So I just finished giving the female some penis, and it occurs to me that my wrists are in agony from holding myself up...

So I just finished giving the female some penis, and it occurs to me that my wrists are in agony from holding myself up, I see it in porn and they seem fine, any tips to make my wrists stronger

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Amputate, install new ones

stop being fat.

I'm literally 65kg

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too many kilos

How many should I lose

all of them


Rest on fists

How though, I'm already a skelator

Does this actually work? I'll give it a go next time

Fuck her doggy style. Just say "turn around" when you're ready to fuck and you'll see how fast she turns around and sticks her ass up

She preggo, apparently it hurts

Do what said. It strengthens your wrists. If you really wanna get that stroke game A1, start doing pushups gripping dumbbells or from your fists


You should be resting on your elbows most of the time

Dick size? In which position did you fuck her? How did you get a gf being thin?

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Haven't actually measured it before, missionary as it's the only way she's comfortable at the moment, and the same reason everyone loves slenderman

OP is onto something here.
Fucking is terribly uncomfortable.
Wrists, knees, back, ankles, neck, everything starts to hurt after an hour or so.
If it was not for my dick not getting cramps I would just dismiss the whole thing.
Every fucking position I try, on the table, in swings, upside down, not one will supply me with the 100% perfect sex experience.
I haven't tried in weightlessness yet.
Or should I just stop being a faggot and start enjoying half hour quickies?

Op here, I think that's why most people go through a whole bunch of positions during sex, only problem is she can't just roll around cause she's preggo and sore, hence the question of how to save my wrists

It’s carpal tunnel, I get the same problem. Just gotta fight through it for the fucc.

Her on the table is what I did when my wife was pregnant.
You have more control of not pushing too deep and you do not get too tired of keeping yourself hovering over the ballooning belly.
If you keep her legs together you can even go full force without knocking the baby unconscious.

Not a bad idea, I'll try this one

>does not wear wrist braces and weight belt during sex
>a man
Pick one

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FYI, gays do not get pregnant.

Excersice and add bone density