Ask a schizophrenic anything

Ask a schizophrenic anything.
I may take a while to reply sometimes, be patient.
Free (you)s for all posters!

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Other urls found in this thread:

is shinobu waifu or just a fun animu you like to post

does your reality tunnel converge?

You're lying
What's your proof you're a schizo
Most schizos are locked up
You're gay

Now you can get all that out of the way, yw

>is shinobu waifu or just a fun animu you like to post
Why can't it be both?
>does your reality tunnel converge?
Reality tunnel?
>You're lying
I've been had!
>You're gay
No gay here. I like vagine.

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How long u gonna lie to me about your pedophilia?

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not op but I'm a functioning schizophrenic thanks to a trial and error of many many medicines

Lol, the fact that most schizos are locked up is news to me
My aunt is schizo and gets on with life livin on goverment money and a part time job, caring for her grandson, and this is in the UK. Maybe she's an exception, dunno

Did you ever have an irrational fear that your mind was being read by people around you, or a fear of being watched and judged while being alone?

>How long u gonna lie to me about your pedophilia?
I'm not lying though.
>not op but I'm a functioning schizophrenic
Good to hear you can still function.

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>Lol, the fact that most schizos are locked up is news to me
It's not true. user is being facetious.
>Maybe she's an exception, dunno
Nope, she's part of the majority.
>Did you ever have an irrational fear that your mind was being read by people around you
I get it all the time. Any time I'm thinking and people are around me I feel as if I'm thinking my thoughts out loud.
I've developed a bad habit of biting my tongue to ensure I'm not talking. Not very hard though.
>or a fear of being watched and judged while being alone?
No, I don't really get that.

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I was just repeating things people tell him every thread to get it out of the way


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Just curious what age your symptoms manifested, and looking back earlier in life, if there were any signs beforehand.

what's up? anything interesting happening lately? why is life so boring?

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why do you only post lewd shinobu as bumps?
we need more lewd shinobu

>Just curious what age your symptoms manifested,
Around 17ish is when I was able to really notice something wasn't right.
>and looking back earlier in life, if there were any signs beforehand.
Probably. I used to hallucinate as a kid. I got a lot of "future dreams" weird shit like that. I was always alone.
>what's up?
Not much.
>anything interesting happening lately?
Not really. It's just the same old same old.
>why is life so boring?
Because that's life.

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>why do you only post lewd shinobu as bumps?
I don't. It's just the most common time.

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but why life as to be that way. isn't everything a crazy chain of event with a lot of improbability that create (life). yet, it's in a state of not much happening, late really great thing might be full control of electricity and internet

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How do you manage the urge to end it all?

>but why life as to be that way.
Because humans like discourse. When things don't change, humans become stagnant. We seek to find comfort in mundanity. In a place where nothing changes, nothing confronts, nothing to fear.
That comfort seeking leads us down the road of overbearing order. There's never a challenge, never an exciting moment. Thus the mind becomes bored. In the most extreme examples, destructive. Seeking to cause chaos to offset the nonstop order. Something new, something fresh. Outside of the mold of "safe". It makes the heart race, the vision becomes clear. It all lines up in the name.
>yet, it's in a state of not much happening
Not quite. There's plenty happening. You're just unaware of it.
>How do you manage the urge to end it all?
By not doing it.
It's a really old psychological trick.
Any time your anxiety, or paranoia or depression says to do something; you do the opposite.

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> Forums

Are you pretty user? Reveal your face so I know your not ugly.

>avatar anime fag pretending to be mentally ill for replies

pathetic. you're not schizophrenic. even if heavily medicated, ther would still be marks in your writing or delusions - fucking loser

only seriously pathetic people feign mental illness. hope you get raped.

>Are you pretty user?
I've been called cute.
I've been told I have pretty eyes.
I'm not a grill.
>Reveal your face so I know your not ugly.
Hm, I don't think so.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
>you're not schizophrenic.
As I always say, you're welcome to believe that. I'm not here to convince you of anything.
>ther would still be marks in your writing
There are. You're just too ignorant to see them.
>or delusions
Delusions in my writing? There have been plenty, I'm sure.
Spoiler alert I can read my writing. I'm not retarded, I can see when something doesn't make sense.

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Will you be making threads often? Wanna know so you can be my schizo fren!

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>Will you be making threads often?
>Wanna know so you can be my schizo fren!
I'm every user's fren. Even the angry ones.

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>I'm every user's fren. Even the angry ones.
Well isn't that sweet of you

if human didn't have all these flaws it wouldn't happen. but for some reason even if we have the capacity to think logically we're always bias and
acting illogically. we have to truly learn thing and thats stupid. spider can make complex web from birth, animal make difference between a venomous frog and a safe one just "naturally" yet everything about us aren't natural. what's the point of being smart enough to realize how stupid we are

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You ever been in love? If so did they love you back?

Future dreams?
That sounds interesting.

you wanna kiss?

i too have schizophrenia, i have a question through the ways of self reflection i found that my way of thinking and reasoning is totally alien compared to those around me do you have similar experience?

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Wait, you telling me animals can tell if others are poisonous!?! Shit wish we had that ability

>Well isn't that sweet of you
Someone has to watch over this hellhole, no?
>if human didn't have all these flaws it wouldn't happen.
If we didn't have those flaws, we'd have another flaw. Nothing in the universe is perfect. Not even in the universe.
>Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness
A flawed creator creates a flawed creation.
>yet everything about us aren't natural.
That's the incorrect way of looking at it. Humans are natural, and therefore everything we do, and is a consequence of what we do; is also natural.
Cancer is natural.
War is natural.
Electricity is natural.
There isn't anything that exists in the universe that isn't natural.
>what's the point of being smart enough to realize how stupid we are
Exactly that.
Once you realize how stupid you are, it expands your ability to grow. If you're aware you don't know something, you can then make the effort to understand it.
>You ever been in love?
>If so did they love you back?
Like, a dream about the future.
>Dream something
>A few days, or weeks later
>That exact happens to a tee.
>When it happens it's almost as if time itself stops.
>you wanna kiss?
r u a qt grill?
>i too have schizophrenia
Sorry to hear that, Schiz/b/ro.
>i found that my way of thinking and reasoning is totally alien compared to those around me
Absolutely. It's nearly impossible for me to get other people to understand my thought process.
>Wait, you telling me animals can tell if others are poisonous!?!
user, it's one of the most basic things.
It's why poisonous frogs are colored so brightly.
It's partly why butterflies have such elaborate patterns on their wings. To feign poison so prey animals do not eat them.
Compare the colors and patterns of a venomous snake to a nonvenomous one.
Humans are not the only creatures to know this.

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>r u a qt grill?
no, sorry

>no, sorry
I don't kiss bois sorry, user.

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Could you please post your current and previous medications with dosages?

>Could you please post your current and previous medications with dosages?
I refuse to take medication.
I don't even take pain pills, no Tylenol, nothing.

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Then tell me what was the last drug your doc prescripted you

How does it feel knowing that every single one of your schizo threads are easily searchable in the archives?

Also, the condition you have isn't called "schizophrenia", it's called "histrionic personality disorder". It means you're an attention seeking, (You) farming faggot who is so insecure about his own looks and personality that you have to avatarfag as a 500-year-old loli vampire to get attention. You remind me of that one Alice vampire that used to make "self help" threads on Sup Forums who left after (s)he got doxxed. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most of this thread was just you talking to yourself considering the low IP count.

Well are u a qt boi? Cause I may just kiss ya

op absolutely wrecked

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But user loli vampires a cute

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>Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness

damn i didn't think you would quote the bible

when i say everything about us isn't natural is we aren't born knowing how to do anything like anything else, we don't even know how to walk.

but i will stop my rambling here cause in the end it doesn't matter

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If you aren't here to (You) farm, why are you here?

Also I'm not OP but posting Shinobu anyway

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About time somebody say it, OP is a bonafide attention whore

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>Then tell me what was the last drug your doc prescripted you
No fucking clue.
I don't take medication, why would I take a prescription?
>How does it feel knowing that every single one of your schizo threads are easily searchable in the archives?
It doesn't feel like anything. It's not like it's some new thing. Archives have been around for ages.
>it's called "histrionic personality disorder".
If you say so, Doc.
>It means you're an attention seeking
Said the user, as he posted in the thread promising free (you)s.
You don't have to troll for a free (you).
They're free.
>You remind me of that one Alice vampire that used to make "self help"
How so? My threads aren't at all similar to hers. Except they're focused on mental health.
>I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most of this thread was just you talking to yourself considering the low IP count.
I think you might have a case of the dumbs.
>Cause I may just kiss ya
I'm exited to see how this turns out.
>op absolutely wrecked
>damn i didn't think you would quote the bible
There is some value in what it says.
>we don't even know how to walk.
Nor do most animals. Ever see a newly born puppy try to walk?
It's less about knowing, and more about not having the physical capabilities. >If you aren't here to (You) farm, why are you here?
Same reason literally every other person is on Sup Forums.
For the (you)s.
>OP is a bonafide attention whore
Never denied it. I'm an attention whore, you're an attention whore, everyone is.
It's literally human nature.

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cool analyse DR. metapsychology

>openly admits to treating the thread like a (You) farm
>openly admits to being an avatarfag

Well this is Sup Forums so I guess you're in the right place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>who left after (s)he got doxxed

Alice is still around, idiot.

Are you in any good discord servers?

>openly admits to treating the thread like a (You) farm
>Open admits to wanting to have a conversation with the user's of Sup Forums
Damn, I've been blasted. Completely destroyed.
>openly admits to being an avatarfag
I don't have to admit to that. You can see it with your own eyes.
>Alice is still around, idiot.
I thought he was full of shit, but I haven't seen her around.
>Are you in any good discord servers?
Not really.

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why do my balls itch after I shower?

>why do my balls itch after I shower?
Maybe cause you took too hot of a shower?
Or maybe you left some residual soaps on your balls?

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You ever get bored of life? Like sometimes I think to myself "can I really go through 60+ years of this shit". Everything is so samey everyday is the same just slightly different. I've been thinking like this for a long while and I'm only 19 is this weird or does everyone else feel this way?

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Nah, she's a good person.

oh I misread that as though you were referring to her, my mistake

>You ever get bored of life?
Yep, a lot. I get bored with almost everything.
>or does everyone else feel this way?
Yeah pretty much everyone does at some point. It comes and goes.
>Nah, she's a good person.
Oh, I know. She used to come into my threads if I recall correctly.
>my mistake
No worries. I figured you misread.

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LITERALLY in the thread you just linked:

>I'll b-be back on /r9k/ next week, I n-need to work on my tracing program so I w-won't get banned

It's you again, you like posting on Sup Forums over Reddit or something? You seem to like that people know so why not make an account on a site that's not anonymous? Are you just an oldfag who likes Sup Forums?

No, /r9k/ doesn't allow you to post pictures of yourself, it's literally linked as one of the rules in the very top. Tracings allow you to bypass that. It doesn't have anything to do with being a "known IP range banned attention whore" or whatever the fuck you're talking about.

And if I've already caught you out on one lie that she "quit" over being doxxed. So you're for sure just making shit up.

Y'know I like these threads alot, first time I got here early enough to ask anything tho

Same guy here, have you ever had a dream of a moment, maybe with different people or people you don't know and then later have that exact same experience? Or have a situation play out the exact same way you've imagined it before in a dream or in your head? Idk I have those quite often.

Freaks me out.

>thousands of people who post on Sup Forums daily
>it just so happens by complete and total coincidence an Alice apologist is sitting right here in this "not Alice" thread

Uh huh.

I don't think I quite grasp the implication you're trying to make.

You're trying to defend the tranny a little bit TOO hard user

It's literally a random person on the internet, and you're trying to defend Alice more than you're even trying to defend the OP of this thread

Pretty much spells out your intentions right there

Are you visual or auditoral?

do you fap over IG photos of female friends?

>which is why he's not banned.
Also because I'm cool.
Mostly because I'm cool.
>It's you again,
Hello again.
>you like posting on Sup Forums over Reddit or something?
I really dislike Reddit.
>Are you just an oldfag who likes Sup Forums?
Pretty much. I've been on Sup Forums since like 2008-2009?
>Y'know I like these threads alot,
Glad you like 'em.
>first time I got here early enough to ask anything tho
Better late than never, right?
>have you ever had a dream of a moment, maybe with different people or people you don't know and then later have that exact same experience?
I've had it many times. It's usually the same people, things happening the same exact way.
>Or have a situation play out the exact same way you've imagined it before in a dream or in your head
All the time.
You realize there were quite a few people on Sup Forums that like(d) Alice, right?
It's not that much of a coincidence.

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I still don't get what the fuck you're trying to get at.

How can I find a Xanax dealer at my pizza job?

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I think he's just trying to stir shit tbh

You said a couple of times that you sometimes feel that people can read your thoughts weirdly enough I sometimes think the same and actually believe it. Is that just me being weird or is there something wrong with me?

>Are you visual or auditoral?
>do you fap over IG photos of female friends?
>I still don't get what the fuck you're trying to get at.
I think he's trying to call you an Alice orbiter.
Or something to that extent.

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I've made no efforts to conceal that I like her, not sure that makes me an orbiter though.

Shit man, I have a friend with auditorial schizophrenia it sucks.

What do you do all day?

>How can I find a Xanax dealer at my pizza job?
Do you deliver?
Most people do deal xannies also deal weed. Find a weed dealer and branch out from there, maybe that dealer knows a guy who deals xans, you know?
>Is that just me being weird or is there something wrong with me?
No idea, user. I'm not a doctor, and that's not enough information to go off of.
Typically exhibiting one symptom of a mental illness is no issue.
It could be a personality disorder like Paranoid personality disorder, or one of the Schizo personalities.
Could be nothing.

If you're worried about it, see a doctor.
>I've made no efforts to conceal that I like her
Yeah, that user just likes to point out of the obvious like it's some sort of revelation or something.
>it sucks.
That it does, user.
>What do you do all day?
Dick around on the internet mostly.

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Thanks for the reply and that's what I thought too but only one old guy sells weed and none of the people my age sell and look at me with disgust lol thanks again

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what a dingus.
Anyway it's off to bed for me, hope he doesn't stir up any more trouble for you.

Have a good rest of the night user!

>Thanks for the reply
No problem, user.
>but only one old guy sells weed
Someone has to be supplying him. There's never just one guy selling weed. And if it is just one guy, he sells everything.
You just gotta branch out more. Good luck.
>Anyway it's off to bed for me,
>hope he doesn't stir up any more trouble for you.
He's not bothering me he's welcome to stir shit, that's his prerogative.

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>He's not bothering me he's welcome to stir shit, that's his prerogative.

Oh no, my clever ruse has been exposed!

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I'm unemployed and unhappy with my life rn any advice on what I should do? Btw I only finished high school, don't wanna do anymore school

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>Oh no, my clever ruse has been exposed!
>I'm unemployed and unhappy with my life rn any advice on what I should do?
Take on some responsibility. You need to find a reason to do something. I can't tell you what you should do beyond that though. That's something only you know.

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I understand just me being lazy and fearful for being sober for so long. Have a goodnight

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Imma be honest, I'm not completely sure what I even wanna do either. I do have reasons why I wanna get a job tho, I just have little to no motivation sadly. Hate how lazy I am

>just me being lazy and fearful
Ganbatte ne user~
>Have a goodnight
Thanks. Good luck with your adventures.

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>I'm not completely sure what I even wanna do either.
You know, you just aren't willing to acknowledge it. Maybe out of fear of failing? Or not being accepted? Or maybe you're afraid they'll say you can't.
>Hate how lazy I am
Exactly my point. You know what you want, you know what you have to do. All you have to do is, do it.

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Do something easy like me user I've been out of work for years and dreaded working again. Pizza delivery is easy and very low stress.

Thanks, you two helped me a out bit

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No problem. Good luck with everything, user.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how fat and stinky are you? I guess a celebrity you look like would also work. I don't get why you can't find a lady friend that would be okay with your condition. Opportunities like that can happen out of no where as long as you're not a total shut in and never walk away from your house.

Well since we are on a similar topic

I love drawing (digital) but I am too anxious/perfectionist with what i do and I'm never happy enough about my work to post it and I don't think I ever will.

I'm even ashamed of showing my stuff to friends irl and almost nobody knows about it

This is so annoying and it's been going on for ages

What do you think about this schizoanon

Or anybody willing to answer for the matter, just wanting some opinions

What's your favorite thing to watch?

What are you drawing? If it's something like porn I get why you'd be a bit scared to share with the ones closest to you but if not don't worry about it. Btw post some I'd like to see

>On a scale of 1 to 10, how fat and stinky are you?
I'm pretty skinny. I don't know how that scale works though.
I'm a bit underweight, I don't eat properly.
>I guess a celebrity you look like would also work.
I have a similar facial structure to Jared Leto. Except I always have Chinese eyes, and my eyes are greenish.
>as long as you're not a total shut in
Ding ding ding you win the prize!
>I love drawing
Post one of your pictures here. I'd like to see it.
>What do you think about this schizoanon
I think you should not overthink things not so much. Not everything you make will be perfect to everyone. All that matters is that the thing you create is what you wanted to create.
>What's your favorite thing to watch?
Hmm. I don't really watch anything.

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why are you posting shinobu so much and why did you post her non loli form

>why are you posting shinobu so much
She a cute.
>and why did you post her non loli form
All Shinobu a best Shinobu.

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