How can you abort a pregnancy 30 weeks in? Any solutions? 29yo F. Save the tits or gtfo jokes

How can you abort a pregnancy 30 weeks in? Any solutions? 29yo F. Save the tits or gtfo jokes.

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tits or gtfo

tits or gtfo whore

it shows us that you are op, idiot

Coat hanger livestream

Also post pic of belly

>tits or gtfo jokes

you must be new here

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tits or you are a guy

One of the rare occasions wherein I get to say KYS for both moral and practical reasons. Can't murder your child if you're dead.

hammer time!

You know the rules, you fucking whore.

lmfao are you retarded

>the (OP) means you are replying to the original post

welcome newfriend

tits or gtfo


....That poor little baby. You suck OP.

Yes you can...heres 3 tips
A) what you do is go to the highest building..Jump off.
B) Go to motorway...sit in the middle of the road.
C) Get a knife,sit in bath,slit wrists then throat ear to ear.
D) Get gun..load it...put under chin..pull trigger.
E) Tits or GTFO

It's not a joke.

1. Find god
2. Don't kill your unborn child
3. Marry the father.
4. Raise it with love, kindness and discipline thus making the world a better place.
5. Kill yourself for contemplating paying another person to slaughter your child like a calf and sell its organs.

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Wouldn't ask Sup Forums about it.

Take a dangerous amount of vitamin C. Seriously.

thinks he is the C type


lol you're retarded enough to not realize he meant to reply to the stupid whore who doesn't know the rules.

No you fucking autistic faggot, posting TITS with a timestamp proves that the OP is a woman.

Fucking newfag

Yeah women who don't have a man to keep her from murdering the only thing that will give her life meaning typically go for the comfortable exit.

Vitamin c


Go to an abortion clinic

Vitamins, of the C variety

Skull cap or wild carrot (queen Anne's lace) are good obtainable herbs, parsley as well, traditional medicinal sells a tea.

inverted 450 down some stairs

roastie whore

you fucking traitor faggot. She didn't post tits. Kill yourself.

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I'd happily cut it out of you, leave you for dead, and raise it at my own you fuckin witch.

Wire coat hanger, now post your tits with a timestamp,whore

Don't even wanna see ur tits. Just kys

My wife and I are looking to adopt. If you are serious, we can give him/her a good home. Let me know

Go to the local planned parenthood. Laws vary by state. There is no limit in AK, CO, DC, MS, NH, NJ, NM, OR, VT, WV. Whether that means any abortion clinic will do a 30 week abortion you'll have to go find out.

Congrats on being a massive degenerate OP. Maybe next time remove sign above ur legs that says open 24/7

My face when this has been posted before and OP just baited everyone ITT

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Best way to abort: tits and timestamp

>How can you abort a pregnancy 30 weeks in?

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Double dubs nice!

It's not a joke..

Tirs or gtfo

Anyone know the doses for those herbs?

tits or GTFO isn't a joke you dumb slut. Also douche with bleach that worked in the 20's

I believe it's 15 mg of parsley and 3oz of not being a degenerate whore who is about to kill someone and spend the rest of their lives pretending to be normal.

Sup Forums isn't the place to be asking this, do you see the amount of incels foaming at the mouth for tits and calling you a whore without knowing the situation? Pastey sweaty handed virgins.

>How can you abort a pregnancy 30 weeks in?
Why? Did you recently decide to call it rape?


Please go back

No tits? Why are anons responding to this thread? This should be dead by now.

Reddit, your homeland. It calls to you. Rejoice in her warm embrace.

because a friendly user gave her a recipe that happens to be deadly and we want to see if she makes it.

my guess is boredom

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