*weeow weeow weeow*

>*weeow weeow weeow*
>"Hol' it right there white boy! Do you know why I pulled yo ass over?"
>"Das right, you haven't been up to date on your seminal reparations! Well that's about about to change right now!"
>"Strip and lay yo back on the ground! Or do I need to call for backup?"
What would you do? You wouldn't disobey an officer of the law, would you?

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I would simply present my Gold Star reparations card for the officer, showing that I contribute no less than 3x per week.

And then I'd also show her that I'm chairman of my local seminal reparations board.

My penis would probably just enter her anus from her massive buttcheeks... mmmm

>In the butt
Based but that's only half reparations
>"Oh you gettin smart with me now white boy?! I think it's time for Officer Becki to teach yo disrespectful ass a lesson!"

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Fuck the po-leece

You will

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Imagine being on top of that slamming down your pee pee...

Legs spread wide, just pounding her cunt raw as she moans loudly

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who that?

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So much breeding material. I hope this thread lasts all night and morning.

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Why do “people” find this attractive?



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It's a growing fetish.

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Do like black men, inseminate her and never have a thing to do with the kid.

no it's not, it's dying and you're the samefag who posts those cuck threads kill yourself.
it's a joke thread you cuck.

I didn't start this thread. Heck I've barely posted in this one, lol.

Other Anons stepped up to bat while I was away.

How does it feel being a retarded 5 year old on Sup Forums?

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Word of advice: never say a thread is dying. It just encourages people to make it last many, many hours.

Thread is dying


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