They should make a museum dedicated to barack obama's tan suit.imagine how angry trump supporters would be

they should make a museum dedicated to barack obama's tan suit.imagine how angry trump supporters would be

Attached: 19-barack-obama-tan-suit.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it is a really nice suit indeed.

Trump 2020

Yeah and don't forget that time they slammed him in the news for not wearing a tie kek

conservatives are actually bigger snow flakes than any liberal has ever been

Zoomer here. Enlighten me, were times really that easy in 2008-2016 that the biggest news story for a week was a fucking non-dark suit

Pathetic same fag. Weak b8

he went 8 years without wearing a lime green suit

Like the nig didn't waste enough tax payer money.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

They got hugely triggered at his suit but they conveniently forget that when they're ranting their crazy asses off about snowflake libtards.

They're delusional, simple as, and there's no helping them.

I fucking hate obongo but that's a damn fine suit indeed

If it makes 'em so angry the keel over with a hear attack, then do so.
Sometimes progress is made one funeral at a time.

What is he doing nowadays?

Obama was no saint remember this guy...

Attached: gaddafi_tents_4.jpg (611x404, 129K)

lol,what fantasy world do you live in? the news media kissed obama's ass every second they got.people who criticize conservatives the most and use buzzwords like "snow flakes"dont actually understand what a conservative is to begin with

probably smoking crack and drinking hennessey like the rest of niggers in america

>remember this guy

no,because im not from some sand nigger country

Attached: maxresdefault (8).jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Doing speaking tours, opening low-income youth community centers, doing charity work, spending time with his wife. Just relaxing after 8 years of being called every racist name in the book by the majority of conservatives.

What he did when he was president.
Plotting in the shadows with globalists thinking ways to make the world a worse place for everyone except bankers.

Being less of a drain on society than conservatives and their 4th Reich leader Don.

>speaking tours

lol,that idiot was a horrible speaker.used a teleprompter and couldnt even get through a speech without studdering half way through it

>every racist name in the book by the majority of conservatives

oh,so its racist to make fun of obama's skin color.but not donald trump's.k then,go back to your soylent bottle libtard.racism isnt the 1 way street you want it to be

kek whatever

Obama's press was ridiculous. Right wing outlets accused him of being the anti-christ, being a foreign national with a fake birth certificate, being an asset to the middle east, being a secret muslim, and accused him of intending to start a race war all in like the first year of his first term.

its funny how all these people are upset and defending barack obama when his supporters are just as poor and miserable today as they were in 2008.2 terms of your black president and your life is still as miserable as it was before him

>8 years of being called every racist name in the book by the majority of conservatives.
Except this didn’t happen. Your redneck uncle isn’t the majority of conservatives. But you know that and this entire thread is bait. You’re a faggot and you should die.

Nice b8 m8


>race war

lol,americans are fucking stupid.after all,you compare a jewish president to hitler and call his supproters nazi's even though republicans are the only political party that bothers to support israel and jewish people

but go ahead and listen to your young jeezy and live in your fantasy world where obama was a great president

that is going way too far sir

>Right wing outlets
That’s a catch all term that includes far right websites. Show me examples of mainstream conservative media claiming these things.

But he is an open Muslim

debate what? regardless,cant we just appreciate a nigger in a suit? its not very often you see them dressed up like this

Right. Except for all the people who are literally alive today when they would otherwise be dead thanks to Obamacare. But keep living in your imaginary retarded reality.

Attached: 1569795417393.jpg (1169x740, 114K)

I see this every day on divorce court

>Right wing outlets accused him of being the anti-christ,
That's Greta
>being a foreign national with a fake birth certificate,
Possibly true but that was a diversion and controlled leak/opposition to hide the fact that he was a faggot
>being an asset to the middle east,
Middle East became a shithole thanks to Obama (see Libya, Syria, Egypt)
>being a secret muslim,
He was an atheist Jew
>and accused him of intending to start a race war
Race relations are in an all time low thanks to obongos race baiting (tray my son, blm, he dindu nuffin)

Tldr worst president ever

They should make a museum about how Obungus imprisoned more journalists and whistleblowers than every previous president, combined.

Can you name a single person whose life was literally saved by Obumbocare?

Sorry, ROMNEYcare, as it was previously named.


why should we want ignore hillbillys lives saved like yourself? also,free healthcare is not something new.its not like you welfare abusing rednecks pay taxes for it anyway

No, the leftist media deflects everything to non-issues like this in order to gaslight us into believing Obama had no scandals.

Attached: obama scandals 2.png (394x987, 734K)

Answer the question faggot, give me a name. You can even make it up because I won't believe you regardless.

Attached: welfare usage.jpg (1240x1142, 183K)

dont listen to

he's just some crybaby trump supporter throwing a tantrum about the media again.bush supporters were a much better quality of republican then trump and his supporters

>i wont believe it regardless

your to ignorant to argue with anyway.go make more some childish nicknames for democrats like your president did

I knew I'd live to see the day of butthurt leftist demoshat shills praising Dubya, after you spent years calling him a war criminal.

>your to ignorant to argue with

I couldn't understand what you just shitposted because the grammar and punctuation is all fucked up. Try again.
I'm a registered democrat by the way, retard.

you sound like a butthurt leftist yourself using the word "dubya"

>calls me a retard

>admits to being a democrat

go figure why you cant understand basic english.go back to being a parasite to society now like the rest of democrats in america


except it isnt because not a democrat shill

2.bush supporters hate donald trump

I refer to Trump as DRUMPF! a lot too. Every president gets a nickname, only whiny faggots with nothing to say get upset at them.
Here I have a nickname for you too, it's retarded asshole.

Almost like democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin and Trump is the true outsider and agent of change.

butthurt Sup Forumscels in the house

pure pottery

I'm a registered democrat from the Dubya days, I voted for Obungus the first time too. I'm preparing to vote for DRUMPF! a second time.
I just exploded your tiny little mind.

Fine whatever

He's probably going to have to beg Trump for a pardon.

Butthurt discord tranny in the house. Go dilate faggot. Learn to use proper punctuation while you're at it so you don't glow so hard, samefag.

>every president gets a nickname

yeah,and the people who use them are butthurt and ignorant(which you pretty much proved this by getting mad at me)

>tiny little mind

he says,while using ignorant nicknames for presidents and admitting to voting for obama.yet another reason why donald trump shouldnt of been the choice for republican president

I'd tell you to grow some balls but you already did, then you chopped them off.

Attached: tranny authentic self.jpg (768x1024, 67K)

oh no,the soyboy is criticizing my manhood.what a faggot,dont you have a pride parade to join?

>discord tranny
>Go dilate
>look mom I speak Sup Forumscel!
have sex

If the dilator fits.


Attached: ur gai brah bruh.png (891x163, 8K)

people who use butthurt are retards
>inb4 people who say retard are..

you'd know, wouldn't you.

Attached: Taylor Swit is muh waifu.png (632x504, 32K)

Hmm an empty suit representing Obama?

100% capturing the essence of the man.

Good job OP!

>expects anyone to believe this obvious photoshop

Attached: split brainlet.jpg (768x577, 36K)

Look,'s a NIGGER


yeah,maybe your snowflake liberal buddies care about some high school dipshits political opinion.but not me,fuck off and let the adults discuss politics now

i was actually making fun of the people who criticized him simply for wearing a suit.guess your to stupid to realize it,like the rest of republicans under donald trump

God I hate Trump. Remember when the Holocaust didn't happen though?

Attached: 1.jpg (1600x1175, 403K)

>hurr durr,i use the word nigger on a daily basis but get mad when people call me and my trump supporting friends nazi's


You don't... actually believe this do you?

hey idiot,the holocaust was the nazi's.from germany,not the communists from russia which you posted a picture of

god americans are so stupid it hurts,you guys have absolutely no knowledge of history

Believe what, the picture or the sentence?

Yikes, that's a big cringe from me. Oof.

Attached: koffing holocaust museum.jpg (1184x627, 135K)

I guess that answers my question. God how low has Sup Forums gotten.

Read up on German History, you'll never compare Trump or even compare Libtards to Nazi's anymore - they were the Bad Guys, today's politicians are nothing compared to them.......NIGGER

>full tilt damage control
nice try, newfag.



your the only cringe here kid,now run along with your political teenage activist friends who nobody cares about

>snowflake liberal

Attached: go to bed stormfag.jpg (308x308, 28K)

Considering that every other thread in the catalogue has to do with nigger dicks or trannies, pretty damn low.

woah.. powerful

> go to Sup Forums
> expect something other than degenerecy

You played yourself nigger

>Sup Forums was always degeneracy

naice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

You're* :)

No, you really are a literal newfag if you think Sup Forums was always like this. I remember a time when trannies were seen as freakish villains who were mocked and ridiculed. Now you fags are jacking off to men in dresses.

Do u fucking know what racism is

actually, Sup Forums was always degeneracy, you infinite newfag.

Degeneracy was present, but not at the ratio it sits at today. It was more random back then than it is now, today it's mostly just another porn board.

>implying moot wasn't queer and WT Snacks didn't promote underage twinks and traps
lol gtfo neogay

holy shit you're delusional

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Haha I forgot about when he went to Columbia and the secret service agents were getting hookers.
Heaven forbid combover goes to his own hotels.
I'm still trying to figure out how they travel anywhere for that much money when staying put on a government Skype call would be infinity cheaper.

God damn, Obama makes trump look like a nigger in every possible way.