Why has socialism failed every single time it has ever been implemented?

Why has socialism failed every single time it has ever been implemented?

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Because it's never been implemented. Read a book

Lol retard

Only one kind of socialism ever works.

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Inherient human greed and a lust for power.
We're really bad at suppressing our caveman brains as a species.

How's the 10 Billion Homeless working out!


Like your thread?

Because nobody wants to be equal to everyone else. Everyone wants to "do well", but doing well is relative, and it's not relative to cavefuckers. If you're particularly diligent at scrounging up loose change out of the god damned gutter, you can buy yourself clothes from walmart that don't look all that much worse when you never wash them, and a cardboard box, and you'll be doing thousands of times better than cavefuckers. But "doing well" is relative to the other people around you, and so you'll always want to have more than your neighbors. So your system is always unstable at the level of individual people (or individual families, if you happen to be conservative and just asking for fun). In practice, that equality is enforced by massive infrastructure aimed at tearing down differences, a negative feedback loop on success. But (a) people never really take too well to that sort of suppression, (b) it's never been implemented in such a way as to actually succeed prior to total systemic collapse, so you still get unbelievably well off people, just with an even larger fraction of the totally fucked.

>I’m poor because others better than me are cavemen.
This is how you talk.

Ever spoken to a leftie?

>Why has socialism failed every single time it has ever been implemented?
Because it is a subterfuge devised by jews to take over the world. When people talk about jews being involved in a conspiracy to take over the world, this is what they mean. It's a system that's designed to fail and designed to concentrate all wealth into the greedy grubby grabby hands of jews

>implying anything works

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>Because it's never been implemented. Read a book

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The whole western Europe has been governed by people claiming to be Socialist.

France : Parti Socialiste
Germany : Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
Italy : Partito socialista italiano

In the European Parliement the S&D was the largest group from 1999 to 2004.

It's working.

all those numbers are the low estimates
some, ie russia and cambodia, the high estimates are more than twice the low estimates

>The whole western Europe has been governed by people claiming to be Socialist.
Many of the parties also claim to be Christian Democrats. They're not christian nor are they democratic.

then why do they already have all the money under capitalism

It has not failed everytime

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Why would a Doctor work for the same/similar wage as a Janitor? Contrary to Marxism, money is what drives people. When you largely remove that incentive, people produce low quality products and don’t utilise their skills.

So since these people aren't socialist, you can't discredit their policies using the "socialism never worked" argument.

Single Payer Healthcare, Free access to college, are standard in western Europe, even in shit tier country in southern Europe like Portugal manage to have implemented those. Portugal is currently being governed by the socialist party.

>Half-way Marxism
There is no half-way Marxism. Either the workers controlled the means of production, or they did not.

Did the workers control the means of production?

because socialism goes against human nature.

Super low estimates are well over 300 million. I didn't make the picture. If I had it would contain austically realistic numbers reflecting the true Satanic devastation that jew wreak upon the human population. Jews as a group are the closest thing to pure and unbridled evil there is in the world. There's a reason why every single group that has ever encountered them came to the very same realization. And it's not as the jews would like to believe is due to jealously

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Firstly we have to define socialism. Pic related.

Second we have to determine when, if ever, the whole community has taken control of the means of production.

Looks like socialism can't have failed in any country where it's been implemented because it's never been implemented in any country.

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Because jews love to play both sides of the coin and rig things in their favor as much as possible. They are a people of infiltration and subversion. They're not actual "Jews", but jews with a tiny "j". They are literally the Synagogue of Satan; a wretched den of vipers and thieves. Judaism itself is more a social engineering project used to create mindless slaves who go out into the real world and wreak havoc upon the population; not because of a conscious desire to do so, but because they've been brainwashed and programmed to "feel" that whatever they say and/or do is "right" and "good", not matter what. The average jewish person is nothing more than an abused pawn in the rabbis' game

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>pretending to understand a system which is hostile to its users and extra hostile to non-believers

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No no... scroll down...

...and don't you realize that you could never possibly beat them? find something better to do.

you've been trying to round them up and kill them forever. the early germans would get into debt to them and decide they should just round them up and burn them alive. this was hundreds of years before 1933, nigger.

give up.

Why is OP such a huge fucking retard that doesn't even fact check before posting?

Cos they always took the bait.

Yeah you sound totally sane.

It isn't the Jews. The Jews are an easy scapegoat. It's the rich.
>Inb4 it's the rich Jews
Jews are not the majority of the rich. There are a lot more evil rich whites than there are evil rich Jews. Pretty much all the rich are evil though.

You mean the CDU? IT is both Christian and also democratic you retard.

Democratic socialism actually works very well in germany, france, sweden and other european nations, you retarded binary ameriturd

>...and don't you realize that you could never possibly beat them? find something better to do.
Found the jew. Desperately trying to instill a defeatist attitude in its adversaries is a classic jew move.
>followed by more insecure jew projection and rewriting of history and the absolute insistence that this new version of reality is actual reality
No thanks, Shlomo

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Why do you think this is how compensation works in a socialist economy? Is it because you have no idea what socialism is?

Because you just got saged, fam.

In name only.
Its an elaborate scam to coax elderly sheeple into voting for them.

because it has been hijacked by a new elite every time. maybe we weren't meant to live well and free.

the brilliant minds that hang out on Sup Forums have an answer for this for sure


Not at all. You are very very confused.

>Pretending to know anything about it at all so you can call everything that isn't retarded full ancap 'socialism'.
Go read a book.

>No no... scroll down...
No no, read the post. If the means of production are in the hands of the state or is Statism, not Socialism. Socialism has never been implemented, Statists have just used the name to make themselves seem less authoritarian. This is a fact. I don't make any assessments about how well any of these systems work (or may work if they were ever tried), but it's important not to devolve into 'everything I hate is socialism' because that makes you just as retarded as a leftist saying 'everything I don't like is Nazi'.

I'll do it for you.
This kind of childish bullshit is why people are so divided. Your half educated ideology isn't a fucking rainbow. All you little PC fucks need to be beaten with Daddy's belt instead of cuddled in a safe space and told it's on to wear your sister's clothes.

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>you sound totally sane
>It's the rich
The part that's really gonna fuck with you is that I am an incredibly successful person who doesn't randomly hate people and is absolutely perfectly sane and possessing an obviously high IQ. You're just jelly because you have a subhuman IQ but desperately want to consider yourself as superior to all goyim. Human beings know about jews, we just don't often speak up about you disgusting creatures because of your manipulation of public opinion. It's an old trick that people know like the back of their hand. Day of the rope is coming, soyboy

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>Go read a book
You're not smart enough to understand the books you pretend to read, sweetheart

Well then tell me how is it christian to sell weapons of war into a region that has been pretty much nonstop fighting for the last 4 decades?
How is it christian to accept dirty lobbyist money in exchange for passing certain legislations?
Nah fam those suckers at cdu are anything but Christian on the moral side of things.

You purposely hid anything related to the evil word communism, and try to act like you didn't. The problem with all this socialism stuff is that you little kids ignore the inevitable end result of socialism and focus on the rainbows and unicorns propaganda behind it.

The idea of "everyone is equal" is clearly not a good thing. We both know people who don't want to do anything, just smile and get free. On the other hand there are people who study 5-10 years to be more valuable for the society. I'd not want to get the same (or nearly the same) amount of money what a lumpy gets. Its not fair.
And on the other hand there will always be people who will be more equal than others (and in socialsm its often people who dont deserve).
The whole idea assumes that everyone wants the main good thing; to be able to develop and thrive as a society, but its too hard to reach. Everyone should be _convinced_ one by one about it, and still there will be enormous flaws.

Okay, now point out where Marx ever suggested that socialism was a stepping stone to communism. Direct quotes from Communist manifesto or das kapital please.

Guess what, there aren't any. The person who invented that imaginary distinction is Lenin, who invented Leninism. In Marx's works there is no intermediary, there is the revolution of the proletariat, no interim state, in fact he warns against Statism, saying such a thing can only lead to a new class system, with a POLITICAL bourgeoisie.

Look at that genius. You used "you're" correctly. You clearly understand dialectical materialism.

Those are things modern christians like to do. It's not the political party of the literal Christ. It is the political party of Christians who like democracy. The CDU.

Why is Somalia the perfect exemplar of the dog-eat-dog libertarian ideology? Kill yourself OP, and spare us the tedium of your thuggish presence.


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>you disgusting creatures
Not Jewish. Not even with a little j.

The rich are the problem, including the Jews among them, the whites among them, and the Arabs among them. You can keep pointing the finger at the Jews all you like, the majority of Jews worldwide live in poverty. The majority of the Forbes top 400 are white. But this isn't about their nationality, society or religion, it's about their money and the fact they want more of it.

It's the rich. Wake up sleepy stormfag.

Your teachers have failed you. Go back to minecraft.

You're too stupid to understand that the core tenets of Marxism have never even been attempted, I'm not sure anything you say about my intelligence can insult me.


Long-term success is defined by,”How long until we run out of house pets to eat?”

i didn't know Engels was a French name. Welp...you learn something new every day

Not purposely. That relates to 'Marxist theory' which is a bunch of people who make up shit about Marx and ignore the fact that he expressly spoke against that. Engels and Marx used communism and socialism as interchangeable terms. Lenin invented a non-existent distinction.

Communism has never been attempted either. Yet another word people like to use to describe everything they don't like.

So no quotes from das kapital or the communist manifesto?

Just some bullshit you found on the internet?

Marx and Engels used the terms interchangeably.

You can't find any quotes from Marx, can you?

Oh good lord. You're so fucking full of shit that I'm sure this is bait now. Ya got me.

Accepting lobby money to pass laws isnt very Christian or democratic to me.
Going on to call protestors to said practices 'paid actors' to discredit them puts it on a whole new level.

Like i said, the christian in their name is mainly there to harvest votes from religious people that dont think much at all about anything.

>some bullshit on the internet.
>posted in Sup Forums......

Again, christians like those things. Look at the Christian right in the US. They do a bunch of non-christian things. The CDU IS a party of christians. It is not the party of Christ.

Here's a hypothetical question. If socialism is so great and such a fabulous idea then why hasn't it been implemented yet if everyone is saying that is never been implemented? Is everyone so cocky that they think that a bunch of 21 year old soft Moore's in college seriously have everything figured out that no one for the last several 100 years has been able to wrap their heads around? If something hasn't worked up to this point maybe there's a fucking reason why.

This guy gets it

Communism is the control of the means of production by the workers.

When has that happened?

The little happy definition spin can be put on it however people want. But anyone with half a brain knows different. If you like the idea of socialism or communism so much then maybe you should go to one of these magic places where it is working out so great. Maybe swing over by Russia that everyone hates or take a trip to Venezuela. I hear Cuba is nice this time of year as well.

Still no quotes from Marx?

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Since it has never been tried, I can't go to a place that doesn't exist.

The definition thing is important because otherwise it's just retards like you calling everything you don't like a word that some terrible people have called themselves before, people who didn't want to be seen as terrible and made use of words which DID NOT DESCRIBE WHAT THEY WERE DOING.

I ask you again, to tell me where on Earth the means of production have been in the control of the people, and not a state?

Marx and Engels both described stateless societies, so this should be fun...

I'm not digging around the Internet all night. You go find something if you want to make an actual point. I'm not going to listen to some 19 year old edge Lord that thinks that things that this country has fought against are a good idea just because their parents weren't brave enough to tell them not to assume a 7th gender. You want to be edgy and defend marxism, go ahead.

Why has AOC triggered the Repooplikkkan'ts?

to be fair, we've always been triggered by the Age Of Consent

>day of the rope

You are such a humongous faggot it's not even funny, just pathetic.

Means of production being a troll of the people is literally what capitalism is. If you produce a product that people want, then they want to buy more and you produce more. You must be very young because the USSR didn't exactly say that it was a turtle nation, it was very openly a Communist regime. And I'm fairly certain that they didn't get condemned for some type of error for saying the word communism.

A troll
>in control.

Voice text fuckery

Wtf are you smoking OP? China is overtaking the US economically, are you going to tell me fucking China is capitalist now?

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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actually, it did.

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Because you beat off to trannies.

Absolut basiert

It only works in small civilizations/communities. Socialism requires caring for everyone else enough to set yourself back to make sure everyone else can work together and survive. Socialism/Communism works between 3 people sharing a house and money and whatnot sometimes, but it'll never work to the point where millions of people will be okay with pooling their money together for the 1% or whatever that can't and/or won't work their share.

Lol no

This country never fought against Marxists. We fought against Leninists. Marxism has never been tried and that's a fact.

>Means of production being in control of the people is literally what capitalism is.
Nope. That puts control of the means of production in the hands of a few, a class Marx referred to as the bourgeoisie.

>You must be very young because the USSR didn't exactly say that it was a turtle nation, it was very openly a Communist regime
And the Nazis claimed to be socialist and Bad Korea claims to be a Democratic People's Republic. Once again these things are not descriptive of reality, they are labels. The communist regime in Russia were to Communism what RINOs are to Republicanism. Communism is the control of the means of production being in the hands of the people, not a small number of owners, not the state, the people.

I am not defending Soviet Russia, it was a shithole. I am not defending 'socialist' Venezuela, because it, too, is a shithole, but it is SINO; Socialist in Name Only. It is important that you stop using the emotive technique of associating everything you don't like (universal healthcare, etc) with what you see as bad words, or you only give those arguing against you ammunition. I am trying to help you not sound like a retard.

>Socialism: means of production and distribution controlled by the community as a whole.
>Communism: means of production and distribution controlled by the workers.
>Statism: means of production and distribution controlled by the state.
>Capitalism: means of production and distribution controlled by holders of capital.

There is a gift shop in the conference center where 'communism' in China was born. Across the street there is a McDonald's. China is, indeed, a capital-based economy. Not ancap, obv, but certainly not communist.

We all know what's actually happening:

>"We need to implement a secure and robust healthcare system, like Canada, Australia, the UK, Sweden and the rest of the developed world"
>"Okay... lets do that then"

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because... the game.

Those are all communist nations.

I can't even bring myself to read this thread because I just know it's going to be full of confused Americans who thing the NHS is the devil incarnate.

The word "socialist" in NSDAP has not the same meaning than "socialism" in the Marxist theory. Hitler was a statist. For him, capitalist had to work for the state, and the working class, for the capitalism.

yourdictionary.com, the place you learn that Engels was French...

Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, communist, social scientist, journalist and businessman. His father was an owner of large textile factories in Salford, England and in Barmen, Prussia.Wikipedia