Hey guys, following up to a morning thread. This was a good day

Hey guys, following up to a morning thread. This was a good day.

>bike ride was cancelled but I got exercise
>played a bunch of league of legends
>talking to friends right now
>drunk as fuck so i'm not fully here

what's up b?

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Dubs and your gay

>back from work
>neeko only account
>mistakenly start aram
>quit in champion select
>close game and wait ~2 hours
>open game
>apparently kept me in the game
>not anymore neeko only account
Boy today isn't going well

holy shit, my friend just made me gay

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Fuck you

that's a big RIP, Sup Forumsro. how will you cope?
[spoiler]you could always just start playing zoe[/spoiler]

and this gay threat now rocks

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You better take the train fool, Melonboi

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check these zeroes

Idk il probably go back to side projects and playing on console. Lol is a big timewaster anyway

Trips and he takes a shot

what are your side projects Sup Forumsro?


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Dubs and you stop flirting

Developing games of my own, i have a few projects ongoing but i'm missing most of the graphics cause i cant draw for shit so I quit a few weeks ago

we got another fucking winner. this thread is magic fuck OP's gay life let's time to roll. Dubs my nigger

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Quads and you finish the bottle

everyone has dub zeroes for a whoile faggot

Fuck I got trips again

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trips is still fire

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guys my friend is literally playing walk the dinosaur in the discord chat

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Penta 1s and I vote for Beto in 2020

Oh thank god

We done it /b

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we were apparently gonna play dnd tonight, but we all got sloshed and i got caught up messaging my cute friend and we all lost track of time

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Quads and we play DND tonigt

no one cares faggot

i guess i'm gay

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>sleep until 7pm because i partied with fratboi frens and was on Sup Forums all night
>about to go smoke some bud
Good day

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you in southeast florida by the slim chance? i'd like some bud.

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I am a god

I'm a Pennsylvania nigger, op is q new Yorker stuck in florida

fuck off nigger

get off your own dick

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I'll rape you

post in this thread and you're actually legit based

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Deer God, you have cursed by such fate

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check the pents

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I'm so based

Fuck you mean bike ride was cancelled, you fucking idiot!?

Get outta here mr fbi! I'm in a legal state and prescribed for ptsd.

He is too retarded to ride a bike

idk what i was thinking, i'm big drunk

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i didn't have music to ride with, my mobile data was all used up and i'm a cheapfag with spotify and didn't wanna take the time to download music

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Ian fuck you

We should all get along

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you failed me

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everyone knows i'm a meleefag

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is it still gay if you love him?

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as long as he goes to fag camp

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dude N N F for real
i have an ongoing roleplay with one of my friends all about our personal faggot camp

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the degeneracy sodomites knows no bounds

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