Please Sup Forums donate to Zaid's Fundraiser! lol

Please Sup Forums donate to Zaid's Fundraiser! lol

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Why does he sound like Michael Jackson

Tell me he is raising money to go to Switzerland.


HOLY JESUS FUCKING CHRIST...I feel terrible for this guy, but why the fuck would we want to still be alive? He's basically just scarred meat. Doctors are sick as hell if they think this is "saving" someone.

Yo hes actually a pretty cool dude tho.

He likes to scared kids!
Just for this allowed he deserved to be maintained on life support!

this happened when he was 2
his outlook must be different, but I don't know anyone who would want to to through life like that.

He is the Mexican Nemesis! lol

Fucking hell. He was better off dead. I feel for him and I admire his will to live, but holy fuck.

how does he pronounce "b" so well? he has no lips

What a fucking mess, that is totally nasty, I can stand a lot of things but that just takes the fucking biscuit!
Buy a decent T-shirt mate, that ones all fucked up, it looks like your printer exploded.

On a slightly different note, those teeth are fucking magic pearly bastards.

Holy fucking shit, he's legitimately terrifying.

His spirit is incredible
I'd just kill myself if I were in this state

i typically watch these videos and sympathize, but holy fuck that thumbnail scared tf out of me and that's saying something. i'm already depressed so it didn't help.

fuck man, this legit looks like what you would meet underground in some rpg

Miracles do exist!

This dude who runs this channel is a legit saint

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The actual Ned Flanders.

absolutely, i will at times get seriel killer vibes especially at his kiddish jumpers but he's otherwise a normal well-adjusted guy

Thanks God.

Why did they put him in such an ugly shirt to. It makes it even grosser looking.

Right in the feels

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Fucking ha

What in the fuck
Why am I still alone

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Not funny. The guy seems like he has his shit together though.

He goes to blind school, so she can't see him.
Nothing wrong with his personality.

She probably has a thing for Resident Evil...

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I wasn't joking... Donate you bigot! lol

I don't get the reference.

just proves that attitude is everything, the rest is secondary

Come on Sup Forums lets do some good and make this kid popular!

It's the frame for bosses in world of warcraft

This is why I could never be a doctor....

I couldn't, in good faith, let this poor kid survive like this.... Quality of life for him must be absolutely horrid, despite the brave face he paints on for this video...

Yeah but hasnt she ever touched him/his face?

i can't fap to this, post dick pics

Thanks for clearing that up.

>Like a Boss!

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i think he just beat out jeff dunham, his lips arent even moving
>but for real kid, i hope he lives and turns into a supervillian

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What I look like to girls.

>just in time for halloween

Keep the legend alive

this is depressing there's a place in switzerland that lets you kill your self that's where i would go

poor guy

What am I even looking at? Put this poor potato out of its misery

There are obviously things worse than death...

Proof there is no god



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being serious, if you woke up and doctors said this is how you would look the rest of your life, would you guys keep living? I am trying to imagine. \

Well if i'm blind. lol

invest in one of these

how u know he blind?

legit tho, he should do porn

I've watched the video...?


lol i really didnt wanna laugh but damn


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I hope this never happens to you, OP


It would be tragic...
And i would hope that someone like me try to spread awareness about it.
So they could help him do his fundraising.

Damn, there are still good people on Sup Forums

keep em coming

>despite the brave face he paints on for this video

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Assange could have snuck his ass out of the Ecuadorian Embassy with one of those.

That's fucked up. I'm mad at myself for laughing.

I doubt I'd want to live like that. Poor guy.

its okay, he'll never see it

So much this.
Why did slaves exist throughout centuries? Imagine you're beaten, humiliated, starved and worked to death. Why would you choose to live? Why not an hero? This way you would end your suffering and fuck with the slave owner depriving him free labor.
Yet slaves existed. Why? Because most of them were born into slavery and never knew how it's like to be free.


>at least someone caught it.......

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For fuck's sake Todd not another fucking dwemer dungeon

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i'd euthanize myself no joke.
Shit, imagine living like that.
I'd do it in my state, hell.

What do we even call him? Roasted Potato?

This guy is legit chill. I like him. Horrible situation but hes a boss.

I agree.

>isn't this EXACTLY how super villians are created?

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Nice post, smoothskin

Why doesn't he just go to Hollywood and star in horror movies? Le'll fucking make bank

How does he wipe?

his gf probs does it for him like a boss

Fuck no. I barely want to be alive right now, no way I'm sticking around like that.

Jesus, what a truly amazing little guy. What an inspiration.
Almost had me in tears.
Fuck you OP.

Gf out of pity and fame


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Honestly it's impressive how he can use his tongue alone to form syllables alone since he has no lips

lay off the crack