What's your favorite movie?

What's your favorite movie?

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The Last Emperor

Best historical movie out there, with Waterloo being a close second

I like saving Pvt Ryan, Or is a miniseries counts its probably Generation War.

Eyes Wide Shut
Or El Topo

What’s yours OP?

I'd Say the green mile cause it's so memorable and i cried like a Lil bitch

i will watch the last emperor later

freddy got fingered

First blood. (spoiler alert) I like the book better because in the book he doesn't get arrested and just shoots himself (spoiler alert)

You are a bitch kys

daddy would you like some sausage

I'm not a huge movie guy. If we're talking about favourites and not best, I'd probably say Django Unchained or Taken (THE FIRST ONE. NOT ANY OF THE OTHERS, THEY FUCKING SUCK).

I'm definitely not a movie connisieur.

pic related

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Wowz.... sounds dope

pee pee poo poo man

It should have ended like that in the movie. That's why the 2nd and 3rd ones sucked

Get your ass to mars

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Hollywood wants that money tho... so many movies should have ended in their first.

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Silence of the Lambs. Just watched it again recently so it is fresh in my mind. Holds up well after almost 30 years.

I didn't realize that. I'll have to read the book someday.

Yeah, they decided that scene was too graphic for the movies. Would have been an awesome ending imo

The 13th Warrior

There's something incredibly fun about Total Recall. I truly believe it's the pinnacle of the big spectacle 80s action movie format, with Roundhouse just a bit behind. It's about perfect imo.
Blade Runner is my favorite.

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I haven't seen either of those movies, sadly. I will plan on watching them soon. It's friday and I plan on watching movies all weekend. Cheers

No question

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Based. I thought I was the only one that loves that movie.

That movie looks sick

I mean "Road House," not "Roundhouse."

Lmao. I got ya

Street Trash

>hill of beans

french fried taters. i reckon a biggin'

If you were on death row, and you were going to die tomorrow, this is the movie you would watch?

First Blood doesn't end with him shooting himself. The Sheriff (character played by Brian Dennehy in the movie) is a Korean vet, he gets injured and starts to think like Rambo. He realises Rambo is bluffing and pulling a flanking manoeuvre. He goes behind the houses and sees Rambo crawling through the rough grass on raised bit of ground and he shoots Rambo in the head.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, it captures that elusive something about being in love and the total despair that falling out of love brings.

Has to be 13 Hours: Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi, just because it hits me in the SF heart

Make sure you watch the ORIGINAL TOTAL RECALL from (1990) not the shitty remake with Colin Ferrel

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You're right. That was just how the director of the movie wanted it to end

As well as the inevitable fact that every relationship will face internal struggle

I'd watch "Silence"