Using the word "unironically" everywhere

>using the word "unironically" everywhere
>not an actual real word at all
Were we doing this ironically the whole time?

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>unironically using the word "unironic"

i just hate cunts like OP who think they know what words are supposed to mean.

words dont have meanings, they have usages.

>Needing to be validated by a book to use a word everyone intuitively understands

In that case are you guys being so ufbeoub about everything? That is a real word now. Keep it up zoomer retards, this is why gender pronouns are becoming added to the dictionary. Xir is not happy.

i will never accept gender pronouns, partly because my native language doesnt have them.

Op is being unironic

Attached: OP's house.webm (480x272, 933K)

Words are defined with respect to their language. It's not just a bunch of words that zoomer faggots make up and decide it's cool.

>hahaha op is a fag
>let me post this big gay orgy webm I have saved on my computer
That's a big yikes right there

if enough zoomer faggots decide its a word then it becomes a word, you dont seem to have the first clue about how language works.


thanks, toots

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This isn't ancient mesopotamia, words need to respect their foundations. Zoomers are cancer, literally.

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Unironically IS definitely a word and you definitely know what it means. How's the autism treating you, reeeeeee?

Words are incapable of respect. They are not alive. Calm yourself child.

Define a "real word".

Hmmmm...who thinks was him..?!!

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FFS use a goddam dictionary.

Sage went in all fields when it did anything.


Words don't have needs you retard.