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Can anyone recognise this piece of art? It's supposed to be from some French artist

Please, I'll get paid 5k if I can find what it is

Attached: 20191016_175544[1] (1).jpg (3264x2448, 1.94M)

Reverse image search it

Tried, and no luck

Any other ideas, user?

Looks like poor copy of "The Suitor" by Luis Alvarez Catala

>The Suitor" by Luis Alvarez Catala

Oh god thats it! Thank you user! Holy shit thanks!

Attached: 4L_VIoCkygZ.jpg (600x400, 111K)


Attached: IMG_20191019_022126_023.jpg (1280x770, 280K)

How you get $5k?

Long story but it goes like this

>Be poor fag with no money
>Can't find a job despite shit ton of CVs everywhere
>Steal from an old man
>Get caught
>Old man listens to my story and pitties me
>Offers me a job selling his artwork if I can find the name of this one piece someone once lied to him to copy (It was supposed to be an original idea from someone, turned out they made him copy original artwork)
>Says I can get 40% of all the earnings we make selling the artworks
>The total would be 5 to 20k easy

Basically, that user just gave me a job

Sounds legit.

Actually, he's probably going to rape you and kill you.

I returned everything I stole, and we are on good terms now

cuck in the past.

Attached: 7323.jpg (442x292, 29K)

He's still going to rape you and kill you.
But if he truly pities you, he might kill you before he rapes you.

Did an old man rape you once, user?

How many paintings, total?

If he's got a fuckton of them to offload he might manage to scrape a few thousand, but if it's not a fuckton he's not going to get much per piece. Especially with the level of skill he demonstrated with the pic in OP.

Beware of scam, user.

He's probs got like 200 of those you see on ebay for 150 to 250$, the oleo canvas ones and then he is got way bigger ones that can go for a couple thousand according to my research

I don't really lose anything, he asked me to sell them and if I can get a buyer I get 40% of the total

Also: people have ripped him off in the past. You have (tried to) rip him off in the past. Unless he's an idiot or super desperate he's not going to continue to deal with potential scammers. Or unless he's scamming too.

For all your faults you might be the most honorable person in this transaction. Be careful.

>Or unless he's scamming too.

He is definitely a conman and has been all of his life, he told me he used to be in French politics and went to jail for misuse of public funds

But, how would he scam me here?

The idea is this

>Dude's got a shit ton of art he made himself while in jail for 5 years
>Wants me to sell them
>I get 40% of everything

Whatever happened to Sup Forumss big brain, huh? the shia labeof thing was glorious

Didnt expect such development

>how would he scam me
Check your trips, user, and ask yourself again.

Frankly I don't know what he's up to, but he's been doing this a lot longer than you have. While this venture may be on the level, I strongly advise you to be cautious. Try to anticipate what could go wrong and be prepared for it if/when it does.

>Frankly I don't know what he's up to, but he's been doing this a lot longer than you have. While this venture may be on the level, I strongly advise you to be cautious. Try to anticipate what could go wrong and be prepared for it if/when it does.

I appreciate the concern and what of caution. I am sure a bit of sure of how I could prepare, if the old man decides to shoot my brains out one day theres likely little I can really do about that

#1 I'm betting most will sell for $10-50. And most on the low end of that. If you're happy with 40% of that, great.

I'd actually be happy with that, cause I am legit no moneys atm

But I checked on ebay and at his art skill level most shit sells for 150$ to 250$