What's more pathetic Sup Forums?

What's more pathetic Sup Forums?
>Losing your virginity at 22, but crying afterwards
>Losing your virginity at 30
Please settle this debate amongst my friends and I

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Losing it at 30 is more pathetic.

30, for sure, but still.. whats with the crying?

to add, unless you're one of those ultra-religious nutbags that believes they have to stay a virgin until they're married. it's stupid, but removes the cringe factor.

wtf with the crying

that depends, if you lose it at 30 do you still get to keep your powers?

Losing it at 22 and crying... What the fuck is there to cry about???

My friend just got a little emotional, ok? It's not that big of a deal, it happens

If your a girl maybe. It’s a little weird if you’re a guy

>my friend

Punch your friend in the dick, he's a bitch.


losing it at all

Maybe his asshole really hurt?

Caring what anyone on Sup Forums thinks about it is more pathetic than either option, tbh.

losing your wizard powers as they are taking hold is more pathetic than the bitch who cries

Why is loosing something pure and unadulterated a good thing?
Why is holding onto it a bad thing?

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He's a guy, he's had a rough life and he has depression

fucking faggot cant get laid lmao

>not losing your virginity and being almost 40
Fight me

Lube up next time faggot

Neither compares to losing your virginity to Chad's leftovers, and even this doesn't compare to marrying Chad's leftovers.

Depends on what you mean by crying.
It could be a sick act of rape or violence.
Or it could be tears of joy and happiness.
There is not enouch context here.

He told me it was joy

Not being fucking obsessed with sex is easier. But that requires some luck...
