If you don't post in this thread this movie will be wildly successful and have twenty years of sequels

If you don't post in this thread this movie will be wildly successful and have twenty years of sequels.

But if you do post in this thread and get repeating digits, you will have to go see it in theaters.

Other urls found in this thread:


Posting for single digits, please no dubs

i haven't seen a movie in the theaters in over a decade

I love the diversity in this poster.

Well that's about to change boi



"No, go ahead...finish that sentence."

And, with this image, the final dregs of hope vanish.

Fuck, now i have to see this shit too

>he's going to have to pay $249 to go down to the DMV and renew his old movie license if it isn't expired already
>he's going to have to get used to the new state of the art showers they have
>he's going to have to spend at least $50 to bribe the guards and enough bacon strips to distract the virgin sniffing dogs
>he's going to have to navigate the popcorn mines without getting lost in the labyrinth
>he's going to have to disable the full-body virgin scanners before entering the theatre
>he's going to have to have enough money left over to tip the usher
>he's going to have to get used to the endless standing and clapping routines and bomb and active shooter rehearsals
>and then he gets to watch the emoji movie

It's pretty meta having the movie itself as a character.


>Emoji Movie
>Shit Happens
>already making excuses for the movie

>people in this board are so young nowadays that this is what they consider offensively bad

You're a dickhead, OP. Stop reminding me that this exists.

I don't even want dubs

i want to watch this, dubs pls

jokes on you, I never get dubs

>dubs thread on Sup Forums
>ain't even mad

I never get dubs so I'm safe

here we go


Is this a thinly veiled dubs thread?

lmao you're watching that shit son

Checked. Please write us a review here.

Worth the risk



not in this life nigghuz

But what if I want 20 years of sequels?


rolling for singles

Lmao get fucked.

But I want to see it


Fuck emojis and fuck black people

I don't want to see it but I want it to do well




call me Risky McDanger

I'm riskin it



I reckon this movie will tank hard.

Check this individual digits

I never get dubs anyway




Who would I drag in to see this movie. Do I act dumb, or say were only going to see it ironically?

What is this movie about?

If dubs I'll clap the shit out of it


Dumb frogposter got what he deserved.

buy someone an ironic present consisting of various nick nacks a single weird branded beer and movie tickets to this

I'd ask a girl and take her with me.

top kek

You have to go now user

or you know.. I'll go with you apparently

Patrick Stewart was great in Logan but I don't wanna see this movie

plz no

It's just called "Happens"? Seems pretty stupid


i will not go see it

Same fuck Hollywood feels good saving all that money.


I am uncursable.


o god no

doubt it shows in my country

Looks like you're going on vacation then

Let's see Emoji movie

i wont

When you have kids, you are so desperate to get out of the house and keep them entertained for a few hours, you'll shell out $$ for literally anything.

The Angry Birds movie was a success.
Boss Baby is currently succeeding.
This piece of shit (literally) will also tragically make a splash, only to be flushed a short time later.

worth the risk

hey paul!



Pack your bags. Don't forget to bring your falcon.

No dubs for me.

>literally calling your movie shit in the poster

Who the fuck is in charge at Sony? Is it just a monkey throwing darts at things? How the fuck does this pass marketing?

Haha idiot enjoy those dubs

I want tk believe but I can also see it doing well because people will go to see it out of a morbid sense of curiosity


its not shit its pudding

I have never had repetitious numerals, therefore I say fuck you all

I honestly believe couples should acquire a license to have children, attaining which would require passing a course on child psychology and development, critical thinking, fitness and nutrition.

Children born to unlicensed parents do not qualify for benefits from the state.

The production of any product devoid of substance would be heavily taxed and any attempts to milk the intellectually challenged of their money illegal.

I will give the people an ideal to strive towards as we move to explore the stars with restored standards of excellence and self re-cocking-spect.

i swear to god if i get dubs

>All these cursed fags who have to go see a jew movie now


check these singles

It'll be kino so I don't care really.

check my three

Hahaha bitch
Check THESE singles

Well, you tried


well well well how the mighty do fall

(Enjoy the movie)
