Greta Thunburg has FAS

Greta Thunburg has FAS

Prove me wrong.

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Her twitter bio literally says that she has Asperger's. What more do you need? Or are you afraid to make fun of her for something you two have in common?

wadya u guys talking about?

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Aspergers isn't FAS
She has both.
It means she's double retarded.

How dare you

>girl that says shes retarded is retarded. Prove me wrong
>also I'm an adult picking on a child

Nothing to disprove, you are correct.

Having both aspergers and fetal alcohol syndrome would mean she is extremely suggestible, she will beleive anything anyone tells her.

go back to plebbit and read a guide on the usage of greentext roodypoo

No no. I feel bad for her. The people brainwashing her to say their words and using her as a tool for their agenda are the dumbshits. Also the people supporting this abuse.

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shes likely a user of twitter
triple retarded

>double retarded
kek fair enough.

as i can see you use it still

FAS is the new buzzword used by retards everywhere

you fool
you are one now

>nerve hit

Id still bang.

>White knighting first a retard.
She still won’t fuck you, dude.

lest i aint a tard

It's been around for many years. Just retards like yourself never knew what it was. Now you're educated.

Whoahoa even coming at twitter

fuck off Alberta fag

I dont really like her, shes just a privileged white girl spouting what her parents make her say. But all these grown ass fucking adults just screeching "look at the retard lol" about a fucking child is pathetic

You are the reason I still visit this place. Thanks for the lul

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Albertans do not love twitter

Ohhhh, I see it now. Shit, I guess climate change isn't the fault of humans.

I guess I should beleive climate change is just something that happens naturally and there's not really much us humans can do about it. Just adapt.

Someone tell china and India they dont have to stop polutting the world... what...?They weren't planning on stopping? That's absurd!

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that makes her a double nigger

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everyone except you is anonymous here. Obvious reddit transplant detected. Go home.

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The usage of green text has changed so much nobody even uses it right
I've been here since 05 but I'm not an oldfag, fuck this place

>I know right
>People don't know how to use it anymore

I actually agree with you even though you're a sperg. America is only 15% of the global emissions and despite what you daisyheaded dikes think no one cares what america does especially not china. Go to China and use global warming to spread socialism if you really want to make a difference.

also, our lung cancer dropped 80% since emissions were regulated. the stupid fucking world can still believe that cigarettes cause cancer but they FUCKING DO NOT. china probably has 10,000 people dying a day from lung cancer but like, all the asians that lived to 100+ smoked for 80+ years but they lived out far away from cities.

china's air is fucking brown. they're fucking disgusting.

>Greta Thunburg has FAS

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Why does it matter


>our lung cancer dropped 80% since emissions were regulated
You're actually brain dead.
December 2, 1970 EPA is formed and we monitor emissions.
Why don't you look at the picture to the left and try and squirt a little bit of critical thinking out of that gaping asshole you call a brain.

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You mean as smoking rates tank you absolute fucking moron LOL

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dude, your vape shop is going to fail. smoking rates have only dropped 15% since then. this is just sales. did you even fucking know that most smokers stopped buying "rolled cigarettes" 15 years ago? 10 years ago the taxes were so fucking high people just bought bags.

i get a pound for 18 bucks. i used to get them for 10. A POUND and TWO BOXES of 250 tubes for 23 bucks. that's because they are tricking the system and selling it as "pipe tobacco" so there isn't a 25 bucks a pound tax. i used to get camel wides for 8 quarters flat. now, they're like 10 bucks, 20 years later.

you're out of your depth. again, your vape shop will fail. keep trying to get funding for it but just... give up.

What is your point exactly? Smoking stayed the same because people started rolling their own? Does that mean you think that pollution causes lung cancer at a higher rate than smoking because there's no evidence of that. There is clear and concrete evidence that smoking reliably causes cancer.
learn what greentext is new fag I was quoting a moron

who cares, she's not as retarded as you are op :D

Way to show that teenage girl. Probably the biggest accomplishment of your entire life.


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If she didn't have Asperger's, I'd say that she does indeed have FAS. But there's a "sperg face" as well, so that's probably just what we're seeing. (Source: Worked in social services with a lot of spergs. They all tended to have similar facial features.)

Shes cute. Fuck you. I want to lick her feet

That's why the message should be solely on pollution and health, not climate change.

That her moms fault. Shouldnt have drank while preggo. Should be considered abuse IMO.

Weird that that picture was published way before thunburg was a thing and it looks exactly like her.

Its actually showing every libtard in the planet.

Yep, same lotsa sperg and fas kids. This girl was raised propper considering how she could have turned out. Though we don't know how she is at home. Could be a flipper outer.

FAS has pretty similar symptoms. My guess would be a lot of kids are diagnosed with autism who have FAS. I don't think the two conditions are mutually exclusive. FAS affects all kinds of things in the body. There's no reason to rule out it causing autism in some cases.

> science is gay lmfao xD


I never realized the "glasses" is just the straw. I thought that kid had funky glasses on and a straw around the back of his head.

Where did you to medical school, OP?

holy shit you just blew my mind

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She has aspergers, selective autism and obsessive compulsive disorders too

so basically she's european?