Sad cringe thread

Sad cringe thread

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Love these. Keep them coming

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This is a nutter

jesus christ

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he's right though.

shit I wish I had a family to bake me a cake

With a bowl of cheetos like that I would envy no man.

posting a classic

I'm gonna turn twenty and I still live at home...

Jawollo! Österreich!

22 and still at home. No education, no job, no car. All my own fault obviously, because I stop trying.

For real dude, you're fine. If you're at University that's pretty normal. I'd say if you have a steady job and can afford to live on your own and choose to stay at home that's when it's kinda bad. It's especially bad if you're a 27 year old NEET that isn't doing anything because it's hard and you're a lazy piece of shit.

here's another one. I love videos like this. There was another one of some kid who didn't want to go to school or something and his mom was screaming at him to leave but he kept screaming how he wasn't going to go before telling his mom she was "being evil"

"pls hurry i paused dota2 and my team is waiting"

fuck me forgot to post the link

too real

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