Asian people are suppose to be smart,why is this guy such an idiot

asian people are suppose to be smart,why is this guy such an idiot

Attached: idiotchink.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

U wan thousann dorrar?

u wan rice field?

ni hao,ching pay you thousann dorrar to work in rice field

Because he's also in politics.

Kek. His whole campaign is based on bribing people to vote for him.

At least he is honest and upfront though, Democrats usually mask their extortion of the voting populace with idealism and race baiting

>race baiting

yeah,because the people who voted for donald trump because they wanted a white president(you know,because obama was a nigger who they hated)are so much better right?

He spends a lot of time on Sup Forums.

well, they are white

>because electing obama wasn’t ever about his ethnicity.

At least he didnt run on the “I’ll give you free stuff” promise like those idiots on the left.

Well I don't think Yang is an actual idiot. I think he just has not found an answer for the problem he said he wants to bring to the debate stage, but has yet to talk about it. Automization of a lot of jobs & how raising the minimum wage up more than necessary is making it go faster.
His plan just will not work.

b/c he's an "entrepreneur"

i have never seen anyone that calls themselves that actually come off as smart

Because he's also a Democrat, that counters the asian

They voted Obama in twice

people elected obama because they wanted a black president

opiod addicted hillbillys got mad and voted for donald trump because they wanted a white president not even trolling here

>asian people are suppose to be smart,why is this guy such an idiot
You don't come across as all that smart, either.

>im not even trolling here
you're not trolling well

Why do you consider him an idiot?

I keked

“As an entrepreneur, I choose my teachers carefully, very carefully. I am extremely cautious of the people with whom I spend my time and to whom I listen.”

“Entrepreneurs are always taking feedback, especially from their customers, bankers, workers, and sales force. Without straightforward feedback, entrepreneurs cannot make sound decisions.”

“We must understand that governments cannot create real jobs. Only entrepreneurs can do that.”

“Even as entrepreneurs, we rely on people to get things done. We may have the original idea, but moving it forward can involve hundreds of people. Every person becomes integral to the overall success.”

Obama is black like I'm the Queen of England. He's a rich halfie, who never dealt with any of the typical black struggle (read: poverty). He went to an ivy league school and grew up with money. By all measures, other than his slightly darker color he is a white man. Don't be fooled by his prattling on about 'racism' because other than reading about it, he's got no experience with the concept.

funny, he was black enough for the racists around here