Scotfag here

Scotfag here,

Today has been glorious, Trump is upset that his sneaky support for his own business as President got taken away from him.

Did he honestly think his golf course would have got the go ahead to host the G7?

His salty rant on video today was fucking beautiful.

So many upset Americans today.

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>be you
>obsessed with America and American politics
>ignore own shithole

>be you
>be upset that non-Americans are laughing at your political shit heap
>get salty on Sup Forums
>"hurr durr "obsessed"


Butthurt Americans cannot deal with criticism.

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This started it 30 days ago when Trump was angry on twitter and yelling and stomping his baby feet.

So MUCH babies crying on Sup Forums the last 31 days, its been so satisfying.

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hes right bitch get fucked and shitted on


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I wish i could have heard you read this out loud op
Scottish accents are perfect for some brutal chud-stopming

this is edgy

Ahh the olde upset "jealous" assumption.

Then the hypocrisy comes out when they care about Sweden, Syria and every other country in the news.

"But we not obsessed" says the knuckle draggers.

It's so funny when you are all angry you keep posting your shit dead memes and excuses.

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Maybe if you stopped being all over the net posting shitty pepes id be able to ignore you

No one is upset. But if we were, why would you care?

Check this and thank me later

pastebin com/uEGFkJAp

Tell Muhammad I said hi, queers

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b-but user, they're winning!!1

I'm an Americano and I love this.
Trumpy's all upset...

Security wise, his resort would have been perfect. Made total sense.

Im guessing youre the handsome one in your family?
Becuse you certainly arnt the smart or the funny one

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Still trying hard huh, oh thats right you believe all that shite you see on CNN or Fox or Breitbart, you actually think Muslims are taking over Europe.


You must be sad enough to actually go outside with a tinfoil hat on, in case the commies read your mind.

Keep trying paranoid-mutt, your salty posts are so delicious.

Problem is it was an obvious attempt to bring business to his own corporation, which is a no no as POTUS. He knew that.

Even other republican members in the Senate and Congress told him no.

Then he tried to do it at a hotel he owns, he is just gonna get the same problem again.

''haz al the apercotz''
Teacher ; Jimmy is a special kid and needs help.
''alz teecher iz jelous becaz can't stop takin about me.''


fuck trump and fuck russia

The video is delicious. Billions of memes forthcoming. Amerifat REEE will be extreme.

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join SoS
discord gg/8WfHUk


Watching USA media of UK politics is like Desperate Corporate USA shoving that chlorine chicken and monsanto problems UK'S way.

DUP bribed £BNs taxpayers cash to Fuck the Citizenry.

LMAO... But everyone just moved £BNs & BNs into EU so USA can't touch it now. Protected.

Just wanting to suckle the shit hanging from Trump orange parted cheeks but BERCOW knows the law and has a new £££ fund protecting him.

All fun.

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>makes thread
>not obsessed
>lives in a literal police state
How's that brexit going fellas?

The dumb ones are reallllly dumb.

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American politics is the best television out there. Very entertaining.

>I'm not obsessed, I just can't stop thinking about it, talking about it, arguing about it, reading about it

4 more seasons!

>people still taking the biggest bait of all time and taking the weekly whacky thing trump has done or said seriously lmfao

Trumps tweets are great
Hes like an edgy narcissistic 16 yo in the body of a skeksis

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Is this the political version of "i was only pretending to be retarded"?

>> FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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all politics is retarded/a puppet show, trump's just happens to be extra retarded, for the last 2 years trump has literally been shitposting on twitter and while the msm is still reeling from last weeks obvious bait he goes on to post something extra spicy and they continue to eat it up.

Ever heard of this thing called Occam's razor?

I don't understand how that comes into play here, i'm saying every president/leader is just a puppet governments to do whatever they wish behind the scenes, that's not a conspiracy theory it's just fucking obvious.

Aww lmao; screaming Americunt REEEEpublifucks! Just Smashing up the Genetic code and incestuous vaginas daily.

We've really fucked up Chlorine Chicken Exports so you get no keep it. Chug it down with fructose corn syrup...

>thinks their white
>Jaundice Tinged Amerifats... Disgusting LMAO! LMAOOO, OH our, SIDES* 11¡¡!!!

I hear some republicans are siding with impeachment now

LMAO! > he'd never let go of that IvankaTwat pussy he's GRABBED for a lifetime!

Melania LOVES massive Black Cocks after a USA man (5inch AVERAGE Lmao!.. FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP YOU CUNTS!

Lmao, Amerispastic response Syndrome

Scotland actually rules you stupid tittybabby.

The majority

Hey man. Don’t lump me in with these subhuman degenerate trump supporters.

give into ur Scottishness
>call that faggot a cunt


Lmao the level of Amerispastic!

USA is mostly contaminated. Trump should BUILD A WALL... But like, all the way round

Stay inside please.

Laughing at you in american, Last time I thought about a Scott was the movie "Brave Heart"...
Fiction, I know, but flatering to you. Enjoy doing nothing but being a cunt! Your failure ancestors would be proud.

Soo...nice one Elon.

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>that faggot not this faggot


Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump and Andres Obador are walking on a Mexican beach after a summit when they come across a bottle in the sand. Trump makes a grab at it but Trudeau gets there first and opens the bottle.

A genie pops out and says that since they have released him from his prison that each of them will get a single wish.
Trudeau asks for peace and prosperity for Canada
Trump asks for a wall to go round the entire US
Obrador asks the Genie to tell him more about the wall.
“It is three thousand feet high and impenetrable. It seals the US off and stops anything from entering or leaving.
Obrador says “Fill it with water”

Hehe yup

who's got my tonic?! I left it here a minute ago

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He did think he could do that since an idiot and doesn't understand our laws.

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