really been influenced by anyone heavily enough to make me believe that it's wrong but instead just naturally my brain sees I'm doing something and condemns it because it sees the smallest bit of immorality in it. Not trying to get into psych type shit with you guys, but yeah, it's one of those things and I'm glad you guys help to make me realize how fucked up I am to think something that doesn't harm anyone or perpetuate harm could be immoral.

fucks sake

you seem okay to me if you can think things through like that.

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That's actually my biggest fault, is I overthink and/or it takes me too long to think things through. My mind is at 1000mph yet I process everything slower than goddamn slow if that makes sense. Depression just adds another twist in there making everything I think have to be double and triple checked to make sure it's correct because god forbid I'm correct on anything.

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that sounds tough, but it's better than not thinking at all, i talk to a lot of people like that. try not to worry so much

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Very hard not to worry, but I don't know if it's better than not thinking at all. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.


Cum with me if you want to jizz

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lol that's all true, but i at least don't think you seem so bad

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thats a lot of kiwi

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they grow in my yard

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I don’t post much on these threads but god damn the first doll is an amazing sexy woman the others are fucking little kids you fucking pedos!

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Exposed bitch at


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shit costs more than my pc

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Oh good morning. I just woke up from some sort of "nap"

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good morning

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Please go outside and talk to a girl, user.

What's funny is to imagine them thinking "oh no I gotta wear this stupid outfit"