Lets be honest here,republicans are just mad because there to poor and fat to fit in a suite like my nigga obeezy did

lets be honest here,republicans are just mad because there to poor and fat to fit in a suite like my nigga obeezy did

Attached: obamatansuit.jpg (700x700, 136K)

its his fault he drove to the store and got fitted for that color suit he picked out

Obama has class.
Obama can deliver a speech.
Obama looked like a world leader.

we should just be thankful to see a black man in a suit.thats a pretty rare thing

This. Trump is a pathetic, fat, insecure embarassment.

idk man, black dudes like to go to church and dress up.

>mentions nothing about being able to run a country
this is what is important to democrats (israel)

it's pretty rare to see a white guy in a suit if we're being honest
day-to-day, think of all the white dudes you see in a suit

yeah, if you're in a business area you'll see a bunch but everyone's wearing a suit

shit ran smooth, no drama, no scandals, didnt even think about the govt or president for weeks at a time for 8 years. it was nice.

So basically what your saying is that your point is completely null

welp you just covered every race of men in 1995+24 years

he took this country from the brink of financial collapse and the GOP TARP bailout and every quarter there was consistent GNP growth

those are facts my ignorant dude

no what I'm saying is you're a fag

a homosexual blow up doll? Really?

You just KNOW Obama took shaft

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I would agree with that, basically no one wears suits any more, it's not much of a metric

pretty sure hes been fucking a woman for decades.

how about you?

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will the defendant please rise

Obama is a skid stain in the underpants of the US, he and his gay lover Michael Obama are treasonous race baiting sacks if shit! His presidency was shit!

do you have any words of your own on this matter?

How true. Then there's the attention whore Trump and his daily serving of chaos and stupidity. So tiresome.

Damn nice one did you save that from Leddit?

You mean nigger right?

his kids aren't even his you dumb bitch, he's a homosexual NWO nigger they sold to you as the magic negro and you fell for it, technically he's been fucking YOU since you're dick riding so hard

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Use the right their or GTFO stupid ass nigger

how many pictures exist of you with a GAY blow up doll nigga?
I'll wait

Obama is the man most responsible for Trump's win.
Thanks Obama.

>no scandals

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Obama created this funhouse mirror cuck situation for the entire country.

Rednecks were getting comfortable coping with their sense of inadequacy by combining it with their racism and imagining street thugs raping their white wives while they watch cuck porn. Then Obama comes along, and instead of a thug he's like the ultimate well-spoken intellectual classy white alpha male leader they can never be, except he's black.

Their cuck brains exploded on such a nuclear scale that they decided liberal Obama voters were like their wife and they voted in Trump as the white thug to rape them. Except when Trump pulls out they clean his dick off and think they're drinking liberal tears or something.

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Fuck that sockmonkey looking nigger.

Is this nigger loving garbage what the morons on the left calling " collusion with Russia "? Onegro ran the economy into the dirt, caused more of a racial divide in anyone in history, and it was also proven unequivocally that his birth certificate was faked.. But no one seemed to care. Odd now too how he's just sorta dropped off the map and hasn't said anything about Creepy Joe trying to be president.

trump has one fucking weekly.

Obama had class, a quality you obviously lack.

Thankfully, this faggot is out of the public eye. Dude was a loser.

*HAS class

Gays tend to be snazzy dressers.

Boomer detected. You forgot to put a speech bubble around all those bullshit "scandals" with a minion saying them

Obama was the best thing to happen to the Republican Party. He lost 1049 seats, state and federal in 8 years. People were so tired of repub's going along, they elected Trump.

I'm referring to when he was president.

digging kind of deep aren’t you vlad. fuck russia

Thank you for this fascinating look into the mind of an imbecile.

But please don’t reproduce

Sooo..he was behind of all that..

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I still can't believe we went from an intelligent, well educated, thoughtful, well spoken, worldwide respected President, to a fucking lunatic dipshit who still thinks he got elected King of the World.

And that the good one was the nigger. What a world.

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>there to

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i guess you didn’t hear.... fuck russia

not of his own doing

>no scandals.

It's like Amerifats couldn't handle being civil.

he only surrounds himself by the best, the very very best people, the very best. tremendous people.

looked like a little bitch to the rest of the world. that's why they treated us like one.

thank God we are able to repeal his entire legacy now.

who needs a skinny cuck president when you have a man like him in office

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Yeah, the world has nothing but respect and adoration for trump.

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