Doctor Who General - /who/ - The Dab Queen Part 2 Edition

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First for dabbing

Why the fuck is she dabbing Moffat?! It's not even a good dab, she looks like Hillary fucking Clinton!

You can say that again.

Before today I didn't know dabbing was a thing and I wish i could go back


i wasn't here when it was announced bill is gay, did it trigger /who/?

>he doesn't dab

>she looks like Hillary fucking Clinton!

Moffat's son taught him how to dab, and did it badly.
Cheers Louis.

>mfw I got Nightshade, Love and War, Birthright, Iceberg, Original Sin and Tragedy Day for £2 each

It's the kind of thing that she would have tried to do in her many attempts to appeal to young people
>pokemon go to the polls!


>tfw no Interference miniseries starring McGann and Sean Pertwee to fill the gap between series 10 and 11

Looks like you're defending Lucie Miller To The Death

>ywn see a young David Hyde Pierce as the first IM Foreman


>Adapting an EDA
Why live?
Also moff is ripping off this book for the finale

>mfw 12 days for more Doctor Who

doctor who more like doctor poo


>Daleks and carpet munching
>Frank Cotrell Boyce
>Face the Raven was a fluke (And wasn't that good anyway)
>Spooky story by new guy
>Jamie Mathieson will slip up eventually
>Trilogy with Harness and Whithouse participating
>Ha ha what a story Mark
>Rona "If we write like animals, we film like animals" Munro
>Steven Moffat writes a finale for series and himself

This is shaping to be the worst series

Just watched that clip of "Bill is gay"

>"Im not here to represent all people of color"
>"Im not here to represent all gay people"
>"Im here to play this part"

thass what I'm talkin about

Is this bait?

Too bad BBC News didn't feel the same way.


>he doesnt like survival
Frank offerino

What is 'dab'? Forgive me for my ignorance, but have no idea what it is.

No, but it triggered the readers of the Daily Mail.


Incredible how in less of a few hours /who/ started to do exercises with the arm while dabbing instead of shitposting. This trailer sure is a blessing

it's a nigger thing that whites copied

I didn't know what dabbing was until today. Now I've been doing it in the mirror all day. Thank you for this blessing Steven Moffat.

A dance move?


>ywn fill missy's throat with your cum

Why continue living?


I fucking hate mofat to death right now
i promise you, if he ruins this show with shitty memes and tumblr pandering I am going to fucking kill myself

Is this bait?

>Clara will NEVER take a piss into your attic water tank while you lie unconscious in the shower
Just end it famalam

forgot to mention the already dated fucking Pokemon go reference in the Christmas special

Why are people triggered by emoji bots? I honestly, genuinely dont get it.

Is that 'dab'?

It's sooooooooo last year.



imagine if the tenth doctor had an episode where the villain is some shitty meme from 2008 like a robot with rage comic faces or something
now imagine watching the emoji episode in 2 years when nobody gives a shit about emojis

Emoji's have been popular for like 10 years, though.

>i promise you, if he ruins this show with shitty memes and tumblr pandering I am going to fucking kill myself
You know that the show will get worse after Moffat, right?

I wish we could stay in the Capaldi Age forever /who/...

When will he join Briggs Finish?

How's emoji comparable to meme? Why do people think this episode is trying to get fame out of some meme?

We've known this for like a year.

It wasn't a Pokemon Go reference. The Doctor released some actual Pokemon downstairs.

emojis are from iphones

back in my day they were called emoticons and smileys!

Are we all really this childish to be annoyed by some robots that have emoji faces?

ATL user here; The dab has its origins in the Atlanta hip-hop scene, but there was initially disagreement about who started the dance. Migos (as in "Look at My Dab"), Skippa Da Flippa, Peewee Longway, Jose Guapo and Rich The Kid.

The move itself is like a twist on the Heisman, but also imitates dabbing thc wax by looking like someone coughing into their arm and passing the drugs down the line.

Thirty seconds of this will give you AIDS but it will be enough for you to know what dabbing is

He will never join Briggs Finish
Briggo will have to do an impression of him
(pic related)
He will be too busy ploughing Jenna anyway

This is probably what people are going to think when watching the ep years from now.

They're different emoticons and smileys are these things ;)
Emojis are little pictures


emojis are fucking meme speak for retarded teenagers. the fact that they are being introduced to tv and movies is disgusting because it will always feel forced as shit


Confirmed. Someone send this to Wheland.

Anyone read this? Reading plot descriptions it sounds worse than Divided Loyalties

But it's what happens in the episode. I mean, obviously Moffat only had Pokemon on his mind because of Pokemon Go, but the line clearly isn't a Pokemon Go reference. The Doctor says that he released Pokemon downstairs, and that that's why the guys are running there. That makes no sense in relation to Pokemon Go.

>fucking adam


No its not
Looks like im not going to understand it ever

Is this bait?

Jackie Tyler should be the next companion.

He put a lure downstairs that attracts pokemon on the app.

>That makes no sense in relation to Pokemon Go.
It very easily can, the Doctor used his magic to fuck with the game so that Pokemon were located within the building.

Is this the one with Bernice Summerfield?

He said that he released Pokemon. Not that he put a lure to attract Pokemon.

>tfw everyone is focusing on emojibots and missy dabbing
>instead of focusing on Capaldi regenerating

Well it's not exactly news is it? They're going to pull some bullshit with regeneration energy before his actual regeneration episode, big whoop. I'll kick up a fuss when we actually find out something.

what makes more sense?
a) the doctor hacked an iphone to make everyone leave because pokemon go was so popular for like one month OR
b) pokemon are real and the doctor takes time to find them and bring them to earth
furthermore, what happens when pokemon itself fucking fades away? anyone watching doctor who in the next 10 years won't know what a fucking pokemon is

He's an old deceased fart anyways

>anyone watching doctor who in the next 10 years won't know what a fucking pokemon is
I'm not sure Pokemon is going to die out altogether in quite that brief a span of time, surely it's far too big of a global cash cow for that.


Yes, apparently he originally wanted to use River but Moff suggested he use Benny and the fanboy precum started leaking from his small todger

oh i see, it's black "culture"

Stop trying to get clicks for your employer.

The original Sun article has a super secret source that literally says nothing has been decided yet, but a lot of people think it kinda makes sense that Chibs will probably replace her. There is no news in that whatsoever.

The HuffPoUK article just takes the Sun article and awkwardly rewords it sentence by sentence, and then attaches half of an unrelated article to the end.

The MSN article is just a copy of the HuffPoUK article.

Obviously you don't think this is news.

The question is why you're so retarded that you think posting on a Sup Forums with a few dozen users, all of whom have already seen your non-news, is going to drum up clicks.

I hope you get fired from your job as social media marketing slug or whatever you're called.émon_Go

Though Pokemon Go does exist in the Whoniverse, the Doctor never explicitly said that he was using that game when he said that he flooded the building with Pokemon. The wiki only has one Pokemon-related page, which I've linked above.

Since the Doctor never said that it was Pokemon Go, the wiki is in need of a second page solely about Pokemon as a franchise and not just specifically about the one game. We can't make assumptions, can we?

Not on the data core, we can't.



(Happy people are running towards the exit of an identical building to the one in New York.)
NARDOLE: Oh, Tokyo branch.
NARDOLE: A bit empty, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Yes, I created a distraction. I flooded downstairs with Pokémon.

The line means the Doctor released actual, real Pokémon into the world and those are what people are chasing after.

Why would making rare pokemon appear in Pokemon Go be enough to clear a building staffed by adults? And why wouldn't the Doctor be able to release some actual pokemon? He's gone to the fucking Eastenders and Marvel universes multiple times. It would almost be weird if he didn't have a few pokemon somewhere in the TARDIS.

gooks are weird and weeb obsessed xD

Or, y'know, he's managed to get everyone out and is just making a joke instead of saying "yeah I hit the fire alarm"

>The line means the Doctor released actual, real Pokémon into the world and those are what people are chasing after.


Yeah, we have to work out what urine is and where it comes from first.

Gadget gadget

>furthermore, what happens when pokemon itself fucking fades away? anyone watching doctor who in the next 10 years won't know what a fucking pokemon is
I was sure the Pokemon fad was dead every 5 years since around 1999, but every time, they just lie low for a couple years and then trick the new batch of kids into being obsessed with the same old crap. It will never die.

>furthermore, what happens when pokemon itself fucking fades away? anyone watching doctor who in the next 10 years won't know what a fucking pokemon is
thats fine. there are always lines that date doctor who episodes but nobody gives a shit.

/vp/ here.
Pokémon is not going away any time soon, Sun and Moon sold very well and got good reception from critics and most of the fanbase, and Omori getting more important makes sure that Masuda will have an heir.

It's the worst 12th Doctor book. Gary Russell couldn't put together a decent plot to save his life and the style is poor too.
Also Benny's companions are the boring ones from the Epoch seasons rather than the Braxiatel Collection ones.

Are you suggesting that Dodo no longer sounds as with-it as she did in 1966?

>what happens when pokemon itself fucking fades away

Pokemon will outlive Doctor Who, they've been releasing the same game for 20 years and it's still as popular as ever