Wife’s underwear drawers. What do?

Wife’s underwear drawers. What do?

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Your wife is a part of the vast conspiracy

show some thongs

What u wanna see?

Divorce her for a new wife with bigger tits.

Show the best ones

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white one, big pink one and the one above look tasty.

Here are some

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Cum into drawer

Also time stamp pls

The pink one you say?

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Or the white one ?

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sorting my wife drawers, for little btc you get to see all of those

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Nice panty fetish. I wanna see someone steal a pair of panties big enough to just raw jerk through the material when worn, then slap this baby on.

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Keep spreading the love OP. Panty fetish is highly underrated.

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Real talk dude. Panties are the best. An endless sea of colors, patterns, fabrics. And all women have a unique scent too.

poop in it, big fat log in the panties side pocket plz

blame the neighbor or pets

how that for a false flag nigggaaaa

Stop being a weirdo and go fuck your wife instead of admiring her panties.

Where's dem pantyhose?

Where's dem pantyhose?

Tie the blue string ones around your chick and balls. Tight. Post results

Cock and balls goddamit