I think they should of made the joker mexican

i think they should of made the joker mexican

can you imagine how mad trumptards would be? since this seems to be a movie targeted at angry white males

Attached: jokermovie.jpg (750x563, 66K)

now that i looked it up,he's puerto rican.considering the great(sarcasm)job that donald trump did when they had that hurricane there they probably hate puerto ricans just as much as mexicans

No, in the near future, all roles for the bad guys will be white men. All the heroes will be recast as minorities.

Should have.
Go kill yourself, you fucktard can't even speak your own language

cape shit lmao
grow up
lose weight


oh wow,the edgy teenager really hurt me.fuck off kid,summer is over.go back to school

South Park did it and nobody gave a shit. This is poor bait.

thats because only dumb soyboys watch south park

>OP watches too much south park

i dont even watch south park you retard

At least I have been at a school and learnt writing.
Not like Mr. Usingpensonlytoshovethemupmyass

whatever kid,go flip some more burgers like the rest of the 16 year olds

But nobody cares what you think user

He was born in Puerto Rico, not raised there but he’s of half English and half European Jewish ancestry. He’s a white man.

should of vs should have?
It sounded pretty much white American English to me.

>OP has no sense of humor

Attached: 1570929116824.gif (372x298, 1006K)

Read it, motherfucker.

>op: trumptard
>user: fucktard
>op: REEEE

My sides


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Holy shit