This is an Art Attack


>ywn be 10 years old again

Feels really fucking bad


...A funky shape!

he's dead now


who's this fucking kike?

I think it was on Wednesday afternoons, the massive art viewed from high up on a field at the end of every episode really made me think

Thanks for reminding me about this. I couldnt remember what it was called

*rearranges your face*
THIS is an Art Attack

and THIS is a heart attack


Admit it, you never ONCE recreated whatever the fuck he was creating

You lazy fucking shits


I was busy playing footie and nobbing girls

When I was a kid, I used to think he was the loneliest man ever, he'd no friends so he spent all day making art

>implying I was ever that creative
I'm pretty certain I'm the only person to fail primary school math

>inb4 elaborate theory where Neil lives in a dilapidated apartment building and imagines giant art tools and talking sculptures

Someone say Art Attack?


He sold the format to most countries in the world. He's now a multi-multi-millionaire and plays in a shit glam metal band with his mates just for a laugh.

100% true.


>the only artist who ever made any money

good for him, he really made my childhood better while my parents neglected me and my siblings and we'd make art to distract us from the lack of love and care


Neil Buchanan and Smarty Arty are the same person.