I just hit a bong for the first time my first time ever smoking its been like 5 minutes when do things happen ive been...

i just hit a bong for the first time my first time ever smoking its been like 5 minutes when do things happen ive been coughing since

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it'll be like 10-15 mins max

feeling different eyes feel heavy and my legs are warm kinda its hard to explain

bong hits are generally instant for me.

The coughing also makes it more intense.

Enjoy your aids

Hits me with the buzz after i exhale along with the vascodilation effect of everything feeling slightly more warmed but the high itself hits me maybe 5-10 minutes later. It matters what you're smoking from good to bad to just some strains having a delayed release for the high uptake. Enjoy your experience with cannabis big Sup Forumsrother! P.s. any pics?

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This bowl goes out to you~

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You're going to hell now, enjoy eternal torment.

Lucifer does not punish those who love him back. Begone with your wicked lies.

If it's not instant it should come on soon enough. How are you now?

you did it wrong and are going to die now

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thats not weed

You're going to make them freak the fuck out

If dubs then I smoke

Hmmm if dubs then I drink

just have the cone

It already happened my friend... Your already paranoid and overthinking.

Don't drink, if its actually your first time hitting a bong and you drink on top of it you'll get the spins

QUICK! Go to the nearest hospital user. You likely smoked spice!

If it's your very first time smoking, some people just don't get high there first time. Take another hit from a full clean bowl and then go for a walk, it's almost certainly flowing through your blood by now so. Don't go crazy and waste all your weed if you're not feeling anything, pack things up and try again in 12 hours. You will get fucked up

look behind you. there's a ghost behind you. there's dead people around you.

Also, add ice cubes and ice water to your bong. Fill the stack with ice cubes, it'll help with the caughing and make the smoke a bit cooler. You'll be high for the next hour or two, take another toke and just chill out, you'll feel spacey, warm and tingly, kinda stuffy in the head as well. Heart rate may increase as well as some palpitations. This is all normal. Have fun OP

You are so full of shit. People don’t NOT get high the first time and then suddenly get high the second like it’s a glitch in the matrix or some shit.

Get the fuck out of here with your made up bullshit

Uh yes, yes it is. Sounds like an Indica

Dude quit being a faggot and trying to freak him out. You're fine OP just chill out and throw some good music on your like and grab a snack.

# of people killed by weed: 0
# of people who got too high and thought they were dying: >9000

What the fuck do you mean? It's a VERY common thing, christ you can even go google it you fucking mong. It's very common a lot of people don't feel anything their first time but get fucked up the second time they smoke Jesus you sound like and inexperienced fucking child lol stay mad

Thats exactly what happened to me, no high 1st time, blitzed out of my gourd 2nd time. Same bag of weed. So either I'm Neo or you're full of shit.

It depends on you and your body you full grown fag, smoked with some friends first time and 2 of us were high asf the other 3 didn't feel anything. just inform yourself before talking fag shit like that. thanks.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Nicee one...Elon Musky..

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Also, I'm pretty damn sure I have years over you of experience smoking, I've smoked out dozens of people who never got high off of top shelf bud, christ even 5 people I know I smoked out with shatter and THEY STILL didn't get high.


>HA got'em

I see that you found a nice meme, haha were all laughing right guys? Back to le reddit faggot.

Reddit will always be a better site than Sup Forums. For one thing it doesn't take 20 seconds to load a 2MB photo on reddit


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Haha Leddit is full of faggots and sjw cucks get the fuck outta here


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>Haha 4edge is better because we can use words like 'cuck' or 'faggot' in every other sentence
still a slow ass site

May be a slow upload but still generally a better community here than safe space Leddit. Too much faggotry over their

speed > content

zoomer logic exemplified

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Why do people choose to use just one social media site? Yeah it gets repetitive, so does Sup Forums, but there's a lot of different groups. Unfortunately the groups being all separate is part of what makes it bad. You mostly interact with people who share the same views as you. That's why you're on the sub with them. But reddit does get lots of new interesting things posted constantly.

Also some discussion is good to have upvotes/downvotes. Other discussion the upvotes/downvotes only serve to stifle conversation.

Also I don't use FB, but I still have an account. FB is even more bubbled than reddit.


Really? You like being surrounded by two billion SJWs and people pandering for upvotes? Admittedly, you can find a couple chuckles there from time to time, but mostly it's like talking to randos at Target. I prefer the absurdity here.

Happens to me everytime lol. I once was so paranoid i thought that the edge part on the back of my skull thats near the neck was a blood vessel and i was gonna die because it was gonna explode.

>You mostly interact with people who share the same views as you.
Yeah, until you communicate with them. Even the most tame "what are you talking about?" kind of comment gets you trampled by the bulls. The stoners sub is a good example. You get some dickhead teenager says something completely stupid, like joints get you higher or whatever, and you disagree with a LOL< NO and everything goes haywire. Its a fucking circle jerk.

oh ya that's true too. Each group has their own groupthink to abide by. It's definitely bizzaro. I was more talking about how if you join like a lefty sub everyone will be hyper lefty and a righty sub everyone will be hyper rightwing. But as far as actual posts that get posted I think reddit has pretty good ones. They don't shy away from politically incorrect topics, but the comments can be pretty cancer. I find Sup Forums is a lot more laid back and I enjoy it more probably because of the comment culture there.

I hit my first bong in the home of a 15 year older gay man, wasn't that nice of an experience

d-did he diddle you?

>if you join like a lefty sub everyone will be hyper lefty and a righty sub everyone will be hyper rightwing.
I avoid that shit like the plague. I'm really not interested in that bullshit, and here I just stick and move because there is moronic gibberish from both sides. You really want to see people go crazy, make a sarcastic comment about something like womens rights or gay rights. Like, "I don't care about gays getting fired, don't bring your sexuality to work." Total meltdown.

Because the content of Sup Forums is usually great.

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op don't listen to him, you just feel 'stuck' right now cuz you're faded. If it was some fucking laced shit, you'd KNOW.

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Post the stupid shit you do on pot, I'll start -
>Put a kettle in the fridge while it was warm
>Thinking I pissed/shit myself when I start to feel warm
>Drop a pipe outside by having it catch on my sleeve

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Unless your looking for help when it comes to learning something or to get other peoples opinion on a specific topic, Reddit is usually shit.

However, this site has gone to shit too. Its not nearly what it used to be. I moved to infinity chan and then it slowly started going to shit and now its shut down. Now everything is shit and no chan to go to like Sup Forums Sup Forums circa 2010.

>be me
>be in bathroom with friend
>first bong
>smoke head
>kicks pretty hard, surprisingly contain it well
>"want another?"
>feels smooth, so sure
>smoke second one
>"hey user, let's go have a drink in the garden"
>descent from 1st to ground floor takes half an hour
>puddingleg my way to garden chair
>unable to respond to anything
>puke gallons all over flowers
>an hour later stumble up again
>pass out in her parents guest bedroom
>that was fun, let's do it again

>Unless your looking for help when it comes to learning something or to get other peoples opinion on a specific topic, Reddit is usually shit.
Everything has its purpose. The biggest problem with Ribbit is people are too cautious with the funny. The people are too sane. Looking for amusement there is like Forrest Gumps first shrimp haul. Just junk and one shrimp. Here, the anonymity allows people to be more creative with their attempts. It also attracts a shit-ton of assholes, but if you like watching trainwrecks, you find the amusement in just that miserable failure of idiots being idiots.

That's just like drinking too fast and not waiting for it to hit you. Pace yourself.

One of my first smoking sessions was in a bathroom with a couple friends. We had exactly one bowl of weed, and a little crumble of hash. Give it to my buddy Frank to start it, who was a massive uncontrollable giggler. We had a few beers in us, and just as he starts hitting it with the flame, I say "Don't fuck this up" and he laughs. Blows backwards through the bowl, and shit goes everywhere like a volcano. Look down like OH JESUS, maybe we can salvage some of this disaster, and everything landed right in a cats litter box. We just walk out disgusted, Frank still giggling.

I completely agree. What im saying is the site is not what it used to be. Part of that is due to all the media attention the site has gotten in the years through all the scandals link to Sup Forums.

Before you would see some really cool threads but not anymore. Thanks to the media, that creativity and freedom your talking about got fucked over. Mainly for two reasons:

1) It attracted normies making the site feel like if its on permenant summer season.

2)It made mods moderate the site more banning and removing posts that would have been allowed on old Sup Forums.

That just filled the site with cancerous posts: FB/IG fap threads, Rate my dick, Pics ur not supposed to share, the list goes on.

5 minutes and no effect?
sounds like spice

Welcome to the world is lung disease