Arizona girls, i love your ass. you are cool and not stupid like cheap bitches in california...

arizona girls, i love your ass. you are cool and not stupid like cheap bitches in california. you aren't ruined by all the filth and we have a proper minority population. mexicans have learned to stay in their place and we have no blacks. you're dope as fuck and we've learned from the media to leave you alone and approach you properly. you're lovely and we love you. *mmm-wah*

now... everyone...

i hope you will vote no on 205 to make tucson a sanctuary city. it's not NEXT year, it's next MONTH. don't miss it. i read the pamphlet yesterday and it includes all these long letters from people including one from a lady who is scared to vote (?) because of being arrested. first of all, illegals can't vote but she's just scared to be looked at? i don't get it. one thing it also contains are statistics that sanctuary cities have less crime.

um, guess what? south tucson is a sanctuary city and is officially THE MOST DANGEROUS CITY IN THE US. look it up. it has so much property crime 1/5 people a year report it and the murder rate is also extremely high.

also, you have the opportunity not to add 50% to various government salaries. that's all there is to vote for this time.

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Bump for 602 interest

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Marissa A

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Oh its not that bad I was homeless in shouth Tuscon right on South 6th ave and i made it just fine.
Only robbed at gunpoint once
And only one tent got light on fire when I was in it

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yet to be robbed in tuscon. I'm waiting for it tho

If ur white git behing the family Dollar on 6th Ave or as me and the hom8e woukd call it OD alley

>what to do here?

Well... If you are into drugs you sre not too far from South 6 if you are going to U of A super easy to cold cop and hookers every where. If not drugs...idk the malls? The missile silo tour. MT. Lemon is pretty and all wooded. Oro valley has all the hot white collar chicks that's fun too

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>27 years young
>May or may not vote

Where are my Mesa dudes at

one of my exes, I always claim shes my daughter in incest threads but its a LARP

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seconding Mt. Lemmon, the entirety of Coronado National Forest is beautiful.

Get out of Tucson as fast as possible though. I know a few guys that arrived as students years ago and still haven't been able to leave.


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From Tucson coincidentally

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