Random free cam boi who's pretty much up for anything. I've see him do group vc and server shows for people...

Random free cam boi who's pretty much up for anything. I've see him do group vc and server shows for people. Takes all kinds of requests.

Just sharing for anyone who'd want it

Attached: JackWylde#1493.png (1403x1502, 285K)


Bump. Anyone check it out?

You know what im sick of?
Not having a server where we can talk about this hop in faggots j6XqZH

Invite Jack to servers

He's a cam whore

I linked it you faggot look up

And I posted a screenshot of his profile in the first post

I posted the server he is in you moron

Or if you're inclined to be so lazy I'll send him the server link

You cant read the post above you>?

He's not in that server.

Thanks for joining

Attached: 3d womenare whores.jpg (164x331, 10K)


How dense can one be
IF you must know this thread was discord bait for you to join

Attached: 1562313565523s.jpg (113x125, 2K)

Did you forget that one can leave a server?

Implying you are not a retard

Says the one who thinks someone joining a server keeps them on the server like a prison. LOL

Says the faggot who falls for discord server bait in 2019

You're just going in circles now. Stop barfing up your previous insults like they're OC

half ass cope if i have seen it
Your a retard end of story

Attached: '.jpg (280x210, 10K)


Wtf are you on about now?

Also you're*

And use some fucking punctuation, you college reject.

the newfag dosnt understand yet that he is a faggot truly this is the end

Attached: cope.png (329x493, 74K)