This is your future, Sup Forums

This is your future, Sup Forums

Attached: meet your robot overlords.webm (1400x800, 1.83M)

Good. Fuck minimum wage jobs. Businesses have literally had the technology to get rid of them for decades and didn't.

Which one am i

I just wish the self-ordering or automated mall kiosks would shut the fuck up. There's no reason the whole fucking restaurant needs to hear a readout of my order.

Well I for one welcome our new robot overlords

Not me. I’m voting for Yang

kek, Yang isn't going to do shit, he's just going to pay you $1k/mo to try to make you feel better about it

im middle aged and never worked joke's on you

hells yeah to whatever that means. mexicans will learn to stop coming here because we'll have robots picking out produce, there will be no more e.coli callbacks of 10 million pounds of lettuce because they were pissing and shitting in the fields, and we automate everything and people with computer science degrees are god and retards can fucking die.

Don't scream your order then you autistic faggot

that's to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, not disagreeing with you just saying that's why they do that shit.

...and then you'll say "yeah, but mexicans and blacks can also get computer science degrees. i see them being geniuses in movies."

then, the laughter will last at least five hours. they don't exist in computer science.

Yeah I get it, but put a "no audio" button somewhere, and turn down the fucking volume.
fucking hell

Yep, I'm planning on working there as a robotics software engineer. The shit they are doing is really cool

Wait until you need to deal with a woman who thinks she's the smartest sysadmin on the planet because she knows how to use "ls" at a bash prompt.
Got burned hard by that bullshit.

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>needing to ls your own directories

diversity hires, man

The script is literally a hello world lmao.

I know plenty of guys that learn the same amount and boast about being Mr Robot too, it's funny and tragic

Have you been watching the new season? That last episode was a real snoozefest, I want to see some more nmap and meterpreter damnit.

Nah man just zoomed in on the image. I would honestly just buy / pirate some of the coding textbooks on the humble bundle store, they're not bad.

Yeah it's pretty incredible, has anyone else caught on that this is the way to do it? No wonder they have such a huge competitive advantage.

America is in between a rock and a hard place.
Automation IS happening, yet they still refuse to tax their wealthy ruling class.

Only a matter of time before headsman becomes a job again.

Yeah man, tax the wealthy so I can quit my shitty job at Cinnabon and jerk off to incest threads on Sup Forums all day.

Nah I'll be just fine. Robots don't provide therapy or write prescriptions. And you psychos are born every day.

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so a cool fact about the etymology of the word luddite is that it didn't initially mean someone who was afraid of or otherwise against technology. it came from a movement of weavers in 1811, who's jobs were being replaced by looms. specifically their problem was that ownership of the looms and therefor the capital went to the businesses rather than the workers and this caused a lot of problems and frankly violence.

i think this is just the role that technology plays. farming for instance used to be a huge multigenerational undertaking and is now easily handled w/ the advent of specialized tools and machines. it's important to be aware of our history so we can shape our future. innovation isn't inherently bad or scary but it's important to be aware of the distribution of power.

the truth is no one wants to work these shitty fucking jobs. in fact, most people don't want to work at all. not only that but businesses are going to choose automation over people any day because a business is just a financial instrument.

so this kind of thing is pretty inevitable, we just have to figure out how to steer it.

I don't know where you live, but here doctor visits last no more than five minutes and most of the time they just write a script for whatever I tell them to.
You could completely automate the prescription process and the delivery of the actual drugs too.
Considering people seem focused on plastic straws instead of overpopulation as the source of global problems, it looks like there's going to be a glut of labor for a very long time.

I'm a janitor so my job is actually pretty safe for a while.


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rock phosphate

I find it mesmerizing...

Computer science is a joke major. If you're not studying engineering, then you aren't preparing for a career in applied computational mathematics, outside or inside academia.

Better than having them get into organized crime just to pay the bills.

is this a meme i haven't heard of? i don't get on Sup Forums much

and here I thought tech companies didn't give a shit about degrees at all these days

Those robots are sorting and handling packages for consumer deliveries. If nobody has a job because of automation, then there will not be enough consumers to keep those passage-handling robots busy. Unless robots become consumers, the automation of human jobs and loss of employment will be a downward spiral.

good, fuck businesses for not paying their share of taxes for the services they use. No wage slaves means no tax revenue.
shit aint gettin delivered without functional roads.

joke's on you. that is my present. i hate working for amazon so damn much. i wish it was destroyed.

he isnt going to do anything except that thing he is going to do.

youre probably too stupid to realize you might agree with his ubi.

You could always distribute a bunch of company secrets, and hope for some corporate espionage.

Go read accounts of working in that place.

This is nothing but good. Those places are fucking hell.

Working for Amazon ? Fuckin' eh !

i've seen some grocery stores that use floor cleaning robots.

>tfw I'm a mastergrower's apprentice who will remain the only deliveryman to be able to supply our local dispensaries with sweet cannabis due to the fact that they won't trust a.i. with it

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i would program the things to say stuff between them when they block each other.

Fuck Amazon. They don't care about any of their workforce. They push people to stupid ends to make the numbers look good for the management. They don't care about my humanity at all.

>implying a level 1 bottom of the barrel employee like me has or can get all the dirt on amazon. you have you work in one of the corporate offices to know anything.

i can only give out a few bits of information that amazon does which are shitty. like how the managers lie about their "beat the area manager" competitions saying that their rates were a lot higher than reality.

amazon is very good at keeping secrets. even level 5 managers did not know about amazon buying whole food until it was publicly announced.

knowing that fact made me realized how tight knit the corporate power structure is