What's the best sci fi movie of all time?

What's the best sci fi movie of all time?

you just posted it

Dark Star

this right here

It has yet to be made.


On the silver globe or Solaris

No contest
>inb4 meme runner

>Turns into a space-magic-baby at the end

How about no?

>bitches throwing themselves at him
>chose to sit as a corpse on a throne for eternity

Always thought immortality made 'heroism' a bit of a joke. Like why wouldn't you conquer everything?


user, all power demands sacrifice, the universe rewards those willing to spill their lifes blood, for the promise of power.

Thank the Emperor for his.

>tfw Fritz Lang said that Metropolis was a dumb film because he was butthurt that his Nazi ex-wife wrote the screenplay

Inception, 12 Monkeys and The Matrix have to be top 10 surely.

Blade Runner

I'll give a nod to Naked Lunch, Dark City and Empire Strikes Back.

>Naked Lunch
>Blade Runner
>Dark City
>Empire Strikes Back

Is this a joke?

I'm not getting it.


spot the pleb

Name 3 better scifi films

I really love pic related.
I'm probably alone in this.

Decent movie.

Pretentious faggots will call you a pleb because it wasn't made by a french director in 1947, but, it's a decent movie. Ignore the retards

I'm still waiting, or have you ran away now that you've been called out?


> ctrl + f "space mutiny"
> 0 results

This might be the only hard sci-fi movie in existence.

Everything else is just lesser degrees of space opera.

It's predictable as shit and they depict a nuclear meltdown with a mushroom cloud, which is not an image nuclear power needs right now.


strange days

my critical view of :
inception - tries to make stupid fags feel clever, but thats a general problem of nolan movies, the whole point of ellen pages role in inception was to walk around and explain the obvious so that the brainlets could think "wow i get that...."
12 monkeys - i like it but it's a la jetee ripoff
matrix, oh com on !11! the wachowskis stole a shitload of ideas from different movies(like ghost in the shell) merged them together and slapped a load of pathetic phrases over it, the animatix flicks (2nd renaissance anyone?) have been better.... + if you wanna see one of the early bullet time effects watch "the bodyguard from bejing"

Yeah you probably wouldn't get it due to lack of taste.

Can Valerian save sci-fi kino?

2001 space odyssey


Science fiction should not be a platform for people like deepak chopra.

Also, fuck nolan he wasted kip thorne's time by discarding the black hole they made for an edited version that was symmetrical.

>I want it to be as real as possible
>oh now it looks wrong!

this or this

The Animatrix as a whole is better than even the first Matrix movie, and The Matrix is a fucking solid movie.

Ehhhh no. The matrix had a lot more original ideas. The Animatrix was just an artsyfartsy and unguided mess of explorations of those ideas.

The whole idea of a robot city existing for even a moment is too stupid to consider.

>The Matrix is a fucking solid movie
your opinion, i liked it when it first came out (yes i am that old) but it aged like milk imho

This is the best time travel movie that will ever be made.


>the matrix
>original ideas

Are you on drugs?

>The matrix had a lot more original ideas
which idea in the matrix was original?

the idea ripped from world on a wire?
the idea of machines in control?(colossus, terminator, asimovs 4th law .....)
the pseudo philosophical crap smeared over it?
the shitload of stuff they ripped of gibsons books? (unfilmable imho...)

The Terminator 2

>grungy 90s future with rust and peeling paint everywhere
bring this style back desu

The Runner of the Blade



No contest

>which is not an image nuclear power needs right now
>this movie is bad because it paints an energy source in a bad light

>fifth element not even mentioned so far

>bring this style back desu

They can't because that's how reality looks and movies now are about distracting you from that as much as possible so you'll contribute to the economy.

What makes the animatrix better, then? That point was raised without clarification.

That was more fantasy than sci fi.

You do understand the purpose of stories, right? It's to convey concepts to one another. "Entertainment" is just what the cultural marxists want you to believe.

It's mostly bad because it's boring and predictable and the whole plot is pretty stupid if you stop and think about it.

Why do they need humans? Why do they care? Why do they need fucking water, one of the most abundant molecules in the universe?

Strange Days

An inconvenient truth

I was going to post this
It's not a fantastic movie by any means, but as far as awesome concept design it's 10/10. You can tell Moebius and Mezieres worked on it.

Most sci fi is more fiction than fact.

In fact, only Marooned can say it's realistic. It all relies on Apollo-era tech and gumption.

Avatar, obviously.

The Animatrix is better because it actually explores the topic of man vs. machine, a topic it took the matrix films nearly 5 hours to even address, and even then it did it in such a convoluted way nobody gave a shit.

I love The Matrix, but the more you think about it the more you say to yourself "meh they could have done it better".

second renaissance pulled some strings on me


- asimov references ("racism" against robots and shit)
- grim philosophical reflection of mankind and its behavior
- something felt like dune references (butlers jihad....)

they had more freedom to explore the consequences of a matrix (the one episode with the runner, the one with the playing children discovering a "magic" place, that was an original idea....)

i would have liked if they created more episodes

Don't even know what it's about, but will see it because it has two top-waifus in the lead.

I think that the ideas portrayed in the animatrix are pretty lacking in depth and thought. Machines don't deserve rights, and we'll never make machines that ask for them or have the capacity to even desire them.

I'm gonna be harsh here. Your reasons are:

- Memes
- White Guilt
-More memes?

I mean, come on. Humans aren't any worse than any other animal on the planet, we're just smarter than them. You think termites would treat the world better if they grew to 6 feet?

>the one episode with the runner, the one with the playing children discovering a "magic" place, that was an original idea....

that was nifty, but only in a novelty sense.

I never said machines deserved rights, but it's fun Science Fiction to explore the topic.

i always hate to classify brazil as science fiction but if thats the genre you would put it into its easily one of the best.

It's a great movie until the clone thing

>- Memes
references are not memes......
>- White Guilt
that wasn't even a topic when the epsiodes came out....

man creates machines
man creates more intelligent machines
man creates machines which satisfy all conditions for being sentinent feeling capable beeings
man treats them like shit and slaves
one of the beings steps up for it's rights
man almost exterminates his creations
creations build a refuge
refuge becomes more successful than everything man made
mankind starts war against them
mankind poisons the own ecosphere to harm the enemy
enemy wins and creates an artifical world to keep mankind under control while giving them the illusion of freedom.....
agents smith refers to this in his "mankind is the virus" speech....

if that sounds like "white guilt" to you then you
a) gotta break out of your shitty pol-filter bubble
b) read some good books
c) need to grow up
d) leave the basement

asimov used robots in his stories to discuss topics like racism and slavery in the 50s when he would never find a publisher if he used "negroes", he simply shifted the frame but the average reader could get the message....
and that's what good scifi is about

>-More memes?
references are not memes......

>You think termites would treat the world better if they grew to 6 feet?
hmm if they where sentinent? maybe?
in heinleins starship troopers book the bugs arent that stupid and they win big time against the humans....

Edge of tomorrow is way better

star wars.

>references are not memes......

Memes are culturally transmitted ideas. They're not just impact font on a picture.

>that wasn't even a topic when the epsiodes came out....

But that's where it comes from. Describe the feelings of white guilt, and compare them to why you think an AI or race of machines would want to wipe out humanity.

>one of the beings steps up for it's rights
Right there is where we split from reality. We made dogs love their servitude with the cudgel of domestication, we can make a mind purely of our own skill that can conceive of nothing other than helping humans and loving every attosecond of it, no sweat.

>refuge becomes more successful than everything man made

That makes zero sense because robots and batteries are not more efficient machines than biological organisms. They would lose too much money just reproducing.

>mankind starts war against them
>mankind poisons the own ecosphere to harm the enemy
>enemy wins and creates an artifical world to keep mankind under control while giving them the illusion of freedom.....

Because we're so evil and horrible and that's not white guilt speaking at all.

>agents smith refers to this in his "mankind is the virus" speech....
Which is probably the dumbest speech ever given in a movie.

>asimov used robots in his stories to discuss topics like racism and slavery in the 50s when he would never find a publisher if he used "negroes", he simply shifted the frame but the average reader could get the message..
Who the fuck told you that?

>in heinleins starship troopers book the bugs arent that stupid and they win big time against the humans....
What from the book are you referencing? The Mormons?