
Hey Sup Forums, ask a satanist anything :)

Christcucks need not respond.

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Why do you feel so insecure that you have to worship your own ego?

I'm 26 user. Satanism is an entirely acceptable form of religion.


Agnostic National Socialist Revolutionary here
Who created Satan and why?

Have you successfully summoned a demon to do your bidding?

>Satanism is an entirely acceptable form of religion.
Lmao no. You're an edgy manchild atheist LARPing as a satanist to stick it to the christians.

Theistic or non-theistic?
My followup question will depend on your answer.

I tried Christianity, didn't get results.

If you actually want results I suggest going the opposite direction.

Yahweh created Him inadvertently because He believed in free will for humanity.

Yes I have. My crowning achievement was lighting a cigarette out of thin air by using my demon.

Theistic. I fully believe in "God", I just believe God is a bit of a cunt.

Jesus is Lord and risen from the dead.

Post dick

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When did you get into satanism and at what age? Are you aware of James Mason by any chance? If someone where to get into satanism, which book/author is most recommended?

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Even atheists think you guys are fucking faggots.

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> when calling someone just one name isn't good enough

The invisible sky wizard must be looking down saying good boy right now

I got into over this past year, so at 25.

I didn't read any books, just kinda talked to the guy.

>Yahweh created Him inadvertently because He believed in free will for humanity.
>But "god" knows the future and cannot do something unintentionally or "inadvertently".

Does god know everything? Yes or no only

Atheist here. Satanists are the other half of Christianity. Two sides of the same Christian coin.

Did you sell/vow your immortal soul to Satan?

Yeah dude, I got this sick coin in return. Appeared on my bed after the fact. It gives me basically super powers over others.

Technically you cannot logically be an atheist. You can deny the religions that are defined and testable but you cannot assume that there is zero chance that a god wants to be known. There is a chance a god exists and doesn't want to be known therefore the only logical conclusion is Agnostic

can you explain how an all knowing god "inadvertently" do something?

How does it feel to be a faggot who thinks that an ideology based upon opposing another ideology is going to get you anywhere?

Agnostics are people who lack the nerves to completely deprogram themselves of spiritual propaganda.

Because God isn't perfect. In fact, he's a bit of a sloppy deity with paradoxes everywhere.

Answer my question then.. is it *possible* for a god to exist while also not making themself known to people? Yes or no

>God isn't perfect
Oh we're doing this now lol. In that case we have nothing to discuss because if there is not a base to start from then what's the point. When you say something like god isn't perfect but still believe that's a god then we can't begin a logical discussion

I'm not going to play your yes or no flowchart game.

>every God is the same

This is you assuming that there exists some "perfect God".

Guess what - Gods are people too. They have imperfections.

Why do you want to burn in hell for all of eternity? It seems that you would rather accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and spend eternity in heaven. I mean, Jesus has already done the hard work for you. We have the easy part.

Lmao .. atheists and Abrahamics get the gas

You just gotta be careful user. You might think you have control but you could be used by evil forces.

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>Gods are people and have imperfections
What attributes separate a god and a human then? If you list a special power then explain how they have that ability to defy physics?

>going to Hell for all eternity

Do you really believe in a God that would create a Hell? What kind of God would create a Hell?

>implying that's a negative

I welcome that kind of shit desu. I basically have like anti-christ privileges. Shit is cool.

I'm not 100% certain, however I have experienced the defiance of physics no less than 3 times.

Functionally the Abrahamic religions are the finest in the world. Judaism or Islam in particular are far superior to anything you or the Christians believe.

>I don't know
So you're not a satanist after all, you're an agnostic

> is it *possible* for a god to exist


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>Answer my question then.. is it *possible* for a god to exist while also not making themself known to people? Yes or no
just as it is possible for God to exist it very well possible, even more likely, that God doesn't exist.

Doesn't matter to us, we're not here to negotiate or bargain. ALL Europeans will be Agnostic National Socialist Revolutionaries and ALL of Europe will be white.

Are you good looking or a fat basement dweller?

Yes or fucking no?! What can't a atheist or religious person ever have an honest discussion?

The fact that Anton LaVey wasn't your answer means you're not actually a Satanist.

I agree . That makes you agnostic.

Have you ever evoked the big man himself?


Go attention whore on reddit.

Why be a satanist? You don't need satanism to tell you to indulge in material pleasure.
It is intrinsic to human nature to be selfish and addicted to pleasure..

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I've been inhabited by the big man Himself. Probably the best experience of my life. I felt SO powerful it was crazy.

We are just vessels after all. Up to you to determine what kind.

Thank you.
How did you determine that? How do you know that a god may exist but does not want to be known?

And how drugged/entranced were you when this "possession" happened?

Because I do not believe characters from story books, people who can be invisible and fly around and do magic, are real

What do you think Hell looks like?

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I was stone cold sober seeing a therapist when it happened. I felt this demonic aura surround me and it just felt so good.

>just as it is possible for God to exist it very well possible, even more likely, that God doesn't exist.
It depends on what you think God is, I believe God is infinity, infinity exists, therefore God exists.

Because something coming from nothing is completely more reasonable right? Having such specific properties as well

Cool. You familiar with V.K Jehannum at all?

Jesus literally Lived & Walked this earth. That is NOT an argument. Jesus is NOT a made up character. Jesus was a real life person - underrrstaaaand? The only thing that is debated by niggers is whether He's the son of God.. Which of course He is. The bible is universally accepted as a historical document. The people that wrote the bible are accounted for in history. Over 2000 prophecies fulfilled to peak precision. Literal artifacts found as more damn proof.
>No other religions come close to authenticating themselves as Christianity has. Not Close
>Real Christians are not the same as Catholics. We are aware the Catholic Church is dirty and filled w/ pedos.
>We are not controlled by the (((Jews))). We believe opposing things. They killed Jesus, God in human form. (((They))) believe the antichrist is the 2nd coming. We believe it's Satan basically.
muh kikeonstick/imaginary fairytale. Literally anyone who says this is a shill & provably false.I'm glad you niggers are the smartest people living and have figured it all out. I'm sure your posting from the high rise office of your big fuck off tower that your successful multimillion dollar company is based out of. Your genius brain helps you maneuver through society with ease. Success, Money, Influence these are just some of the things you have at your fingertip, because that's just how you roll.Ami close?.. No? Just a sloppy athiest shitposting on the internet, with a deep feeling of self worthlessness. So you resent Christians in particular because of their Purpose In Life.I love the fact that you niggers hate Jesus soooo much..yet you still have to look at the calendar everyday, reminded that we tell time based on Jesus. Not SantaClause,Superman,Not Hitler,Not ANY OTHER gods, No your timeline is strictly based off the Life & death of Jesus Christ Your Lord and Savior. KeK athiest BTFO
>inb4 Jesus was not real.
First damn Google result and each one after that nigger.

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Yes it sounds more reasonable than believing that everything came from a giant invisible superhero from a book

Has hot topic kicked you out due to your disgusting body odor yet?


Yes, Jesus may have existed, but he was not special, he was just a man who believed in God.

Nope. All of my interactions with Satan have been organic. He seems to be around me no matter what I do. At this point I've just sort of accepted that. Initially I wasn't into it.

I've seen something come from nothing, literally violating the first law of thermodynamics. Make of that what you will.

That's foolish, nothingness can't create something on it's own. Why do laws of physics exist? Why do elements have specific properties?

>Something from nothing
Only disingenuous believers lie that agnostics or atheists believe it. Everything came from "something", all the matter and atoms that exist have always existed just in different forms and through evolution they became something else.

You know nothing of our lord. The devourer of children, the lord of the rings. You are a naive child acting out for attention.

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It's just energy fluctuating around levels

why do you care about chaff? christians need to wake up and understand that the majority of mankind is not written in the book of life

Post your altar.

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imagine choosing eternal fire on your own

Who said I was a theist? Where did all that matter come from in the first place?

yeah it is called demonic oppression lmao

> Why do laws of physics exist? Why do elements have specific properties?

Oh shit I never thought of that. It must be because story book characters are real and made everything that way.

If you don't like christcucks why would you just LARP in the opposite direction?
Are you retarded?
inb4 it is not actually worship of the devil but some self improvement bullshit, being that if it was why would you use the symbolism; are you retarded and lacking in creativity?

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Ok I agree. I am "atheist" about the known religions but there *could* be a god that exists which may not want to be known

this site has MIDI music to cure demon oppression

o.k, why are you a satanist? doesn't matter to me what another person believes but from what i've read on satanism it's inherently selfish and anti-generosity. Is this true or am I wrong?

how can you be technically atheist when you have actually interacted with supernatural entities, spiritual atheists are beyond bananaman levels of retarded

So that's your only view of what a god(s) could be? Yahweh from Jewish Scrolls?

only the toughest devours kids and has a super cool CGI home base

Huh, so no reading, study, meditation, chakra work, etc. I guess some people have a natural gift for magick. Spirits are sometimes with people from birth, maybe even from previous lives. Anyway, V.K has a good Youtube channel and blog about demonolatry, I'd recommend checking it out.

Matter always existed! There is no beginning.

>This is you assuming that there exists some "perfect God".
>Guess what - Gods are people too. They have imperfections.
If it is not perfect then it is not God.

chiptunes aint gonna take the devils away from your soul bub

Why are you such a pathetic joke of a human being?

Where is your evidence to support that claim?

You say selfish like it's a bad thing. Fact, being nice gets you taken advantage of.

It's outside and it's dark out. I've got one in my yard though :)

I don't mind christ-cucks, they just immediately take the high ground and wont even entertain another side.

I'll check it out, thanks :)

>meanwhile children starve to death or die of cancer

Some "perfect" God you got there, user.

I don't believe the gods described in Scriptures are real. I'm Agnostic rather than Atheist because there is no way to know if there are gods which have decided to make themselves unknown.

I don't understand what you mean by "interacted with supernatural entities"

Cooperation is the main advantage of our species. We came together to survive have built massive civilizations through that unity. Hell we kill each other to defend our "nation" or people. No man is an island user

you and OP have the same color ID so that's my b

Why do you throw in these faggy lies every few posts?

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The laws of physics and the same logical conclusion that you yourself made "how can something come from nothing.. answer : there was always something which then formed into something


It literally happened cunt. I can't explain how or why. Like I said previously, this violated the first law of thermodynamics.

No problem user. I understand

>children die of cancer and starve to death
lol, this is such brainlet materialism, it is very easy to understand why children die when evil people like you flood the world with the iniuitous miasma of the communion of darkness

That's a pretty shallow explanation, why is "matter" there in the first place and why do things of matter have specific properties? You sound no different from theists who say God was always there in the first place

Satanism is just another word for edgy new age emo fags.