What is this movie about?

What is this movie about?

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It's a documentary.

It's about (((them)))

It was a metaphor for Donald Trump being a bigot and whites controlling everything.

More like "who" is this movie about.

John Carpenter revealing his power level

It's about *insert political ideology here* controlling the media and manipulating the truth to control you.

You're "Them" aren't you?

Jews. John Carpenter is a crafty one, however, and "denounced" this theory because he enjoys the shekels they throw him to make moofies.

It's a criticism of yuppies and capitalism.

>It's a criticism of jews and capitalism.

My take from it is that it had a cool premise let down by a silly third act.

Like, I get that goofy action was a thing in the 80s but the 10 minute Roddy Piper/Black Guy "PUT ON THE GLASSES NO I DON'T WANT TO" punch up went on for way too long and looked like two drunks fighting over a nudie pen then everything was downhill from there.

That theory seems really quite plausible despite Carpenter's protestations.

Although my take was it was a more of a taxi driveresque take on that. By that I mean the narrator isn't to be trusted and the entire thing is a delusion more or less, with the protags killing actual humans. Although I don't think that's what Carpenter had in mind, there's very little to suggest it's all a delusion.

It's somewhat unfortunate Carpenter dismissed such interpretations, especially because there are so many angles you could go with this as is saying (I think). You could insert any ideology.

Yeah, it does go a bit downhill and that scene is way too fucking long indeed.

>You could insert any ideology.
I know, right? Consumerism has no ties to any particular system, especially not capitalism. The bank shooting was an arbitrary choice.


It's explicitly anti-capitalistic and anti-establishment, like every remotely political movie Carpenter ever did. The idea that you could replace capitalism with another ideology and the movie's metaphor would function the same is idiotic because it's central conceit is about the wealthy elite.

Oh god. This can't be real. Wew.


That scene was one of the best parts. What are you guys on about?

It's a pretty boring movie desu save for a few scenes
Definitely not one of his best flicks

They're idiots that don't understand how vital the camp was to the film.


Goes on for too long.
I get the appeal of it being silly overdrawn, but still goes on for more than a few seconds too long

you're right, but you're arguing with the same people who just yell MUH SATIRE when someone points out how overblown parts of it are

same goes for starship troopers


As much as a i love the jew theory I really don't think it's the case. I remember when Roddy piper used his glasses and one of the billboards said 'BE GOOD AND PROCREATE' with a white family or something along those lines.

That fight scene is the way it is because Roddy Piper and Keith David rehearsed that fight scene like crazy and John Carpenter liked the idea of having an epic fight scene in a small budget film.

I am still waiting for people to point out 'jewish imagery' in the movie.

>It's an "oh boy here we go" thread episode


When dealing with inherently absurd premises that function as metaphors for society, you need the camp and humor to keep the material from becoming overly self-serious and consequently much sillier. Carpenter and Verhoeven understood this better than anyone else except maybe Joe Dante.

That scene has nothing to do with the satire, btw, though the satire couldn't adequately function without scenes like it.

>t. jews

I'm pretty sure that the simple idea of any sort of global conspiracy is enough to get a certain portion of the population to start making "JOOS" accusations.

A little over two hours

The wealthy elite controlling everything through propaganda and the working class fighting against each other because of moronic ideas like racism, etc. A basic but somewhat well crafted leftist message.

The fucking fight scene never ends

>Put the glasses on!
>Put them on!
>Put the glasses on!


Woah, watch out everyone, we've got a RADICAL CENTRIST in our midst!
Please teach us oh wise one, if of course, you deem us worthy...

>What is this movie about?

The upper class controlling the lower class through propaganda.
Racist morons mistake the upper class with the jews.

Riddle me this.
What defines you as working or middle class?
Is it cultural or economical?

Class is a social construct.

Anti-semitism has always been anti-capitalism.

bit of both. I didn't even realize I was "working class" until I made friends with some uni students


wasn't he a bit touched in the head?

>it's about muh evil capitalism!

Carpenter sure didn't mind the fact that it was used to sell movie tickets at $8 a pop.

Are you british or american?

You know they had movie in the Soviet Union right?



Put on your specs


The fight scene is meant to symbolize the average person's refusal to wake up to the fact they are being controlled, most fight the truth really hard, it's not that complicated but a crucial part of the message.

Its about "le ebil cabitalists that exploit the poor workers" and not about the kike controlled quasi communist government that does exactly that violating people's liberty.

Yes, movies paid with other peoples stolen money.

Can someone explain why hidden jewish higher ups would give a shit about race mixing? Like seriously what do either of these things have to do with each other




Why does your kind always spell "Jews" like that? Are you afraid of people seeing you say Jew?

To destroy the cohesion of society until it is nothing but isolated consumers.

>Sup Forums retards now hate the fight scene
>it's too long, where are the explosions?
I shouldn't even be surprised, this place is at its all-time low.

BTW, it's probably the greatest fight scene ever. Worst case, top 3

What are your top 3?

>not who, when

4. Megatron vs. Optimus Prime (Transformers: ROTF)
2. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88 (Kill Bill Vol.1)
1. Ozymandias vs. The Comedian (Watchmen)

>That theory seems really quite plausible despite Carpenter's protestations.

he didn't make a movie about jews, it just happens that the people he made it about are mostly jews

Ideology from the trashcan

reagan is a big, fat meanie: the movie

>it's a "Sup Forums muh Jews conspiracy poster who also doesn't know what communism is" post

Yeah, pretty much


It's not just Sup Forums. It's basically every liberal as well.




How can one man be so utterly based?

A bit off-topic but are there any movies where an ethnic minority rules over a majority and uses occasional incidents of violence on the minority as a way to keep the majority in check? If not, could such a movie be made without invoking 'them'?

planet of the apes

>insert any ideology

It's about Reagan, they even have a skull-faced guy who looks like him on tv.


>I'm pretty sure that the simple idea of any sort of global conspiracy is enough to get a certain portion of the population to start making "Jews" accusations.
There, now can you actually address the point instead of nit picking my word choice, you fucking baby?


the JOOZ

It's communist propaganda.

>unironically being a socialist
You should all be shot desu.


JIDF fuck outta here

it's about corporations and professionalism. anything that becomes too institutionalized is bound to attempt mass control.



>ironically being a fascist
You should kill yourself.

It's about Reaganism and the attitudes of the government at the time, although of course there's a group of people who think it's Jews.

Anyone that's not a complete retard should be able to tell it's about capitalism.

The whole Jew thing is just classic stormniggers missing the point like always

Who are the controllers and greatest proponents of the current capitalist system?

"capitalism" is asking how
"jews" is asking who

>being against socialism is facism
sure did activate my almonds

I can't tell if posts like these are ironic or not anymore.

>people with different political views than mine should be shot
>this is not fascism
really gets the noggin joggin



what he said was both correct and was completely dry with no humour. why would anyone believe it's ironic? are you dumb or something?