Why won't feemales touch my penis ?

why won't feemales touch my penis ?

Attached: 5U74Tom.jpg (624x1232, 114K)


because youre repulsive

Attached: vomiting.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Because Hitler did nothing wrong.

they are too busy playing Pokemon go

Attached: ZUlSXr6.jpg (472x573, 39K)

crooked nose and too fat probly

Show them this. Tell them its you. Youll get lots of poon

Attached: 20180417_135647~2.jpg (3264x1836, 1.18M)

That's gay

I really wanna know who that woman is, this pic gets me instant diamonds


That’s a woman lol, nice try faggot

Baited. Wrecked and keked

Either you're not Chad or they're not looking to settle or you're a sperg.



how often do they visit your mums basement? mum and sis dont count. never? now that wasnt so hard to answer wasnt it?

> tried to make a joke
> failed
> ok I baited you hahaha
> failed

What user? I was talking about you...

Because you haven't paid the required fee.

I dont think thats a lady

Thats a famous trap lol

who is that might i ask good sir?

I don't give a damn if its a trap. That is a great ass, and I want to have sex with it.

They airbrushed his ass pimples out. Zoom in

Nicee one...Elon.

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