Walking Dead

"Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!" edition

Overall, better than expected season finale. I am okay with it.

Rick and Morgan team up wrecking savior fucking shits = best day of my life.
Negan giving 100 dudes the finger while they were shooting at him = based (webm incoming).

Next season - war! low budget war that is

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Hahaha did that guy just get mauled by a cgi tiger?
Wtf, how far of the rails has this show gone. Goddamn.



Moar. I'm genuinely amused by this shit.

How do you get a tiger over a 20ft steel wall?


this entire season was garbage, holyyyyyyyy shit that gun fight was stupid. "pew pew pew I shoot you! lol no recoil" daryl: "lol my gun is from halo!". sashas plan was retarded. and rick is a huge beta bitch and if he died the rating might actually pull out of this nose dive but he wont because millennials want some beta cuck as their supreme leader.

How did the tiger not get shot and killed?

You know what nevermind...

>daryl: "lol my gun is from halo!".

What the fuck was up with that gun?


Nothing, plz no bully

what the fuck happened to gregory? pretty sure last episode he pulled out a map to the saviours compound


If it wasnt for Darth Eugene this whole season would be trash

he is a traitor, I bet he is the mole not the garbage hottie

On second thought, did Hilltop and Kangdom know about Rick's plan? If yes - why weren't they in Alexandria already? Was it only Alexandria + dumpster divers?

>implying every time he's on screen he doesn't lower the quality of the show


Goddamn why is Negan so based?

>not the garbage hottie


They must have come in through some side door or back gate.

Best part of the show for sure.

>lower the quality of the show
>implying that is possible

I've never noticed because I've always watched the 200mb super compressed rips until this episode, but is this show shot on 8mm? It's super grainy.

Not that I'm complaining since it felt pretty cinematic


>darth eugene
Kek him and negan have singlehandedly saved this season

pretty sure the plan was to take out the pickup crew and start the war. with the garbage people that was enough to take out the three trucks.

I'll have to watch it again but episode was pretty boring until the end


thanks yiffi


makes sense, so why did kangdom and cucktop come at the end?

What the fuck did he even say in this scene? It wasn't anything close to English.

When the only entertaining characters are you and your top generals you've gotta put on a show.

bet part was when negan spotted maggie and was like 'god damn that widowed bitch is still alive!!! guns a blazin!'

can't wait to see more of negan in action rather than just intimidating people or beating in skulls


What a fucking disaster of an episode, nothing felt connected or real like they were just shooting into the fucking air. Didn't even look like they were dodging for their lives, bunch of stupid action figures and some tards playing with them

Just walk away. Give me the video games, the pool table, all the pickles, and the whole compound and I'll spare your lives

>Rick picks up Sasha's ipod and starts playing music
>Negan: "what are you doing?"
>"dance off bro me and you"
>"I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom"
>shiva jumps out and attacks his henchman


Great filename

they must've god word or something that rick was going to start it off. How long was judith at the hilltop for? if she was dropped off just before hilltop would've gotten word then passed in on to the kingdom


fuck I am dumb, but I can;t figure it out

It's just an carbine length AR with a 20+" free loat rail, looks like shit and is not practical at all.

That won't last long

>that green screen

Who made that (I didnt know) wood thing that Daryl found at the end?

I didnt pay enough attention to remember

but if the plan was for alexandria + garbage bros to take out the Negan trucks... why would cucktop and kangdom come to help? Unless it was not the plan... which begs the question - why did Rick start shit without his allies?

I am confus

>"Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!"

I swear that whole monologue by Kang Ezekiel was one of the cringiest moments in TWD history.

>around 60 to 100 scavengers armed with automatic weapons to the back of 20 alexandrians
>somehow they make it out alive

Dwight left it, because he didn't know about the garbage people.

Which would make sense, there's zero reason to come to Alexandria the night before if he knew about this. It gains nothing if he was tricking them, they were planning to fight any way.

I sure hope so

Looks fake as hell on a still lol

>tiger attacks someone in the middle of the street
>no one saw it coming
>30-50 armed men with automatic weapons
>doesnt get shot once

I don't get it. Who actually designs the scenes in this fucking show? I can live with some corny shit here and there, no problem. But every single fight or shootout in this show ends up with people standing in the open, with no cover, unloading on each other and no one dying.

Its like some autistic retard's fantasy of 'hey this sounds cool, lets do it. even if it turns out to be stupid as shit'

pretty sure that was left behind by burned face guy, about the alliance between negan and the dumpster queen.

jesus, they really could not afford to shoot at an actual warehouse?

>15+ people unloading automatic rifles at an unarmored vehicle
>driver and passenger unscathed
>nobody bothers to take out a single tire
Quality kino

Neegan made it for him after they buttfucked each other. It's a reminder to not tell anyone

>tfw no Negan's mind in Rosita's body combo
>tfw Mistress Negan will never sit on your face while complaining about you killing all her men and lamenting that now she has to make do with a shrimpdick pussyass bitch like you

Eugene is playing 4D chess and is going to stab Negan in the pisser in the next season.

>off the rails
It's just following the comics.


This episode has given me the strength to drop the show, and I watched the entirety of Falling Skies.

The tiger is utter shit, and is a constant reminder that no matter how much the writers of this pretentious show try to be deep they can never transcend the manchildren cartoon aspects of the source material.

How does the tiger know who to attack? Once you let it loose it would be eating Alexandrians as well as Saviors.

Why is a tiger even considered a danger when everyone is armed?

no idea. the only explanation I can come up with is that word passed on first to the hilltop then the kingdom.

otherwise just some deus ex machina shit. rick probably though fuck it they've handled similar situations before without the numbers may as well go ahead.

Dwight left it, his woodcarving hobby has been shown here and there since his introduction when Daryl helped him in the woods while he was running from The Saviors with his wife and sister-in-law (back in the middle of season 6). He was telling Daryl that he didn't know about the Scavengers betraying Rick and hope to establish trust that he'll continue to work as a double agent.

>tfw actresses aren't required to do at least 1 femdom scene in their career

the more I see of negan the more retarded he looks and sounds to me, he acts like a clown

also carl should've died here, like what, neagan cancels a full strenght heavy baseball bat swing after having swung?


The glory of LOST verticals isn't coming back, Eko. Don't try to force it.

What if the tiger attacked carl because it's an animal and it can't distinguish between the arbitrary sides the humans are on when they don't even wear uniforms?

this also when daryl jacked dwight of his shit when they had their first encounter daryl took dwights wood carving as a weapon so he knew daryl would know it came from dwight.


>shave face once
>beard starts to grow back by the end of the season

what was the point

>not knowing that Glebn warged into the tiger and thats why it only ate bad guys

ok thanks, makes sense

Also EVERYONE wants to kill Negan but nobody takes a fucking shot at the guy.

Have you never shaven your beard of just to let it grow back? I actually do that from time to time, it can't be just me

Sheeba I command the to ignore all natural instincts developed over millennia of evolution and calmly walk amongst both man and equine as if you were but a mere canine.

>mfw you are right

Sad times we live in

Why did trash lady want to fuck Rick's corpse after it was all over?

What the fuck ? Theres no way this is real

wouldn't a vehicle with such a high center of gravity swerve and tilt once you shot out the tires on one side?

>this is their budget
oh I am laffin

What type of cameras and format do they shoot The Walking Dead on? The grain always looks distorted and amateur rather than crisp and cinematic.

What the fuck, is that the same guy dying twice? He's the one Enid tried to distract at Hilltop.

because she's a crazy garbage bitch

He just can't stop doing it, can he?

What has this show become?

So when are the undead going to be more than background props again?

nice microphone shadow there

eugene becomes anakin and simon is dooku. can't wait for him to says 'there can only be two' before he does away with simon

Why did Negan name the pancake Steven Ogg? Why not Jack Flapp?

That's Lucille


Darryl found a cursed gun from the future that makes you retarded when you hold it.

>that mic shadow
fucking kek

You can't be serious.

This tripfag again

kinda funny how rosita's face reminds me of elliot rodger

every time

Do you not watch the show or something?

He's not wrong.

t. AMCshill

>we're staging a surprise coup
>let's cut down trees and put vehicles in the middle of the road to alert them