Sup Forums, every single time I've tried to get a gf, I've been rejected in one way or another. What do?

Sup Forums, every single time I've tried to get a gf, I've been rejected in one way or another. What do?

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Lower your standards

My standards pretty much amount to "Who am I around a lot that I find remotely attractive?" Not sure if I can go lower than that without losing any self-respect

or grow your worth/value

Can't help but feel no matter how much I do that, it's not gonna help my self-worth much

you judge your self worth, so if you're constantly like "shit, I'm a loser"...well no shit you're a loser.

If you don't see that as a form of power, I feel like you're missing out on an opportunity.

dont put women on a level above you. confidence is key. women can smell insecurity from a mile away and its a tough thing to get past. take things slow. try just making friends with the women around you (work, school, etc) so you can get better at conversation and possibly flirty conversation

Confidence is key, do stuff that builds your self confidence; go to the gym, do some team sports, go out with friends more.

>flirty conversation
Honestly, I think this is my biggest hurdle. I have no idea how to flirt without sounding awkward or creepy

yup i totally understand, i have trouble with it too but i used to be a lot worse. my best advice is to look for places in the conversation to make a joke, and be sarcastic, and playful. I really like watching standup comedy because standup often makes jokes out of ordinary interactions and sometimes i can learn to be a little more humorous from it

Give up and learn to suck dick.

Ok, binge some stand-up. Any other advice?
Woah, woah, woah, user! No need to share your life story

>the gym
this helped me so much

Stop asking your friends out

These things tend to work better when you only know them slightly or don't know them at all

Download tinder

Get a hobby

Get a haircut

Stop giving a fuck that you're single

Good luck

go out more, be social, talk to people. don't go up to a girl with the goal of trying to have sex or even ask her out, just make decent conversation and good things may come out of it. realize that all conversations come to an end so if it ends, it ends. pushing it will make it awkward.

>women can smell insecurity

This is sort of right. Here's the thing, OP - no-one wants to fuck someone who's clearly uncomfortable in front of them. You've gotta stop giving a fuck about whether or not she even says yes and just fucking do it man

You'll regret the times you didn't ask far more than the people you asked out unsuccessfully

>Download tinder
Been suggested this in the past. What do to actually get a match that doesn't ghost me?

Don't think of it as flirting, think of it as playful banter

Unless you're genuinely attractive to most people straight up flirting - like aggresive compliments - will get you nowhere

Innuendo and jokes, however, just might.

personally, tinder hasn't been the most successful thing for me. i think a lot of girls use it for self validation

Start raping them.

Very little. Trust me when I say that Tinder as an average looking guy is a pretty bleak experience.

Don't get invested in any matches or any conversation you have until you're actually going on a date with them.

Ask for their number of when you're gonna meet up very fast in the conversation. Weeds out the non-serious people and means you have plenty to talk about on date 1 as you've not made much small talk

Before you ask: you open by making some sort of comment about something in her profile or asking her a question about something there. Nothing there? Good luck with that. Unfortunately I know women who have full blwon filled out profiles that barely use it and women who have the opposite who go on dates, so there's no telling.

It's all a numbers game, user. I lost my virginity thanks to Tinder. Keep trying.

Just focus on something else if you want a gf. Talk to girls like you would anyone else. Make platonic friendships with them. Eventually someone will probably get a little flirty with you.

haha white boi. give up.

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Could watch some Russell Brand interviews, that dude is a master at it.


Yeah, I've seen those incel catfish blackpoll posts, women live on easy mode when it comes to online dating
>Don't get invested in any matches or any conversation you have until you're actually going on a date with them.
Yeah, I tend to do exactly that; get attached too quickly.
>It's all a numbers game, user.
Yep. Unfortunately, I fear I'll lose all hope before the winning number is drawn...

>get fucking expelled from university for raping a girl
Sound plan, user. Where do I start?
Teach me how to be black then, white guy LARPing as a black guy.