Most perverted way you've stolen nudes?

Most perverted way you've stolen nudes?

I'll start...

So my ex gf and I went to visit her friend in Dallas. We get there and they put us up in a spare bedroom. Immediately I notice a laptop in the room. They all left later to go to the store, and that's when I went to work. The laptop wasn't that old, but I guess they had bought a new one recently. Anways, I fire that bitch up and pray theres no password....and there wasn't! I then searched that entire laptop and found a handful of nude pics. I almost immediately busted a nut, but I went to work in transferring the pics to my phone. They got back and I was just in shock that I had seen my exs friend nude. I even wanked one out in the bathroom to her pics while they were in the living room.

Good times.

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So, that it? Are we done here, or do you have more nudes?

Guess we done here.

Hacking a friends Snapchat to look for convos with their bf or any other saved photos

Now by "hacking" do you mean picking up their phone off the coffee table while they take a shit?

Haha no, getting their password and looking through it

Fix most of my family and friends laptops and phone cuz I’m the tech guy everyone know..Long story short gotten A large amount of Content from friends Fam

Only works with people you know and see in person though


Was living with my best friends's girlfriend. She gave me her external hdd to add some sitcoms to it. Had a Snoop around on it and found a bunch of nudes, plus screenshots of some of her camgirling sessions. Fapped to these for ages.

Yes I've been looking for a thread like this for forever
I'll greentext this
>Be highschool junior, male, choosing classes for next year
>Friend with hot gf leaves his phone unlocked next to me while he goes to pick his classes
>Realize my opportunity here
>After looking in his camera roll I actually found his gf's nudes
>Want to airdrop but he has an android
>Open up snap on his phone and scroll up for a whole minute to find the pic
>send it to me as he is walking back over
>Literally stand up and walk away with his phone to make sure that all the evidence is gone
>Actually got away with it

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Mother-in-law asks me to fix her laptop. Figure what the hell and look through her pics. Find nudes. Fap. It was a good day. And no, I didn't save them. That would be hard to explain away if they were ever found.

Also set up a keylogger at work and got all my Coworkers emails Fb Instagram log in found a lot of my coworkers seen nudes to guys even tho they are in relationships


Lol ok zoomer

I set up multiple accounts have nudes of my ex and current gf on Mega and all other fam and coworkers on separate acc

my mates and I just show each other our gf nudes lol. He probs would've shown you if you'd asked. But probs wouldn't send unless you have something to trade back

We're hardly even friends haha, I didn't even know his last name at the time. Just the kind of person you go to when you don't know anybody else in the class

removing hard drives from computers using sata cables and such and then looking through them for photos

Keylogger can be install any computer most femanons don’t really know what the icons on the button screen are for also kinda look like a calendar so yeah

my friend would always bring his laptop everywhere he went, it had a password so if he left the room id have to act quick before it went to sleep. Everytime he came over then went to the store i would open his laptop and fap to his girlfriend at the time. Ive seen 90% of his girlfriends tits and pussy. I hate myself for not saving them but for some reason i never thought of that. He doesnt have a laptop anymore so cant try it now.

Ah yeah fair enough bro.
here's mine anyway

> work is often slow and we can go on fb
> coworker leaves hers logged in
> took a while to go through the convos so I used the window hider I had on there already to keep her fb window hidden, otherwise she'd have closed it/logged off when she goes to do something
> she went to go do something a couple times
> found 1 tit pic in her bf chat and 1 tit pic in the group chat she has with her friends.

Was kinda hoping for more but it's mint. When I look at her now it's so hard not to keep looking down and picturing her boobs under the clothes. I go bust a nut sometimes when we work together

It's the same way for me, literally can't look at her the same anymore and she has no idea

I always bring up how people’s most bad stuff is in their Snap my eyes only, and I’ll ask “What’s the worst you have in there?” And them position myself to look over their shoulder, get the code and then wait. They never show me, but I know their passcodes to their phones so I just type them in and then take pics of anything in there. Sadly nothing major yet, just ass pics. Also go through their boyfriends texts with them. I always go through their best girl friends messages. They rarely save them/keep them in texts, but they have like odd boob pics and stuff in there.

>Be me years ago
>Sister wants me to install Office on her laptop
>Ask her for her password
>Find nudes of her
>Not looking for them, just stumbled upon them
>I still remember vividly the first nude of my sister i found
>She was laying on her side, i could see one of her breasts and her butt, was taken from high
>Find a couple more
>Fap like crazy and cum the biggest cum

After that i became addicted, every time i could i looked for more pics. I tried her password on her email and that way i got a couple more pics.

Sadly i lost almost all of those initial pics when my PC broke, but i still managed to get more throught the years. Got from her phone, laptop, email, etc.

Pic related.

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Any got pics to share or can kik me? Worthynebula098



Sure, any request?

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lower half

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A friend of mine had a fight with a friend of hers, she wanted to show me what the girl said to her but it was on Snapchat in the chat so she saved their chats and gave me her password so I could log in to her account and see their conversation without her having to screenshot it. I looked at the conversation for 2 seconds and then checked her photos she had saved and I found a bunch of nudes, one of the greatest days of my life.

nice work user
you make us proud


Surely she knew what she was doing then? Perhaps she didn't mind you seeing

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oh hey, me

also add grabbing user databases from places I've worked, cracking any passwords I can and seeing what I can do with that plus their personal information.

What kind of ass application with juicy data are we talking about?

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Anyone able to do SQL injection? Email me - I have a LOT of content to give back in return.

[email protected]

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I still have 95% of my exes nudes, only a couple were lost on my old laptop, but i need to be greatful for what i managed to save. She called me a week after i left her. She begged to delete any nudes, i immediately backed everything up and nutted twice to her old pics while we argued on the phone.

She had BPD, was a cutter, on prozac, was immature and hated herself so i had to leave her for my own sanity/safety.

But i miss her fat white girl tits. Did i fuck up guys? Tits arent worth a shitty relationship right?

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No idea, she had a bf at the time

Ill post my bosses nudes in a second maybe, she got really drunk and sent me tit shots.

I went to the drug store to get some pictures developed. There's a memory card still in the machine. No one else around. I ordered a CD burn of the images. One hour later I'm bringing a CD home to investigate. It was a mature couple, probably in their 50s. Fortunately no nudes of the dude, but a few of her. Not A+ material but the excitement was incredible. Every now and then I still see her around the neighborhood. That was probably 12 years ago.


sounds like my dream girl, post nudes

My ex would strip for me and play with herself over Skype. I took a lot of screenshots but always assured her that there was no way to do so

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So phishing maybe. Hacking implies some technical skill and system breaching

Lucky hot af more face

you're going to have to provide more information than that user.

I've got one
>be me
>Living with a friend and his gf.
>The girl wasn't really my type
>one day I found my friends old >phone in a cabinet in living room.
>Went through it and was blown away
> gfs Tits and ass are perfect.
>Begin scouring all their old >electronics.
>Find a bunch of nudes.
>One day in living room record her >typing password in laptop.
>They go on vacation.
>Go through laptop and find pussy >pics and Professional pics she got >done for their aniversary.
>No face in nudes though
>Smart girl.
>Ffwd 6 months.
>They go out to store
>Dumb bitch leaves phone at home
>Studied pin for this moment.
>Go to photos. Nothing
>See deleted album because iPhone.
>Finally face pic with tits.
>One of those live pics but can't >figure out how to get it on my >android.
>Oh well still photo will do.
>Epic victory royal.

Funny thing is i went through friends phone after this and noticed a lot of the pics i had found she never sent to him. Like the face pic. I like to think she left it on there knowing id go through her phone but who knows.

yeah post nudes faG

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Well, what sort of information would you like?

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what you're expecting to get from the service you're targeting, what you're offering in trade, risks involved.

Also first attempt at green text so of course i fucked it up haja

Wow more

Well, nudes... haha I have many years worth of icloud rips to give away as a "thank you". As for risks, well, the "targets" would be mostly unfazed - I've chosen them with that in mind :) Basically, I just want to see what results SQL can get.

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Do you even know what an SQL injection is?

I atole my syster-in-law nudes from her facebook. One of her tits. Fucking awsome

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I have posted them before but i won't in this thread. Afraid they would know who I am if they ever checked archive for the photos. Not trying to fuck my life up.

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all gross
stop posting fag

Friend slept over my house and got drunk off his ass. He passed out on the couch with his phone on the coffee table. Whenever i drink i wake up super early. Decide to look through his phone. Tons of pics of his gf. Vids of her masturbating. Vid of her sucking his cock and then taking a creampie. Get that cold chills feeling and start shaking. Pc is in the room right next to him. Say fuck it. Import all of them right in front of his sleeping ass. When he went home I had a jerk-a-thon lol

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Nope, not really. I just know that it can produce results. If I had ANY knowledge I'd be doing it myself - as it stands, I'm clueless. Basically, I need someone to help me out as I've gone as far as I can go with these accounts.

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incredible story!!

Gf sister showers when we are home alone, did a quick scroll through her external once and found nothing. Did a more thorough look one time when she went out for 10 minutes and found a couple. Waiting for more opportunities.

Already found videos from when she was 18 on an old laptop but quality is poor.

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Google it, and try to gain an understanding of what an SQL injection is. It's a very simple concept to grasp.

You'll laugh at yourself afterwards.

More is required. I'm a tit fan myself. TY

pic related?

Friend had a flashdrive with his gfs nudes on it found it while at his place copied then put back

Was at a party in this dude had his old phone and was showing some of his buddies nudes of girls he collected. He then went to plug this phone in in his bedroom. When everybody was busy snuck upstairs and stole the phone. He wasn't lying had about a dozen girls I went to HighSchool with. Here's my fav

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I've lost count of how many times i went through my friend cellphone for his girlfriend pics, however this is the first nude i ever get of her, still remember how my mind blowed after discover her nipple size

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cousin's girlfriend, was at the same room of her when she got to take a shower, couldn't help myself to record her through the hole under the door

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Well done user. Well done indeed.

i remembered my sister's laptop password after she let me borrow it. i went through her phone and her laptop and found nudes multiple times and fapped to them while she was showering. it was such a rush and i came buckets, i really wish i saved those pics

My gf was 17 and i was 18. Her younger sis was 14. One rainy summer day her sis willingly lifted her shirt up and showed me her lovely mounds, since her shirt was wet. Asked if she thought of taking pics of said mounds. Few weeks later, her digi cam was found of nudes. The gf found them. Didnt believe so asked to show me. The gf showed me her younger sisters flicks and it was very very lovely.

I stole some photos from a friends macbook when he took his gf to his room in a hotel. While he was fucking her brains out I went through it and found some risky shots which I decided to email to myself and then delete the evidence of me doing so. Not sure if i did a good job bc I dont use Apple devices, but I managed to get lots of pics of his gf in lingerie. Sadly no straight up tit or pussy shots which wouldve been real nice

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No user, you did the right thing. Go on to better looking white chicks with even bigger titties.

Repaired a failing hard drive on a company laptop. Found an unusually large pictures folder during the data recovery. The guy’s wife has really nice breasts.

from SoCal?


oh I forgot about that option. that's how I found out the CEO was fucking his sister and creepshotting his niece and her friends.

quality not great

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Can anyone track kik messages ?

track in what way?


Why not just take the memory card?

nice, keep going

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