Why is this girl wearing a hat in the shade?


I love this hottie :3

he is such a cutie

Chandler is a handsome man, I love him, we all love xD

Im obsessed with him, most yummy person on he planet!

I want to make him my wife (male)

This faggot needs to cut his goddamn hair

>isn't lifting every day to get stronk
>runs around with a sissy haircut like some homo
>never wears fitting clothes
>still didn't manage to get a real eyepatch

I think this haircut makes him very cute...

looks fucking retarded man


is that mira furlan?

Fat retard detected

He actually looks like the actress that played his mother here. That's some good fucking casting.

everyone above and below me, kill yourselves.

Look at this, how can someone be so cute? I love Chandler so much, I want to kiss him :3

his twink stage will pass, thats the thing with twinks. he needs to think about the future and start lifting

especially if he isn't actually a homo and wants to fuck mad bitches

He has at least 6 more years of being a twink

why did he age 10 years over the run of the show while Judith is barely about 3

That's 6 years he can be using to get shredded.

>when your stunt "man" is a 29 year old woman
how manly does he feel?

As a fag, I find super shredded dudes unattractive. toned or twink is better

Nobody cares. It's about him fucking WOMEN you mentally ill mongoloid.

twink death is at 19

Who /TDB/ here

Well, there will be another cute twink when Chandler's twink stage pass

David Mazouz is much better than Chandler, I mean, Chandler is cute but David is handsome, David is a real man!

He looks like a rat


you SJW's and your pronoun bullshit make me sick.

Samuel Joslin is very cute, I love him a lot, do you guys know any official social networks like twitter or instagram of him? Couldn't find any one.

Maybe they like hats, or have a heart on the top of their head like Meg from Famaly Guy :/

I want to make love with Sam :3

I want to suck his dick!

>Born June 27, 1999 (age 17)



OP are you a guy or a girl? if youre a girl youre pretty cool but if youre a guy youre literally a fucking creep.

Gay twinks like other gay twinks.

I miss being a twink.

hol up

What's wrong with his face?

A twink is a soft looking attractive male from late teens to mid twenties.

I'm 24 now and starting to see my face getting more manly.

>tfw I went through an entire twink phase but my self-esteem was so low I didn't take advantage of it at all

I did, and I miss it still.

I think I should've just became a tranny and kept my feminine looks with hormones. Oh well.

Disgusting. Hormones ruin cute bodies


He is too cute for you



It makes no sense for the character

The problem with the character is that in the comic books he is literally a little child. I think it starts with him being something 5 and it goes up to max 10. In the tv series he's not supposed to be a bulky grown up man.